Thursday, April 30, 2009
Moving Right Along
Keep on truckin...or trackin in this case! LOL Totally on track all day no slip ups of any kind! Got in a 20 minute walk, a 45 minute sprints/run and a 3 mile walk this evening that had be sweating like crazy that humidity is crazy! One more day and its the big weigh in day! I am so nervous and so excited at the same time!

Is today the day????
I like the quote on willpowerand it fits me to a tee. I wake up each morning with the the idea in mind that today is the day that I will change, but go to bed each night failing. Hopefully today I can succeed.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
1/2 Way Through The Week
Wow its Wednesday already! Half way there to the final countdown to LIFETIME! I cant believe its almost here and its really going to happen! Today was another good day on points! I am on a roll! Got in a 20 minute walk, and 2 mile run and a 3 mile walk(1 hour)...most of the walk was in the rain as well! 2 more days and the big day will be here!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Taks Temptations
Monday, April 27, 2009
One Day Down, Four To Go
This is going to be the longest week ever! Taks Week and countdown to Lifetime! Kinda good I guess they fell the same week, makes it a little bit easier to avoid all the junk food in the lounge for Taks when I know this weeks weigh in is so critical!
Good day on points, dinner was higher than planned so I used a few activity points. Got in a 25 minute walk, a 3 mile run and 45 minutes of yoga! Now...its time for a hot bath and let the body soak!

Good day on points, dinner was higher than planned so I used a few activity points. Got in a 25 minute walk, a 3 mile run and 45 minutes of yoga! Now...its time for a hot bath and let the body soak!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Return To Yoga
This was the best Sunday I have had in a while! Maybe its because I have just this last week before lifetime! Not sure but whatever it was it was a good one. Totally on points today with no struggles or anything extra. Susdays are usually a challenge but not today! Got in a 3 mile walk with my Sole Patrol buddies, also got in a 3 mile run after the walk. And I returned to yoga. Got in 30 minutes of yoga just now. I have not done yoga in almost 3 weeks, it felt good to get back to the stretching and stress relief that it brings. Hope to get it in a few more times this week!
This week is going to be a rough one, its Taks Testing week so there is going to be food food and more food at work but I am determined to not give in and stay on track!

This week is going to be a rough one, its Taks Testing week so there is going to be food food and more food at work but I am determined to not give in and stay on track!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Week 5 Maintenance Weigh in
Had to have been water retention from the millions of miles I walked on Wednesday and all that water I drank that day, more like the 48oz of water I drabk after 8pm that night that had the scale up so much on Thursday, because today it was down 2 pounds! Hope that trend continues into tomorrow morning!
Today was a really good day on points, still have 2 left to use. Got in a 20 minute walk at lunch then after work went for a 2 mile run outside, 2 miles in 25 minutes! Not a bad time at all! Tomorrow is week 5 weigh in,just one more week to Lifetime!

Today was a really good day on points, still have 2 left to use. Got in a 20 minute walk at lunch then after work went for a 2 mile run outside, 2 miles in 25 minutes! Not a bad time at all! Tomorrow is week 5 weigh in,just one more week to Lifetime!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today is AWESOME
I got my 10% and 25 pounds double whammy! I couldn't be prouder!! Monday was also my 6 month with out smoking. I could ask for more right now! Now the next goal be under 200!!
Why Did I Peak?
Started the day off on a bad note, something possed me to step on the scale! WHY!? I know I shouldnt have done it but I showed I was up 2.6 HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!! REALLY?? So of course now I am just totally stressed out about weighing in on Saturday. It has to be water retention from something it really cant be gained weight? Guess we will find out for sure on Saturday! Today was a good day on points of course I was being extra cautious after seeing the scale. Got in a 25 minute walk and a intense 45 minutes speed drills on the treadmill. Hopefully from today and what I do tomorrow the scale on Saturday will be better!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Walking Away Wednesday
Its been a day of walking! At school it was the Diabetes Awareness Walk Day. All the PE classes went out on the track to walk laps for a fundraiser. I walked a total of 20 laps(5miles) not including all the other normal day to day walking in the school and the walking to and from the track! Logged over 20000 steps. Went to the gym for 45 minutes of weight training, the off for more walking at the park for another 3 miles! I need water and a shower. Did I mention it was 95 degrees today! On track all day with points as well, ate 1/2 of a donut threw the other half away but with that still on points!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Only Tuesday!?
Really is it only Tuesday! This week is going slow! I cnat believe I just have 11 days until Lifetime and its going to be the slowest 11 days ever! LOL Today was good on points all day with no problems! Got in a 25 minute walk at lunch then came home instead of the gym to enjoy the nice weather and ran 3 miles outside! Took me 50 minutes but thats because my goof ball husband went to and stopped 3 times, once to retie his shoes and I swear it took him 2 minutes, once to stretch((AFTER we had already started..yes I was annoyed) and then 3rd time that took at least 5 minutes to return a stry dog to his owner! With out all those stops I could have made it 40 minutes I am sure! Jerk! LOL!

