Saturday, November 29, 2008
Are You Kidding Me?
I was expecting a gain! But this is unreal! In one lousy week, and only 2 really bad days all that week I gained 3.6! I am so sick and disgusted right now! I just so damn frustrated all I can do is cry!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Bad Thursday
I stayed within my calorie intake Wednesday as I had 960 calories total, but Thursday I had1586. I now need to go for a walk or do the DVD but can't be motivated to get that done. Maybe before the night is out. I did exercise yesterday which makes me feel a little bit better.
Not As Planned
Well I was on track just as I wanted to be until Tuesday night. THen Wednesday and Thursday I did not keep control at all! It al fell apart after the first first to the cemetary and snow balled when my dads truck that I really wanted to bring back to Texas broke down and has to stay in Kansas to get fixed. I have been a wreck for 2 days and my eating showed it! I am SOOOO mad for slipping up! I had a plan and I was going to see it through but I did not do it! Today I am on track and will stay that way but too little to late I am sure that the scale tomorrow will show a weigh in!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Broke 160
Friday, November 21, 2008
End Of The Week
Well here it is the end of the week again! Today was a good day! Stayed with in my points even have a few left, and fought off all the temptations of the work luncheon! I had nothing there! I was heppy with myself. Really did not want to go to the gym but talked myself into going anyway. Even when at the gym I kept trying to talk mself out of workingout as long or as hard as I have all week, LOL, but it didnt work. I still got in the full 45 minutes and intense running and incline in that 45 minutes! Hope it was all worth it tomorrow morning when its time to get on the scale.......

Doing Good
I did the Walk Away the lbs DVD again today. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, a banana and 2 pieces of cheddar cheese for lunch, but now and fighting off the munchies. I need a calorie counter at the house. Right now I am looking up everything on the internet to find the calories and fiber content. I have had 6 of the eight glasses of water so far.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Another 5K
I had another good day and knocked another 5K today in just under 45 minutes! Ate most of my daily points still have 1 left that will not get eaten. You would think with all the runner I have done this week I would be feeling confident and feel like I have lost 3 or 5 pounds! Nope! I dont feel like I have lost anything at all and I am far from confident about the weigh in on Saturday! Tomorrow will a challenging day, its pot luck luncheon at school there will be tons of stuff I will want to eat but cant afford to eat on a Friday. I will be strong and not give in~!

Back again
I am back and hopefully for good. I am back to the 206 lbs and need to lose 60. I am trying to eat better and today I did the Walk Away the Pounds DVD and feel pretty good. I am no longer working, so will have more time to do this and no excuses. Several things have happened and now I need to get back in order. Today I ate a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and am going for cottage cheese, a boiled egg and apple for lunch. Hopefully I will stay strong.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Running
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Trying Something New This Week
I am thinking of trying something new this week with the workouts. Normally I do Cardio Monday, Wednesday and Friday and weights Tuesday and Thursday with added cardio and yoga at home in the evenings. This week I think I am going to cut out the weights and just do all cardio and increase the cardio from 30 to 45 minutes. I have 14 pound to goal and I am thinking maybe about just blasting out the cardio to get it off then go back to the weights to tone up. I will still probably get in some yoga here at home in the evening as well. Not sure if this is a good plan or not but I am going to give it a try.
Today was a good day, rebounding from the weekend that was not so good! Ate my daily points and got in 45 minutes of running! I am only 1 pound away from loosing a daily point so I am also going to start cutting out that one point starting tomorrow!

