Sunday, May 31, 2009
Was Up
I was up this week just a little .6 so not too bad, was a little dissapointed that I gained but its all good! Today has been a good day! Totally on track, even though I have wanted to eat just mostly out of boredom I have not given in! Got in a 2 mile walk(too hot to do all 3) then mowed the yard which took an hour again in the 90+ heat! I am exhausted! Going to bed early tonite!

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Feeling really blah today. Trying to stay within my points and not do anything crazy. I haven't walked yet today don't know that I will. I normally take two days off a week and lately I haven't been. And all the activity I have been getting down at the lake house, I think has been taking a toll on me. I just feel run down I hoping that these two day will give me the energy I need.
down another 1.8 this week, only 4 pounds from 40! WOW! I cant believe it. I'm still getting use to shopping for clothes.
down another 1.8 this week, only 4 pounds from 40! WOW! I cant believe it. I'm still getting use to shopping for clothes.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Time Again
Its that time again! Weigh in day is tomorrow morning! I am not looking forward to it I just dont feel like I have had a good week at all and with the emotional stuff I have been dealing with all week a gain will just push me over the edge! I have been fighting the binge eating off all week and I am not sure I can fight it off anymore! Did stay on points today but it was a struggle! Not much in exercise either just a 20 minute walk and a short 3 mile bike ride! Tomorrow will be the moment of truth!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Running Again
Strange! How it just hits you! Around 2pm this afternoon I just decided it was time, time to start running again! So I did! I ran 2 miles outside after work! It felt awesome! I had lost that feeling from running so I am glad it is back! Also got in a 20 minute walk at lunch and 3 mile walk this evening! Totally on track with points today as well! Still not feeling a loss this week its been a rough week so maybe thats it! We will see come Saturday!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Back On It Today
Well today was much better wasnt struggling with wanting bad food all day long like yesterday! Stayed right on track with points with good choices. Got in a walk at lunch, a 40 minute bike ride and a 3 mile walk this evening! Feeling OK! Not really feeling like I have lost this week but at least maybe maintaining!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Off Again
I am just feling off the game again struggling to stay on points and not really wanting to work out! I was over by 2 points today but I did workout, still not feeling like I want to run so I rode my bike and took a walk that got cut short because of the rain! Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track..

Monday, May 25, 2009
what an AWESOME weekend! My mom was here and we did a lot of shopping! I now have a closet full of clothes that FIT!!! not too big! What a great feeling too! I was buying pants/shorts that were a small size 6! shirts that are smalls and mediums!! I have always wanted a cute short summer dress but never bought one because I felt horrible and looked horrible i was too fat! well this weekend not only did i get one but FOUR!! and they are so cute and I think I look good in them!! what a GREAT feeling!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Moment Of Truth
Well here it is the eve before the weigh in! We will know in the morning how the week off has effected me! Way nervous and anxious!! Today was a good points day even with being on the go all day out shopping with mom I made good choices and stayed within points! No walk but did get over 10000 steps on the pedometer from shopping! Reality check in the morning what will it bring!?

Thursday, May 21, 2009
I made 199 today! I'm just so proud of myself!! Yesterday was also month 7 without a smoke!! Down 4.2 this week to make my total loss 34.8! I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing it seems to be working. Got my kettle bell and its time to start! I got to go shopping and got stuff in the regular people section, the section that I would only go into to find my mom..LOL! It was neat and scary at the same time..Its only going to get better!! I'm just so happy!! :)
Getting Nervous
Another good points day today no problem! Got in a 20 minute walk and a 3 mile walk today and that was it! I can not believe I have not been to the gym all week and I have not ran! I am really getting nervous about how this will effect the scale on Saturday! Tomorrow will more than likely be a no workout day at all because my mom is visiting, we may get in a walk but not sure! just hope this decision was not a bad one~!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Another "Easy" One
Well today wsa pretty much just like yesterday! On track all day with points, doing good there! Got in a good 25 minute walk at lunch, a 45 minute bike(even though I really wanted to go run) and a 3 mile walk! My body is feeling good with the lighter workouts my head is not! Having lots of doubts to as if this was a good idea or not! Just not feeling it! Just hope it pays off and I have a loss this week! After the gain last week I can not take another one!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Easier Workout Week
May not be a good time for this but I have decided its time to take a "break" from the long and intense workouts! Mainly running! Just a week thats it! Thats probably all I could stand! LOL I SOOOO wanted to run today but did not! My body is tired and achy that is why I decided it was time! Soooo today I walked at lunch 20 minutes then after work instead of running I took a 45 minute bike ride then went to the park and got in a 3 mile walk! I am nervous about how this will effect the scale this week! Time will tell!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Good Start
Today was a good day! I stayed within the points no issues there. Stayed ahead of the hungry! I even talked to some old friends, walked and had a great dinner. No complaints here! I finally reached 30 and couldn't be happier. Things are headed up for me :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Better Than Last Sunday
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Gained today 1.6. Besides having an emotional week I started my period yesterday so not really surprised with the gain! A little disappointed, how can you not be but OK with it because I am still under goal! Also re-thought my next "goal" of 135. It was putting me into lose lose lose mode and that is not what I really want! I am happy where I am just wanted to continue to tone up lose inches and with that will come off some weight as well. I just want to relax and enjoy the new me not have the pressure. So smaller steps! So now I am just aiming for 140 and losing inches around the middle!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Not So Much Today
So yesterday I was feeling a little better but I am so NOT feeling it today! I am pretty sure I will have a gain this week! Feeling blah and have the start of cramps...so we all know what that means! UGH! Today was a good points day though and got in a 20 minute walk, 30 minute easy run and 30 minute of mowing the knee deep grass! LOL! That was more of a workout than running today! Guess nothing more I can do, just wait and see what the scale shows tomorrow!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Feeling A Little Better
My fingers were not as swollen today and my rings were actually really loose! A good sign I guess but still not feeling all too confindent about good results on the scale! Today was a good day! Right on track with points no problem there! Got in a 20 minute walk, 45 minute run with sprints and a 3 mile walk this evening! My knee is sore so now its time for relaxation and a ice pack!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Still Pushing Through
Another good day! In control of emotions and in control of what I am eating! Stayed right on track and with in points. Got in a 20 walk, 40 minutes of weight lifting and a 3 mile walk at the park with NikkiSmiles! LOL!
Anyway..still feeling all fat and nasty and just feeling Blah! Really hoping it goes away and the scale is good on Saturday I will take a loss or a maintain! But no gain please! Even at Lifetime this is a struggle and a never ending process!
Anyway..still feeling all fat and nasty and just feeling Blah! Really hoping it goes away and the scale is good on Saturday I will take a loss or a maintain! But no gain please! Even at Lifetime this is a struggle and a never ending process!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Feeling Fat
I am feeling like I am not going to have a good number on the scale this week! I am feeling fat! My fingers are swollen and I feel yucky! Other than the bad 2 days on the weekend I have been on track the rest of the week so I dont know why I am feeling this way! Today was good too! Right on track with points! Got in a 20 walk and a 40 minute interval run! I am sore from weights yesterday my upper back, biceps and legs are hurting! Maybe that is why I am feeling this way! Fighting the urge to peak at the scale I really dont think it would be a good thing to do this week so I am going to try as hard as I can not to give into that! Just wait until Saturday!

