Saturday, January 31, 2009
Getting Closer
Wow! Did way better than I thought this week! I was down 1.8! Just 7.8 to goal!!! My goal is to loose that 7.8 before spring break so I have 6 weeks! I can do that!

Friday, January 30, 2009
Not Feeling It
Just not feeling it this week, not feeling like I have lost anything at all! Guess we will know in the morning. Good day, right on with points and a good 45 minute interval run. I hate this feeling, I so want to feel positive and go into the meeting tomorrow feeling like I have lost. This last 9.6 is going to be the hardest ever!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
One More Day
Had a good day, ended up with 3 points left, was going to eat a banana for 2 of those points but never got to it and now its too late. Got in a good 45 minute endurance run. One more day to shed some of that 9.6 pounds! How much will it be! Havent really being feeling it too much this week so just praying for any kind of loss

Good day!
I got my 3 miles in this morning and stayed well within limits on the food. Be careful on the ice lady...we don't have ANY here.
Just an update on Dusty...he will have to have surgery this summer on his chest to keep the sternum from caving in anymore....we think he does have marfan syndrome.
Just an update on Dusty...he will have to have surgery this summer on his chest to keep the sternum from caving in anymore....we think he does have marfan syndrome.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ice Not Stopping ME
No school today because of an ice storm overnight! Wohoooo! It was hard to stay on points today being home all day and being bored, but I did it! Yeah!! And despite the ice I went to the gym! LOL I am from Kansas no 1/4 inch of ice is stopping me, although it stopped most of all other people in Texas! LOL The gym opened at noon so I went, ran for 40 minute lifted weights for 30 minutes and came home for 20 minutes of yoga with Bob Harper(BiggestLoser Trainer) I LOVE Bob, but man I was sure not liking him all that much for that 20 minutes. His yoga is NOT a relaxing stretchy kind of yoga its a workout! LOL!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Beat The Ice
Monday, January 26, 2009
That is what my workouts consisted of time wise today..30minutes running..30minutes weight training..30minutes yoga~! Right on track with points even ate 2 activity points, but since I earned 7 its all good! Kinda worried about the gym for the next 2 days, we are actually believe it or not in Ice Storm Warning from tonight through Wednesday morning. There was a time I would be like cool an excuse not to go to the gym but now I am NO WAY! I HAVE to go to the gym! LOL Guess we will see how it plays out..wouldnt mind the time off work though...

Little Loss
I am down .8 lbs. I was really hoping for more, but a loss is a loss. I like the new look on the site!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pushing Ahead
I am driven and pushing ahead as hard as I can..at least until I get this last 9.6 pounds off! Once I get to goal and start maintenance I will start to back off a little! For now is RUNNING 6 days a week and Weight training 2 days a week. Once I am at goal I can afford to back off the cardio a little and run 3 or 4 days a week and weight train 3 days. So for today I ran for 55 minutes an advanced hill workout that kicked me booty! Inclines up to 12% and speeds up 6.5mph burning 889 calories! Right on track with points. No problem there. I had planned to do yoga but now I am just wanting to take a hot bath and relax for the rest of the evening. Rest up for the rest of the week of hard workouts!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Doing Good
I have done my exercise pretty good this week. I am doing 2 miles a day on my gazelle. I missed Thursday so did 3 miles Friday and Saturday. I learned in our weigh down class that if women would walk at least 50 miles a month it reduces your chances of breast cancer as well as other health benefits, so I am trying for 2 miles a day. My eating has been good also this week, I am making better choices when I eat out. Hopefully I will have a good loss on Monday.
Good job Shelly on the exercise. Keep it up!!
Miss y0u Lisa!
Good job Shelly on the exercise. Keep it up!!
Miss y0u Lisa!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Back To It
My run today was much better than yesterday! Way better! LOL Completed a 45 minute Mixed Terrain routine. A combo of endurance, hills and speed! Its my favorite one. Also got in 45 minutes of yoga! Short on points today, I still have 5 left, thats not all good but its too late to eat now, especially the night before a weigh in! Tomorrow is the day....what will it be??

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sucky Workout-TMI
I was really looking forward to my run today it was Advanced Speed with lots of hill work, I did do it but dont really feel like I got a GREAT workout from it like I should have. Why? Because an hour before I went to the gym I developed a stomach "issue" so at the gym I had to get off the treadmill 2 times to run to the bathroom! Not sure what hit me because now I am fine! Ate right on points today, nothing different to cause the stomach problems so there is no explanation for it! Oh well, just have to work that much more harder tomorrow.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Feeling The Moment
If only I could keep this moment and hold onto to...I am feeling good and so positive about a loss this week...Feeling the moment...but I know me and I know it wont last! Only time will tell what the scale will say! On track all day with points, got in a 30 minute run, called the Pacer routine its a combo of speed, endurance and hills! Its rough and I like that!, 30 minutes of weight lifting that still has my arms feeling it! and 30 minutes of yoga! 2 more days! I have to break 40 this week!

Doing Great!
So far I have exercised both yesterday and today. I did 2 miles on the gazelle and some extra walking to and from my jobs. I ate well and didn't splurge on anything. I did have a loss for the week, 1.2. I have lost a total of 9 lbs and have 3 weeks to make my goal of 20. It will be tough, but I am going to try. Off to work again have a great one!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lovin The Runnin
LOL I cant believe how into running I am! I have always enjoyed it since starting it months ago but now that I have all these awesome treadmill workouts to choose from to do somthing different and challenging every day I find myself all day long just wanting to go to the gym and get in my run! Todays was an advance level tempo run for 50 minutes! WOW it kicked my butt and I am loving that! Ate right on points all day as well so now I am off to relax and watch The Biggest Loser...!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Unexpected Lunch Out
Today was an inservice day at school, I had a meeting in the morning then in my office this afternoon. I was going to just go to Subway after the meeting on my way to the office. Well the entire Behavior Tean wanted to go to lunch after the meeting to Chili's. I didnt want to be the only one not going so I went and even though everyone else was eating hamburgers and fries I ate a salad with nothing but some grilled chicken, told them to hold the egg, bacon and cheese! I was proud of myself! So because of that I was able to keep on track with points all day. Got in a 30 minute run, Intermediate Interval run, and 30 minutes of weights! Feeling good today about a decent loss this week!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
ReGrouped 4 Another Run At It
I totally blew off yesterday I was so upset about the whole weigh in thing! But this morning was a whole new outlook. My monthly friend came for a visit, which makes me very grouchy but explains a whole lot! Normally I would have maintained or even gained just a little, but I lost! SO now I am regrouped and ready to work as hard as I can again this week and hope for much better results! Ate on points all day and got in 45 minute Hills run and 30 minutes of yoga. Last week I found a website with 12 different treadmill running routines that are intermediate to advanced and range from interval training, endurance running and hill running and some that include all 3 in the same run. I did one every day last week and I am going to do one every day this week! They are tough but I am loving them and the workout from it! Today was Intermediate Hills! Try running 6pmh up at 10% incline! LOL Not easy but I did it! Still trying to get that 40 pound mark so this week the goal is .6!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Better week!
Wow, it's been awhile since I have been on here. I had a gain last Monday and will weigh again this monday. I think I got it back off. Shelly, I'll let you know where I am sometime Monday. I will look at the web site for the meals, thanks. I am also going to try the "Belly Fat" diet. Mom has been on it and lost 6 lbs and 2 inches from her waist in one week. It is also called the meditteranian (sp??) diet. It is a well balanced diet but adds the mono-unsaturated fats to it to burn the fat in the body. I have started Paramedic school and am working 3 part-time jobs, so I will post when I can.
Couldnt Do It
1 more pound down
I really think the WW scales were off this week as I didn't think I had lost any but according to them I had. So far 7 lbs officially 9 lbs unofficially. Today I have on a XL sweater-yes it is still a xl and yes it use to hang on me and is now form fitting BUT it isn't plus sized :) It has made me determined to keep on track this weekend. I love that website www.e-mealz.com I think it is going to be very helpful.. Carla you might check it out. I know Shelly has looked at it. Gosh, I thought I had time to post but Mike is hollering time to go to BB games. Hey I finally beat Trey's high score in step areobis on the WII GO MOM :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Will I Get The One?
Well the week is over! Its finally here! Will the scale give me what I want to see just that one pound? I will know in the morning! Today was an OK day, I ended the day with 4 points still left over, not always a good thing, eating not enough can be just as bad as eating too much! Got in a good 45 minute run and 45 minutes of yoga! Tomorrow is weigh in time! I just hope I get what I want on that darn scale! I have worked really hard all week and just pray for the results!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Workin It
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Out For Lunch Success Day 2
In fact I still have one point left for the day! Went to subway for lunch while at the training! I am proud of myself in the past the change in routine would have totally screwed me up! Not this time! Got in a very intense hour at the gym, 30 minute of running and 30 minutes of arm shaking weight lifting! According to my heart rate moniter I burned 835 calories in that hour! One pound! One Pound! 2 days left to get off at least one pound!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Out For Lunch Success
Right on track today and no feelings of starving like yesterday! Managed to stay on points even with not being able to take my lunch, went to Wendys had a small chili no crackers and a plain baked potato. Got in 45 minute run for exercise! One pound one pound! Really I woud like 1.4 to have just 10 to go to goal but I will take one for 40 total!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Activity Points
I ate 4 activity points tonight! I have never eaten that many at one time but I was starving and I am still hungry! Ate all the 20 points as well. I ate the normal things I always do so I am not sure why I am so hungry tonight, maybe all the running not sure! Got in 30 minute of running, 30 minutes of weights and30 minutes of yoga tonight! One pound is all I want this week! One pound.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Start To The Week
Good start to my week. Ate only my 20 points today even though I wanted to eat more! Got in 50 minutes of running did a incline routine today that kicked me butt! Good start to a week that is not going to be a normal week so it might get tricky! I have training 2 days this week so I will not be at school and will not be able to take my lunch with me. Just hope there is a Subway near by the training center!

Another day
I have just not done well for the past several weeks. According to my scales I have gained this week, but will find out for sure on Monday. Good job on the loss Shelly. I did go to Wal-Mart today and bought the big bags of veggies and I used our vacuum sealer to put them in smaller bags in the freezer. I bought some high fiber cereal, but they didn't have the all bran with yogart so I am trying the Fiber One with honey. Hopefully I will like it. Shawn is also going to smoke me up a bunch of fish today that I will eat later in the week.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Another Friday
Had a another good day on points! Still have one point left even! Got in 30 minutes of running, 15 minutes on the bike and 45 minutes of yoga! I actually got in the yoga 3 times this week and I am so glad I did! Its not a "sweaty" workout but it is hard and feels good on the muscles with all that stretching and really helps relieve stress and tension. OK tomorrow is weigh in day! I would love to see 2.2 but I am not holding me breathe on that! Last week I felt like I lost a lot and lost one pound this week I feel like I have maintained or gained! I hate feeling this way I so badly just want to get off this last 12.6 pounds! I know its going to be the hardest pounds ever to lose!

Good day today!
Well, I have already exercised today at the gym. I got off work at 6 am and Mom and Nanc wanted to go and work out early, so I have done that. I might still try to get in some time on the gazelle, but don't know yet. I have not seemed to have lost any this week so far, but that is my fault as I have eaten out more and when I do eat at home, I seem to be hungry all the time. I hope to stay on track today through Sunday as I weigh in Monday morning.
Lisa, hang in there! You can do this and try not to worry about the others. I know how you are feeling as I don't want a lot of people to know I am trying to lose for the same reason. I just thought of something, I think the next time someone says it looks like I lost weight, I will tell them, "No, its around here somewhere. It's probably just lagging behind!"
Good job Shel. Keep up the work on the running, I know you can do it. You are so good on the points too.
Lisa, hang in there! You can do this and try not to worry about the others. I know how you are feeling as I don't want a lot of people to know I am trying to lose for the same reason. I just thought of something, I think the next time someone says it looks like I lost weight, I will tell them, "No, its around here somewhere. It's probably just lagging behind!"
Good job Shel. Keep up the work on the running, I know you can do it. You are so good on the points too.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Yes 40:58
OK YES!! Good day not a struggle or temptation in sight and I got through the day feeling good and on points all day! Bigger news is a set a new personal best time on my 5K run at 40:58! My goal is to get under 40 minutes and I am almost there, walk out the rest to complete 45 minutes. Went back to my Thursday night WW meeting tonight too, havent had it the last 2 weeks because of holiday and it was good to be back! Its weird how much I get from 2 meetings a week and how much I miss it. I always look forward to Saturday meetings because thats the big weigh in day but I also look forward to Thursday nite as well! Glad to be back at 2 a week!

Hello again
Sorry it has been so long between posts. I tell you lately it seems like there are just not enough hours in the day. I find my self constantly stressed lately and exhausted and I hate that feeling. I did not go to any weight watcher meetings over the holidays so my last meeting before tonight was the week before Christmas. I went tonight and loved just getting away from family for a little bit and doing something for ME. I lost I can't remember if it was 1.6 or 1.4 but either way I lost and it put me at 6lbs since starting meetings and 8lbs since starting WW. I know it doesn't seem like much but like the other posts I have read we managed to keep it off over the holidays. I am so glad that Shelly encouraged me to start and that I did it before the holidays instead of waiting until tonight to start. People at work have commented that they can tell I have lost some. I don't like when I start getting all the attention because it makes me self-consious that everyone is waiting for me to fail. The other day I was getting a piece of candy out of the breakroom (I knew it was one point and had already counted it) A woman walked in and said Caught you. It made me so mad because it made me feel like I was being bad even though I wasn't. I have excercised this week although not like Shelly two or three times a day. We did buy a WII and it had WII sports and I bought the WII fit. I am going to do it right now if I don't fall asleep sitting here. Conner and I boxed last night and Mike and I played tennis for two hours. I love it. It was a present I bought myself but now I can't keep everyone else off of it. I think it will be good family time. I thank you all for this post it has been very encouraging.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Struggle Again
Stupid chocolate! Had 2 mini size Krackels today! Dont knwo what s wrong with me usually I can so no but not today! