Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Feeling Back In Control
Day three and still on track! Yes! I really feel like I am back in control! Right on track all day with points and feeling good about choices! Got in day 2 of 30 day shred, working out some soreness from day one...a 3 mile walk and relaxing with yoga! My Saturday meeting is not meeting this week due to 4th of July so I decided to go to meeting on Friday to weigh in since I have not weighed in for 2 weeks I decided its time to get back to the scale no matter what it says, it still may be up a little this week due to the increase of exercise but thats ok I am back in control that is what matters!
Monday, June 29, 2009
On A Roll
2 days on track so far! LOL! Right on track with points today! Got in a 2 mile run and some yoga today! My legs are hurting from the 30 day shred yesterday! Ouch! My fingers are still really swollen so I must still be retaining a lot of fluid! Hoe it goes away soon!!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Good Start
I think I am back in control! I have had a good start to the week~! Been on points all day with good choices! Yes!! Started something new today for workouts...Jillian Michaels 30 day shred! Day one on level one and it kicked my A$$! Just not motivated to get to the gym to lift weights so thought I would try this and then get back to gym in a few weeks! Also got in a 3 mile walk! Then finished the evening with some relaxation yoga! Feeling good about the start! Still feeling BLAH my fingers are still swollen and still having cramps but not as bad as yesterday! Hoping for a good week! Although this Saturday WW is closed for the 4th so I am thinking of going to a meeting on Friday morning to get in a weigh in so that will help me keep focused and on track this week! Want to be back into the 130s this week or next!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So NOT Happening Today
When I got up this morning I KNEW I was not weighing in! Since I started last night the cramps have gotten horrible! I have never had cramps like this before and my fingers were so swollen they hurt so I knew I would be up just with blody fluids! No scale for me this week! BUT no more excuses! This week its back to BUSINESS!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Just When I Thought It Was Safe...
Just when I thought it was safe...that I may actually have a decent weigh in tomorrow despite all the struggles I have had this week...my monthly visitor showed up today! Sooo for now I have not decided if I will weigh in in the morning or not..depends on how I feel when I get up! Today has been a good points day! Totally on track! Got in a good 2 mile run and yoga!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Running and Yoga
Today was a another good day! Right in rack with points and not too many struggles to keep on track! Got in a 2 mile run and then stretched out with some stress relieving yoga! WOW! I didnt realize until tonight how much I miss running and yoga! I soooo need to keep up with the yoga every week!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Today was even better than yesterday! Still a struggle but good enough to stay on points all day! Hopefully that will continue on...Got in a 3 mile walk tonight too with me favorite walking partner NickySmiles! It was a Texas scorcher too! Undecided at this time on if I will weigh in on Saturday or not.....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Almost There
Today has been a better day but far from what it should be....I was just over points, having a hard time not snacking on not so good choices! Getting better just need to work a little harder! Got in some activity as well..all SIX dogs got a brushing and a bath tonight! That was a workout! LOL! Also got in a 3 mile walk! On the right track and almsot there...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Back on Track
Well as you can see I have not been on here for over a week now! Not a good week! Mostly I was not on because I was EMOTIONALLY EATING ALL WEEK! Not a pretty sight on the scale! Partly I was not on because of time restraints last week had me on the go and home late every night! So between emtional eating and not working out...like I said not a pretty sight on the scale! Not sure really how bad it was because I did not weigh in on Saturday but I do know that it was high enough gain that this week will probably still show a gain. I am still struggling to get back on track! The last 2 days I have done great all day until evening then it all comes crashing down again! Going to try harder tomorrow to get in back on track! I did get a 2 mile walk in today so I guess we are heading in the right direction....
So So..
Did the best I could this weekend, it seem harder this weekend to stop and think about what I was eating instead just of eating. I had one so so day of food choices and the rest were better. So we will see how this plays out, but one weekend wont ruin my week! Today was a struggle I didn't wanna walk just a lot to do but I got out and did it as much as I wanted back out I didn't. Its easier to give in but much worth it not to it!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
I never thought in a million years that I would sign up for WW and lose 40 pounds in a 4 months. I been staying within my points and adjusting the foods I eat to get the most out of them. I do go over for beer but a girl gotta have a few from time to time. Last week was different I had a bad sinus headache for a few days so I took off from walking the first in 17 weeks. I still pulled 3.2 loss. But I cant keep that up and walk a 3k in 45 mins!!
Here It Is Friday Again
Well its been a good day! Stayed totally on track with points, always do on Fridays! LOL! Got in a 2 mile run this morning as well! Still feeling like I will gain and mostly because I am just feeling bloated and I know I am retaining fluid and I am sore from the weight training this week! Never a good sign for the scale..guess we will have the answer in the morning!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Another Day Gone
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Staying On Track
Today had been a good day! On track all day with points and made some good choices. Got in 20 minutes of weight training(Boot Camp Biggest Loser style!) And an hour and 20 minute walk with the dogs! Fingers not as swollen today was before but stil lnot feeling like a good week! I know I say that every week though....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Last 2 Days
Sunday, June 7, 2009
OK Day
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Gain? 2 Weeks In A Row?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
SoSo Day
Not the best day ever and so close to weigh in day that makes me nervous! Great breakfast healthy and low point. It was the last day of school so the behavior team all meet for lunch at a mexican place! I had NO chips and salsa! Had only a taco salad and I ate about half of the bowl from that. I had no dinner tonight only because I never really felt hungry at all. So all and all probably right at points not too bad I guess. Got in just one walk today for about 45 minutes with the dogs! Got to have a great day tomorrow and pray for a good weigh in on Saturday~

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Furry Orange Monster...
The Furry Orange Monster...Hungry won out breifly today! I ate a donut! But quickly got myself back on track and followed out my plan for the dy! SO yes I am over points today! Got in a 20 minute walk, a 30 minute bike ride and a 3 mile walk! Feeling OK despite the donut. Still fighting the emotional demons but I think I can face them tomorrow and beat off Hungry!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Emotional Times
Wow I must have really been out of it last night because I did not post on here! THe last 2 days have been an emotional struggle!! I have so far survived the eating side of things and have stayed within points! Attitude wise I am feeling very down and depressed! AS far as exercise goes yesterday I got in a short walk and a 2 mile run. Today I got in a short walk a 30 minute weight training session and a 3 mile walk! Just have to keep fighting off the emotional eating......

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