Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Didnt go crazy with points today stayed on track but still a struggle, temptations everywhere and I wanted them all! Got in a walk and 40 minute run today~! Now just chilling and watching Biggest Loser! Hoping next 3 days are good and have a decent loss on Saturday!

Monday, March 30, 2009
Why is thsi getting so hard now! I have come this far so why am I struggling so much now! All day was a struggle to stay on points, and I slipped! AGAIN! Not too bad but enough to have to use activity points again! I had a chocolate chip cookie and a handful on MMs, the worst part is I fought off the demons all day it was the last 20 minutes of work that I caved! I really need to stop! Would have been a good on points day with out that! All in all ok I guess because with regular meals and snacks I still have 2 points that will go to that slip up and lots of activity points so I still come out ahead just hate that I caved and did not make good choices! Got in a walk at work, 50 minutes of weight training at the gym, a 20 minute run at home outside and 30 minutes of yoga! Tomorrow will be better! No slips!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Not only did I have a gain on the first week of maintenance but it was a big one! My leader says its "normal" that a lot of people have big gains the first week just because its adding in points and its different! Well different it was! Adding in extra points, cut back on running, added in more weight lifting that had me really sore, and I started my period all adding up to 4.8 gain! I just want to SCREAM! Unreal! So now I am back into "losing" mode at least have to loose 2.8 to get back into the maintenance range! I have 5 weeks to do that so I can do it just really DISAPPOINTED that I have to!
Today I was on track with points back down to 19, not adding in points this weeks since I need to loose! Ran for 45 minutes at the gym then went for a 2 1.2 hour walk..had to return books to the library so I walked to there returned them and walked home! My feet are killing me! After getting home I induldged in some activity points, given the fact I need to lose I shouldnt have but too late now! Rest of the week will be perfect! It has to be to lose 2.8

Today I was on track with points back down to 19, not adding in points this weeks since I need to loose! Ran for 45 minutes at the gym then went for a 2 1.2 hour walk..had to return books to the library so I walked to there returned them and walked home! My feet are killing me! After getting home I induldged in some activity points, given the fact I need to lose I shouldnt have but too late now! Rest of the week will be perfect! It has to be to lose 2.8
Friday, March 27, 2009
I really feel like I have gained this week! For several reasons, one the increase in points just has me scared, two change in workouts with less running, and three I started my period on Thursday! So I am just not feeling it this week, feeling a gain! I know its not that big of deal now because that is what the 6 weeks of maintenance is all about but I still hate to gain! Today was on track with points, got in a walk at lunch time and 35 minutes of running at the gym! Over 19000 steps on the pedometer as well, its been a busy day! Time to go to bed and see what the scale shows in the morning....

Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Accomplishment!
Today was a good day! Even though I ate more than just daily points, I ate some activity points but the were well earned! Got in a walk at work today, then a 40 minute run at the gym. This evening Bruce and I went out for our evening walk and he was in a hurry and was walking way faster than normal and after just 2 blocks I could not keep up so I started jogging next to him to stay with him! I jogged the entire mile and a half! Anytime I have tried to run outside before I could not do it I couldnt breathe and it hurt really bad! NOT this time! My legs were shaking when we got home but I finished and it did not hurt(it might tomorrow though..LOL) So that is when I decided to dip into those activity points, I had 2 points 1 for WW string cheese stick and 1 for Kelloggs Fiber crackers! I feel so good right now I can not believe I did it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It was a good day! On track with points including the extra points that I am still having a hard time with! You would think I would be happy to have more points to be able to eatmore food but it makes me really nervous! Anyway on track there. Got in a walk at work and then 45 minutes of weights at the gym. Was going to go for another walk this evening after dinner but I am too sore to move! LOL! The weight training is hurting! Did 30 minutes of yoga to help stretch out though so hopefully tomorrow it will be better!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Back To It
OK gotta back together today! Just hope its not too late because right now I feel like I have gained 4 or 5 pounds! I am allowed 2 pounds up or down but thats it! On track with points with better choices just feels like its too much with the added in points. Got in 2 walks and a 35 minute INTENSE run! I am very sore today too from the weights yesterday! Lifting again tomorrow so maybe that will help work some of it out~