Monday, May 11, 2009
Not bad...
The first of many lake weekends was a success! I was very active moving beds and boxs, even got in a walk on Sunday. I went into the weekend telling myself, Do the best u can with what is available. I did my best everyday to get in everything even tho it didnt happend and I end up over points the 4 days due to drinking. Im okay with it. I did my best. Once we are settled I can do better..Cant wait to go back!
Getting Back On Track
Still fighting alot of emotions today but I did not feed them with food! Was tempted to but did not give in! Stayed on track with points all day. Got in a 20 minute walk, 40 minutes of weight training, and a 3 mile run! I can feel it tonight so I am sure I will be sore tomorrow! Just sat in the hot bath and soaked and took some ibprofen! Ready for bed now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Emotional Bingeing
Has not been a good weekend for me! Been on an emotional binge eating spree! Not to mention that I think I have only slept maybe 7 hours total the last 3 days. I knew it was emotional because every time I turned around this weekend I was crying! At anything and everything! I could not figure out why?? what was bothering me so much?? I had suppressed it! Until 5pm this evening and it hit me hard! I cried some more but then took control and but down the food I was feeding the emotions with! My mother and some other family members were setting the military plaque in cement at my daddy's grave site today! I knew it my mom had told me it was happening today but I pushed it so far back in my head that I had "forgotten" So all weekend I have been crying and eating and crying and eating and kept telling myself I didnt know why I was so upset! Once I "remembered" it was all too clear and at that very instance the in control person I am was back! Do I feel bad about what I ate this weekend? Yes! But I am forgiving myself not dwelling on it and moving forward! As of this very minute I am back and if it causes me to have a gain on the scale this week..SO WHAT!? Its just one of life speed bumps that is going to happen along the way, just have to deal with it and move on and be the best that I can be! I did get in a 3 mile walk this afternoon so it wasn't a complete waste! LOL!

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Size WHAT???
OK first thing first I did lose this week! 1.4! wohooooooo!!
My shorts I was wearing today I just bought 2 months ago were falling down so after the meeting I went shopping for a few new pairs! Bought 2 IN A SIZE 6!!!!!! Are you kidding me!?!?! I have never been a size 6! I was so shocked and thrilled I almost started to cry!! Size 6! WOW~!
My shorts I was wearing today I just bought 2 months ago were falling down so after the meeting I went shopping for a few new pairs! Bought 2 IN A SIZE 6!!!!!! Are you kidding me!?!?! I have never been a size 6! I was so shocked and thrilled I almost started to cry!! Size 6! WOW~!