Today was a good day, rebounding from the weekend that was not so good! Ate my daily points and got in 45 minutes of running! I am only 1 pound away from loosing a daily point so I am also going to start cutting out that one point starting tomorrow!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
That is what I would love to see on the scale tomorrow! A loss of 2.4 to put me under the new decade of weight. Really I just would like to see 1 to get me back to where I was before I had to go home. Any loss would be good since right now I am not feeling all that confident. Today was good though, I was actually under my daily points and got in 30 minutes of running. So I guess it just wait and see what the scale shows in the morning..!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Up and Down
One minute I am so Up and postive that come Saturday the scale will show a good loss. Then the next I am Down and feel like I havent lost anything! I hate this!
Anyway today was a decent day! Good on points could have been better. Breakfast and Dinner wer both on track and low points! Lunch-was OK! At training we decided to go to Olive Garden. I had a salad with grilled chiken on it~ No problem, but it also had soem cheese and croutons and I caved in and ate one breadstick. So not bad by any means but could have been better. Got in 45 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of intervals on the ellipitcal as well. Not feeling good about the weigh in mainly because I am really sore this week, sore muscles = water retention = weight gain! UGH!!! Hopefully the soreness will go away before Saturday.
Anyway today was a decent day! Good on points could have been better. Breakfast and Dinner wer both on track and low points! Lunch-was OK! At training we decided to go to Olive Garden. I had a salad with grilled chiken on it~ No problem, but it also had soem cheese and croutons and I caved in and ate one breadstick. So not bad by any means but could have been better. Got in 45 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of intervals on the ellipitcal as well. Not feeling good about the weigh in mainly because I am really sore this week, sore muscles = water retention = weight gain! UGH!!! Hopefully the soreness will go away before Saturday.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I Did Good!
Had a really good day! Even with eating out I stayed with in my daily points! I am was very hungry by the time we got to the restaraunt! So I was very pleased with myself for keeping on track! Got in 30 minutes of running today too. Tomorrow is another challenge, I found out today that I have to go to a training tomorrow, which means sitting around all day, which will make me want to munch and then there is the lunch issue, will be eating out with some co workers at the same training and who knows where we will end up at! I am determined to be good no matter what though! I can do it!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Feeling Good
I am really feeling feeling good about my efforts this week! Just hope they pay off come Saturday! Tomorrow will be a challenge, will be going out for dinner! Today was on track all day with point no problems! A the gym I got in 45 minutes of weight training, a new routine that will more than likely have me sore tomorrow! At home I got in 20 minutes of intensive intervals on the elllipitcal and 30 minutes of yoga! Bring on tomorrow! LOL!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Think I Am Fully Back
It feels so good to be back in control! Just hope I can hold on to that in the next few weeks! Today was a good points day at all daily points and NO soda even though I did think about it and had the chance I passed it up and it was easy to do! I got in 30 minutes of sprints tonight and thats it. I did not get a chance to do anything at home, one my legs are sore and two Bruce and I were talking about some things and it took up most of the evening. Tomorrow will be a good day too, Biggest Loser returns! Yes! LOL!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday Was Good!
Normally I struggle on Sundays! Today I did not! I stayed on track and it was not hard at all, no urges or cravings for more! Yes! Also I do not normally work out on Sundays but I did today! Took a 45 minute bike ride, have not riden in 2 months! My rear is feeling it! LOL Also did a 20 minutes weight segment on a weight watchers workout DVD! I do have some obstacles ahead of me this week. A friend of Bruce's from Wichita will be here, so that will probably involve eating out, but then again I have extra motivation to not over do becaues I REALLY want to loose that last one pound this week to get me back to where I was before I went to Kansas!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Almost There
SO I wanted to loose 3 pounds to get back to where I was. Didnt quit make it but almost! Lost 2 pounds! Just one to go to get back to 35 and another 15 after that until goal!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Better But Still Not So Sure
OK so all in all this was a way better week than the last 2 weeks. But I am still not all that confident that the scale will show it tomorrow! I guess I have struggled so much in the last few weeks that I have no confidence at all. I am hoping that I am wrong though. Especially since I have been struggling so much but made much better choices this week. Ate all my daily points today and took it kinda easy on the workout! It was such an awesome day that I wanted to be outside so instead of going to the gym I came home and took the dogs for a walk! A very brisk paced walk at that for 45 minutes! It would be awesome for the scale to be down 3 pounds so I would at least be back to where I was before my gain, but I am not holding my breathe on that one!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Still Struggling But Doing It
Today was another good day! In fact I still have 2 points left for the day that are not getting used! I got in weight training and 15 minutes of sprints today. I wanting to do some running today because I was feeling some overwhelming grieve and stress and needed to release it. I only got in 15 minutes because my sprints were 8.0mph or higher! I was really pushing it. Not sure what for because it really didn't help all that much. I am still struggling with wanting to indulge in everything and just give in to the emotional eating. But at even though I am fighting it I am winning! I am not giving in! Just hope the scale shows that on Saturday!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kickboxing Before Sprints=Not Again
LOL I found out today that doing kickboxing at home the night before a sprint day is not a good idea! My legs would not move! I didn't really want to slow down enough to just do inclines so I did half and half, inclines at a 5.0mph jog. That for my heart rate up just as good! Great workout! Tonight at home I got in 30 minutes of pilates. Food wise-good day! Again right on track ate only my daily points. No candy No soda!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two Days
Well I have had 2 really good days in a row now. Maybe I am back on track! That would be good! Ate just myu 21 points today! No extra candy or soda! Wohoo! Got in LOTS of exercise as well, Biggest Loser wasn't on tonight because of the elections so I worked out instead! LOL At the gym I got in my weight training, and 20 minutes on the bike. At home I got in 40 minutes of kickboxing and 20 minutes of pilates. I sure hope this all pays off this week at weigh in time!
Monday, November 3, 2008
GOD and the Treadmill
Had a GOOD day! Finally! No soda even thought it was close and I was so tempted! No "real" candy. I did have 2 pieces of WW candy but had the points for it! Stayed on track with points all day! Got in 30 minute of sprints , 20 minutes of intervals on the elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga! So while I am working out at the gym I always have my Ipod playing. Normally when running I listen to some upbeat dance music something motivating for the sprints. Today I decided I needed some spiritual time so that is whay I was listening to. Well God music and the treadmill do not mix. I was really getting into the spirit of the song and feeling it, I closed my eyes for just a few seconds and almost flew right off the treadmill! LOL Guess I wont do that again!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A New Week
I am determined this week to have a good week, no candy , no soda! Of course I said that last week too and that didnt happen! Today started off with breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Potentionlly dangerours. In the past I would have just said to myself why bother with points the rest of the day after starting off that way! But not today. Actually at Cracker Barrel I did OK! Had a skillet mix of potatos, scrambled eggs, and sausage. The eggs were egg beaters and the sausage was turkey! So not too bad. I was satisfied but not stuffed sick! I was not even hungry the rest of the day so did not eat again until dinner(of course breakfast was actually close to noon) For dinner I had a homemade 3pt bean and cheese burrito, so that was 18 points to use for that breakfast I dont think it was that many but I am considering it that anyway! No workout today just relaxed to prepare for the week ahead. I so want to get back to my 35.2 to start using the ticker again! I do not want to change it to go backwards only forward so thats why I have been leaving it off until I get back to were I was....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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