Monday, March 23, 2009
3 days OFF Track
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Coutndown to Goal~Friday!
Here it is Friday! Eve before the weigh in! The most important weigh in ever~ Got to the gym early this morning for a good hard 30 minute run~! Short on points today, better than going over I guess on a Friday! What worries me is I did not get to eat dinner until almost 9pm~! Always on Fridays I eat by 6pm No food No Water after 6pm! SO I am a little nervous about having to have eaten so late, but all I had was a mini turkey sub from Subway, with lettuce, carrots and cucumbers only~ SO it shouldne be all that bad~ Guess we will have the answer in the morning.......

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Coutdown to Goal~Thursday
Its getting closer and I am getting more nervous! Today was an OK day! Did great for breakfast and lunch, dinner I am not sure. We had homemade spaghetti(homemade sauce) with whole wheat noodles and ground turkey. I had a small portion but failed to actually measure it out, also had home made garlic toast(sara lee bread so that was low point, with butter spray and garlic powder) so the toast was really low point. Just feel like I could have done better! Got in a 40 minute run this morning and a 30 minute walk in the evening. Tomorrow is the last day wil the work this week be enough for at least .8!?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Countdown to Goal~Wednesday
Well its been another good day right on track with points and plenty of exerise, a 40 minute run and an hour walk! I think I am doing ok but just not really feeling it! I am so anxious about this weigh in I just want to get it over! Right now I feel like I have just gained gained gained....will this week ever end!?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Countdown to Goal-Tuesday
I would have been fine if the Dr hadnt have opened her big mouth! I did no tlook at the scale when getting weighed at my appointment! On purpose! I did not want to see or know! Well the Dr was thrilled with my weight loss and blurted out WOW you weigh 150! NOOOOOOOOO!! I do not weigh 150. I weight 146.8 just .8 from 146 goal! DAMN! I have been very discouraged all day even though I know it was different scales different circumstance! But its in the back of my mind that I gained 3 pounds and I FEEL like I have gained 3 pounds too! TOday was good on points, right on track! Got in a INTENSE 40 minute run and hour walk that involved some running with the dogs, and 30 minute of yoga! Just hope Saturday comes soon or I will have a nervous breakdown! Now I am stressed and worried about the weigh in!!

Monday, March 16, 2009
Countdown to Goal-Monday
Another good day on the way to goal for eating and exercise! Right on track with points and good choices. Got in a 40 minute run and 2 walks today, one wlak was an hour the second walk was 40 minutes. Was going to do yoga as well but got involved in something else(planning for my Mom's visit) and ran out of time! Over all good day! Nervous about tomorrow! Right now I am feeling like I have gained not lost and in the morning I have a Drs appointment. Not a big deal excpet for the fact I have to get on the scale! I am nervous about it just because I am afraid that if the reading on that scale is differnet than the WW scale or shows I have gained I am going to freak out and stress about it all week!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Countdown to Goal-Sunday
Sunday--good day! Right on track with points and mostly good choices, had a WW bar and WW ice cream, had the points but could have made "healthier" choices. Lots of activity points eanred today! Got in a really intense 45 minute run, a 40 minute walk and 30 minutes of yoga! This is going to be the longest week ever! I cant believe all I have to go is .8, sound easy but its not always that way that .8 can be hard!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Final 3
Well here we are again! Friday night! Eve of the weigh in! The closer I get to goal the more anxious I get before a weigh in! I would SOOO love to weigh in in the morning and see all 3 pounds gone! Not impossible bu tnot likely As normal I dont even feel like I have even lost mabe thats where the anxiety always comes in....Today was a good day though, right on track with points and better choices today! Got in a walk and a 30 minute run! Hopingfor the best tomorrow! I really want to be at goal by next Saturday!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
I felt like I am in a state of panic all day! I am putting too much pressure on myself to be at goal by next Saturday! I just need to relax and go with it! That panic is making me fight off the emotional eating! I dont need that for sure now! On track with points today, not always good choices but with in points. Got in a walk at work and then 30 minute run! Just feeling tired and sluggish today didnt have the energy for anything else!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Good day on the eating side, just ok with the workout! Had my interview with WW today so I could not make it to the gym so Ihad to workout at home and I just dont get the intensity that I do at the gym. Got in 30 minutes of weight training! On points all day! Yes I got hired by WW so as soon as I am LIFETIME I can start to work for them! Wohooo!! No added pressure there to get that last 3 pound off quick! LOL!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I slipped up today and gave into something I shouldnt have! A slice of pizza! One slice and thin crust cheese pizza from pizza hut! An extra 5 point to my day so I had to use 3 of my activity points to cover my food intake today! Got in a mile walk at work(me and a friend have started walking the track after we each lunch every day) and then a 40 minute run at the gym! I know it could have been worse but I also know I have to power within to say NO and I didnt so I am disspointed in myself!