So far so good...
I have stayed with in my points, which just keeps getting easier. I have walked everyday. I even tried a jogging little and walked a little more at the park. I just hope I have done enough to get what I need to make 10%. I'll just get upset if I don't get it this week, even tho I shouldn't. I have changed my eating habits so much and I'm even exercising. Which are worth so much more. I just feel by me getting my 10% its like my trophy. All I can do is keep doing what I'm doing. And not discouraged whatever happens.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Another Active Day
A little shaky on points, dipped into the activity points, but then again I have earned 20 pts in the last 2 days! I think it may be ok to eat a few! Today I got in a 25 minute walk at lunch, 50 minutes at the gym weight training, then at home tonight I went on a 45 minute bike ride followed be an 50 minute walk! Oddly enough I am not tired! Still very energized and ready to go! But going to go relax and watch some TV!

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Lovely day in the park
I have had a lot of good days lately. I haven't gone over my daily points in weeks. I'm keeping focused on my points. I don't want to do anything this week to mess up I want to get my 10% goal on Thursday. I started the walk/run program on Saturday. It went well, I was out of breath however. But I can only get better. I got to walk today with Sole Patrol, Its nice to walk with other people who have the same goals as me. I was so impressed with myself we walked 4 miles as a group, I hope to make more of those. Lake time is coming and I can't wait for that, I will still walk at the lake but a girl needs her jet ski time. It's one of my favorite things!
Shelly it was great today!!
Shelly it was great today!!
Walking and Walking
OK ot catch up I did gain this week! 2 pounds! Which is OK! I was already 2 pounds below goal so I really was not supposed to lose anymore anyway so gaining 2 puts me back at goal! My monthly visitor came the same day as weigh in day so I think that had most of the 2 pounds in gain so actually I probably maintained! Whatever its all good! 2 more weeks and LIFETIME!
Today was good! On points and good choices! I did eat 2 activity point because I was too HUNGRY! That is because I earned 10 activity points in walking! Went to the park today for my WW walking group and walked 4 miles!! Then came home and went on a 3.1 mile walk/jog with Bruce! Now its time for ibprofen and hot soaking bath! Ready to face a new week and each day brings me closer to Lifetime! WoHoooo!
NikkiSmiles!! Had a blast today! See you Thursday!