Friday, May 8, 2009
One Week Past Lifetime
So even though I am a lifetime member I am going to continue to weigh in every week! Tonight is no different than any other Friday night! I am anxious about the weigh in! I know its OK if I gain because I am more than 2 pounds below goal but I still have that fear of gaining and do not want to gain! I still want to lose!
Today was a good day, right on track and really good choices! Got in a 25 minute walk and a 45 minute run! Tomorrow will tell if the week was good enough for a loss!
Today was a good day, right on track and really good choices! Got in a 25 minute walk and a 45 minute run! Tomorrow will tell if the week was good enough for a loss!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
The scale love is back
I'm back down!!! Woohoo lost 3.8 today!! What a week I have been so stress I didn't let it get to me , high 5! The walk was lovely I needed that more than I think I knew Shelly! U ROCK!! love u 2!
Got the first of many lake weekends, I'm going to do the best I can with what is available and not stress about it. I'm not perfect and I shouldn't try to be. (after thought I just shared that with the Internet world, Sh*t)
Got the first of many lake weekends, I'm going to do the best I can with what is available and not stress about it. I'm not perfect and I shouldn't try to be. (after thought I just shared that with the Internet world, Sh*t)
Today was a good day! Totally on track with points, could have made some smarter choices in points but did not go over! Got in a 20 minute walk at lunch, 45 minutes intense sprints/run, and a 3 mile walk with NikkiSmiles! LOL! Love you Nicole!
I have been feeling all week kinda blah and feeling like I have gained! So of course this morning I get on the scale! Really I need to stop doing that! Anyway yes it did show a small gain but still under goal so thats good, the encouraging part is tonight I was trying to weigh something else and it was so light I could not get it register on the scale, so I stepped on the scale fully dressed and with my shoes on after a long day of eating and activity and it showed a gain from this morning which of course I expected but it was not a big one just 3 pounds WITH SHOES! That is a good thing! Maybe this morning my little up was just some water...not to stressed about Saturday now at least not more than I ever am! LOL!
I have been feeling all week kinda blah and feeling like I have gained! So of course this morning I get on the scale! Really I need to stop doing that! Anyway yes it did show a small gain but still under goal so thats good, the encouraging part is tonight I was trying to weigh something else and it was so light I could not get it register on the scale, so I stepped on the scale fully dressed and with my shoes on after a long day of eating and activity and it showed a gain from this morning which of course I expected but it was not a big one just 3 pounds WITH SHOES! That is a good thing! Maybe this morning my little up was just some water...not to stressed about Saturday now at least not more than I ever am! LOL!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
New Ticker
Today was a good day was over on points just by 2 but had activity points to cover it( and thats figuring 19 points not maintenance points so I was really on track) Got in a 25 minute walk and a 30 minute endurance run with some small inclines! I have decided what the new ticker below my posts will be! Even though I am Lifetime I still want to lose a little more, my goal was to get to what my doctor wanted and I did now my goal is to get to where I want to get! As of last Saturday I was 143.6 and I want to shoot for 135. Evenutally maybe more but I am going to take small steps and see how difficult it is to maintain there or maybe go lower! So going to get a new ticker starting at 143.6 to countdown to 135! Going to go make it now and add it in!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Back On Track Tuesday
Much better today! Back on track and totally on points like I need to be! Got in a walk at lunch (20 minutes), a good 40 minutes of sprints and a 3 mile walk! Just hope yesterday didnt do too much damage!
Oh my..just breath..
My life has just been getting to me. Work, issue with some friends everything. I have been within points and walked everyday. I'm still just stressed more than normal. I think I'm just letting the little things get to me.I'm grateful that I get to go away this weekend I hope the refresher I need. Think I even try out the margarita recipe I got online..
Monday, May 4, 2009
Not A Good One
The stress of some events from yesterday HIT HARD today and resulted in some poor choices and over eating! Only got in a 20 minute walk today as well, never made it to the gym because I had to go to a WW meeting for training and got home too late! I WILL I WILL be back on track tomorrow and will hit the gym hard the next 4 days! This is a one day slip not a fall!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Life on Lifetime
Well day one of Lifetime went ok! Stayed on track all day with points, had some struggles..fighting the emotional demons..but fought them off! Got in a 4 mile walk with Sole Patrol as well. Had planed to go for a 3 mile run as well but it didnt happen tonight other things came up! I am ready to face the week and start living Lifetime!
Its weird having a post with not countdown ticker......
Its weird having a post with not countdown ticker......
It's a new week..
I have recovered from my small and minor gain..Its nothing in the whole picture. I'm not going to change anything I'm going to stay focused and on the plan. Here to a new week and better yet a new me!! Gotta get ready for sole patrol....Walk it out!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
life's paper cuts
Okay I know how stupid this is but this is how I react to things. I went up for the first time, it was only .2 but its my first positive I have had on my journey. I stayed within the points and walked more, I did nothing wrong my bodies I guess wasn't feeling it. Aunt Flo is suppose to be coming to visit as well. I just have to keep working the program cuz it does work or I would not have lost what I have. I'm still a shinning star and nothing going to change that. I'm just going to keep truckin'...
Congrats to u Shelly for beating that Orange fur ball!! UR AWESOME, I'm glad i have u on my side!
Congrats to u Shelly for beating that Orange fur ball!! UR AWESOME, I'm glad i have u on my side!
Week 6 Maintenance Weigh in!
Here it is week 6! The FINAL weigh in for Lifetime! I cant believe it is actually here! I am so nervous! Tody was good day on points nothing crazy or anything extra! Only got in a 35 minute run today! Missed my walk at work and did not go tonight with Bruce just wanted to chill out and relax! Its like Christmas Eve I just want to go to bed so morning will come!

Yesterday was Good!!
I really controlled what I ate yesterday and got through the cravings. I am going to go buy some plain popcorn to use a munchies when I have these cravings. I have not exercised yet, but will be getting that done today also. Thanks for the encouragement.
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