Thursday, April 2, 2009


Shelly, you are doing great. I know you are worried about the gain, but look how far you have come. It may take a little bit of time to find out what works for you to keep your body maintaining.

I have gained back almost everything that I had lost. I am so tired of having to eat out all the time because of people being in the hospital. I know the stress is not helping either. On the up side though, I have been trying to walk 2 miles every day (dodging the snow days of course) and that seems to be helping. I will be very glad when everyone gets well and back to normal routines. Dustin goes back to school next week and I can't wait. My MIL is still in the hospital and they think she either had a stroke or is having seizures. At this point she does not know who people are and we don't know if she will recover, especially since the doctor's don't know whats wrong. I was going to go to the hospital today, but it is snowing again! We'll see.

1 comment:

WWGrlLuvs2Run said...

just hang in there and dont give up! the walking is good!! keep it up! its natural to be frustrated with all you have been through the past few months! SO glad Dustin is getting better! You will get back to it soon and will be fine...spring is around the corner(of course its already here in Texas! snow whats that??)