Monday, March 9, 2009
I have an interview on Wednesday afternoon to get a job with WW! WOHOO! How cool! Kinda bummed that its right after I get off work so I will have to skip the gym! I hate skipping the gym especially right now when I need all the workouts I can get in to get off this last 3 pounds! Today was good! Took a 1 mile walk at work, got in a 35 minute run and a 30 minute bike ride(and YES my booty hurts!) and 30 minutes of yoga! Right on track with points!! Really feeling good about this week!

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Its been a long winter of no bike riding! Its been so nice here all week that I decided it was time to get the bike out again! I went for a 7.25 mile ride today! Felt great~! Legs were fine and I had energy for more but stopped thinking that tomorrow the booty may be feeling it! LOL! Also got in 30 minutes of weight training~! Off to a good start with eating as well for the week! On track all day! Wanted to give in a couple of times and I am still fighting the urges but I will not give in~! I would like to loose half of the 3 to go this week! Then the other half next week to be at goal~

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
How Much?
So tomorrow is the day I see how much of the 4.6 is gone! I dont feel like I have gained but I dont feel like I have lost either! Today was a good day on points and I got in a good 40 minute run! I guess I have done all I can do for this week and we will just see what the scale shows in the morning..

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Feeling Fat
I dont know why but every week its the same first half of the week I feel good and confident that I will loose, then comes Thursday and Friday and I feel FAT and I am sure I have gained! I hate feeling this way even though "most" weeks even though I felt that way I have lost I still feel it. Today I feel bloated and just feel fat! It was a good day for points, on track with no problems and I got in a 30 minute high intensity run! One more day to work off the pounds! How much or if any of that 4.6 will come off come Saturday!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Not with the scale as far as feeling the obsession to weigh myself every day! I have learned I can not do that its very self destructive. But I am obsessed with 4.6 pounds! I think about it when I go to sleep at night, its the first thing I think about when I wake up and its on my mind all day long! This can not be a good thing but I dont know how to stop! Today was a good day,on track with points and got in a 40 minute run and 30 minutes of yoga! 2 more days until I get to see what the scale shows and if that 4.6 is any less!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Beating The Odds Today
It was a another good day that I thought would be more difficult. For the last 3 weeks I have worn a pedometer at work making sure that every day I was getting in 10,000 steps. Today beign a TAKS testing day I really didnt think I would get all 10,000 steps in but I DID! WOHOO! Also being a TAKS day there is always a ton of junk food in the lounge for us to snack on through out the day! I saw it all and declined it all! Yeah me!! On track all day with points avoiding all temptations. Got in 40 minute run and 40 minutes of strength training! 3 days to weigh in...

Monday, March 2, 2009
On Track
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Working Towards Goal
The next 2 or 3 weeks is all its going to take to get to goal! I cant believe I have actaully made it this far and I am so close! 4.6 pounds is all! Hopefully since last week I maintained then this week will be a "big" week and cut that 4.6 in half! LOL! OK for real I would like to see 1.6 this week! Today was good! Right on track all day with points and made good choices on those points. Got in 40 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of yoga! Back to running tomorrow~!

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