Today was good! On points and good choices! I did eat 2 activity point because I was too HUNGRY! That is because I earned 10 activity points in walking! Went to the park today for my WW walking group and walked 4 miles!! Then came home and went on a 3.1 mile walk/jog with Bruce! Now its time for ibprofen and hot soaking bath! Ready to face a new week and each day brings me closer to Lifetime! WoHoooo!
NikkiSmiles!! Had a blast today! See you Thursday!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Name Change
LOL Just decided on a whime to change my user name on here! No longer and I that long drawn out parts of all the dogs names..LOL I am now WWGrlLuvs2Run====Weight Watchers Girl Loves To Run....
Friday, April 17, 2009
Week 4 Maintenance Weigh In
Week 4 is here! I cant believe I have only 2 more weeks left until Lifetime! Crazy! Today was a good day! I had some extra points on cake and ice cream. It was one of special students birthday so I had a small piece of cake, maybe 4 bites worth and one spoon full of homemade icecream. Not the best thing to do the day before weigh in but I wanted to! A little nervous about weighing in tomorrow! If I lose too much I will be below the range but I dont want to gain either! Got in a walk at work then came home and ran a 5K outside, my best 5K time on the treadmill is 41 minutes. Today was the first time I had actaully ran it outside and I did it in 45 minutes! Not bad! OK going to bed to get some sleep before I go see what the scale will say in the morning...

So frustrated and miserable!!
I have gained everything back AGAIN!!! When I'm home I can stay on track but with all of the hospital visits, working and running to doctors' offices, I keep making bad choices when I eat out. And exercise, what's that!!! I guess I am going to have to post everyday to tell you what I am eating and how I am doing with exercise.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
On Track Thursday
Just seem to be back in the groove! Perfect day on points and with good choices as well! Got in a walk at lunch, an intense 45 minute mix of sprints and endurance on the treadmill, then another 3 mile walk this evening after Weight Watchers! Almost looking forward to weighing in on Saturday! LOL OK not really! One more day..

One pound to 10%!!
Another weigh day down. 2.4! I know all the hard work I put into this is paying off and It's worth everything. I'm really happy and nervous at the same time about this 5k. I really excited to start the run/walk program. I have faith that I can do this, little steps will turn huge ones down the road. And with the great the support I have with u Shelly, my folks and so many others I can do anything. I'm just going to keep on shinning like the star I'm!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Half Way Through The Week
Another week half over! Yes! After this week only 2 weeks of maintenance left to go! Today was a really good day! Good choices and right on track with points! Wanted to give in and have some chocolate but did not! Got in a walk after lunch, and hour of weight training at the gym and then this evening went out for another walk 3 miles! Now my legs are not liking me too much(from yesterdays sprints) so I am going to go sit and soak in a HOT HOT bath!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Trying Something New
OK day! I ate just a little more than my daily points, I used 3 activity points. Guess thats ok just not used to doing that! Got in a walk at work then i tried something new. It was too nice outside to go to the gym and run on the treadmill so I went home and took one of the dogs to the park with me and we ran sprints on the football field, sprinted down one way and walked back the other week, about 12 times! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! Doing 9 and 10 mph sprints on the treadmill is hard! But doing it outside off the treadmill is a killer! But I am sure I will do it again someday...oh s side note Gunner had a good time!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday's Wants
This morning was crazy at work. All I want to do was walk!! I walked my 2 miles, stayed within the points and made good choices. I'm noticing more that I'm going for fruit and not junk food which is a huge change!
I have also thought about want power. I know I want to be healthier and I'm not going to lie eing skinner isn't bad either :). When I signed up for WW I wanted it. I didn't think I might do it or it sounded good. I WANTED it. I have to remember that when I talk to others they may think they want it or they know its the right thing but having the true want inside is different. Maybe they will get it, maybe they wont but that is one own decision.
This is going to be a truly powerful experience for me.
I have also thought about want power. I know I want to be healthier and I'm not going to lie eing skinner isn't bad either :). When I signed up for WW I wanted it. I didn't think I might do it or it sounded good. I WANTED it. I have to remember that when I talk to others they may think they want it or they know its the right thing but having the true want inside is different. Maybe they will get it, maybe they wont but that is one own decision.
This is going to be a truly powerful experience for me.
As Good As It Gets
Really good day! Totally on track with points all day long! Even avoided some temptations along the way, I knew they were coming so just before I put a stick on sugar free gum in so I just chewed away on that! LOL It worked! Got in a 20 minute walk after lunch today , and hour of weight training then another hour of walking tonight! Now its bedtime! Nite!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Good and The Bad
Its been one of those days up and down, lots of emotional stuff going on right now. My daddy passed away in October and Tuesday would have been his birthday! So YES I caved and I emotionally ate today! Not bad but was over points..however the GOOD was I had plenty of activity points to cover that extra junk...I went on a 5K run/walk today not once...but TWICE~ Yes Once this morning and again this evening.! LOVIN the new running shoes! LOL!
Tomorrow is a new day and I WILL!! I WILL!! Be on track! Yes I will still be emotional but I will also be in CONTROL!

Tomorrow is a new day and I WILL!! I WILL!! Be on track! Yes I will still be emotional but I will also be in CONTROL!
The New Look
Say Goodbye to the EASTER theme on the blog and welcome in the new SPRING/MEMORIAL DAY look!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Random acts and not the good kind
Today got off to an odd start, Everything was normal till I went out to my car to leave for the daily walk. I saw something on my back window and didn't know what it was as I got closer I noticed it was a FISH. I went to the front of my car and it had an egg cracked, dirt and more FISH all over it. I really don't understand it or even why anyone would do such a thing. I think I was so floored but I didn't take any pictures..Darn the luck!
Thankfully I was going to my walk so I stopped at the car wash and 30 mins later, I was @ the track walking and afterwards left so much better! The rest of my day was lazy, I made great choices, did a little shopping just a normal Saturday besides the FISH!!
Thankfully I was going to my walk so I stopped at the car wash and 30 mins later, I was @ the track walking and afterwards left so much better! The rest of my day was lazy, I made great choices, did a little shopping just a normal Saturday besides the FISH!!
Are You Kidding Me!?
WOW I am sooooooo shocked! I lost another 3 pounds this week! Unreal!! I am now 1.8 pound UNDER goal! Next week if I lose more than .2 I will be too far under gaol(for teh maintenance program) and I will actually have to gain! Now that is too weird! LOL! Very happy right now though! Going to add in a couple of extra points this week to help maintain I hope!

Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Today was really a good Friday for me, being off work was GREAT! I wish I could have had a better breakfast but I was running late for a meeting, but the rest of the day I made good choice. More importantly I feel good about the day. I even went out to eat @ Applebee's with some friends and I really enjoyed it. It helped so much that they offer the WW meals. After dinner I went to Market street, I have been on a mission to find those VitaMuffins and I FINALLY did, the muffin tops are one point and they are so good!!
Tomorrow is a new day and I'm just going to keep on keepin on..
Tomorrow is a new day and I'm just going to keep on keepin on..
Week 3 Maintenance Weigh In
Half way to LIFETIME tomorrow! Today even thogh my day has been off routine has been good! Went to breakfast with Mary Jo and did good, garden omlette and some home fries that I could have down without but only ate half, Subway for lunch just a turkey sandwich on wheat, then a baked chicken breast and small baked potato for dinner. Not bad! Got in lots of exercise too. Went to the gym(after breakfast..) Got in a good 45 minute run. After lunch Bruce and I went for a walk. Then later on we went for another walk, he wanted to go the farmers market so we walked there...IF you are reading this Racquel SORRY we didnt come to yours but that one is not in walking distance and the Rufe Snow one is! So now just chillin and waiting to see what the scale shows in the morning!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Here I'm...
Right now, I'm just so surprised with the amount of weight I have lost in a short period of time. Not to mention I'm actually exercising for the first time in years! just as fast as it comes off it can come back. I know everyday I make the choices to live a healthier life for a better me. for me its just not the outside but the inside too. I guess I want how I feel inside to show on the outside. I think its been long enough that i have been hiding it. I'm just so amazed with the person that I look at in the mirror.
Walking in Smoke..
Today was a good day! On track all day with points even when tempted by chocolate I did not give in. Got in a 20 minute walk at lunch, a very intense 45 minute run including some sprints then another 35 minute walk this evening. Went to a WW meeting tonight and then when I got home from that went for that walk with Bruce it was really nice out despite the smoke in the air from wild fires! LOL! Tomorrow will be hard because there is no school so I will be out of routine..just hoping that since its the day before weigh in I will be able to stay on track!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Better today all around! On track with points even though I wanted more I did not give in~Got in a 20 minute walk at lunch, an hour of weight training at the gym and another 30 minute walk this evening. Right now I do not feel like I have lost or even maintained feeling like I have gained a little! 2 more days to work it out and hope for a loss~!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Another Rough Day
Did good all day until 30 minutes after dinner, then I ate 4 one point bars! What the heck!? Why? I Need to stop and get back in control. Maintenance is much more harder for me than loosing. Missed my lunch walk today as well because of TAKs testing, only got in a 35 minute run at the gym, but that was sprints so it was a good one. WILL WILL WILL be better tomorrow! I have to be! I need to be!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Fell Victim To The..
Birthday surprise from my friends at work. A cake! I had one slice then gave the rest of it away. A basket full of goodies, which at least were 100 calorie pack goodies, but I ate two things from it today! So over points today but will be better tomorrow! I have 4 days to correct it! Got in a good 20 minute walk and then an hour of weight training. Also 30 minute of yoga!

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Taking A Break
Just for today! Yes normally I work out on Sundays just like the weekdays but tpday I woke up and decided I needed a day off so I took it! Have done nothing as far as exercise goes all day! Of course now I feel guilty for that but I think I needed a break! Points wise has been ok I have been on track today so fine there! Would like to loose at least 1.2 this week, because even though I am in "goal range" for Lifetime I am 1.2 over goal so I want to get back there!

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Down BIG!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Week 2 Maintenance Weigh In
Good Friday! On track all day with points even avoided some bad temptations! Happy with that! Got in a walk a work and the good 35 minute run at the gym! Again missed yoga because Bruce was watching TV, he never watches TV so thats kinda odd! Oh well! Tomorrow is weigh in day! Week 2 of maintenance! I would love to see 2.8 gone of the 4.8 I gained that would put me back into goal range~still very disgusted with that gain! But I need to let it go and move on hope tomorrow will be good results and help me do that!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Finally A Good One
It was a close to a perfect day as I can get! Totally on track with points and good choices! Got in a walk and a very intense 45 minute run! Wanted to get it some yoga but went to a WW meeting and visited too long with friends so now I need to put laundry away instead of yoga then go to bed. Maybe tomorrow!

Shelly, you are doing great. I know you are worried about the gain, but look how far you have come. It may take a little bit of time to find out what works for you to keep your body maintaining.
I have gained back almost everything that I had lost. I am so tired of having to eat out all the time because of people being in the hospital. I know the stress is not helping either. On the up side though, I have been trying to walk 2 miles every day (dodging the snow days of course) and that seems to be helping. I will be very glad when everyone gets well and back to normal routines. Dustin goes back to school next week and I can't wait. My MIL is still in the hospital and they think she either had a stroke or is having seizures. At this point she does not know who people are and we don't know if she will recover, especially since the doctor's don't know whats wrong. I was going to go to the hospital today, but it is snowing again! We'll see.
I have gained back almost everything that I had lost. I am so tired of having to eat out all the time because of people being in the hospital. I know the stress is not helping either. On the up side though, I have been trying to walk 2 miles every day (dodging the snow days of course) and that seems to be helping. I will be very glad when everyone gets well and back to normal routines. Dustin goes back to school next week and I can't wait. My MIL is still in the hospital and they think she either had a stroke or is having seizures. At this point she does not know who people are and we don't know if she will recover, especially since the doctor's don't know whats wrong. I was going to go to the hospital today, but it is snowing again! We'll see.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Getting There
Today was much better! Stay totally on points no dipping into anything extra! Yeah! Got in a walk at work then an hour of weight training at the gym, mixed in a little cario with that but not alot! Got involved in paying bills and budget the rest of the evening had no time for walk or yoga! Bummed could have used the yoga to stretch out the soreness! Hopefully tomorrow I can work it in!

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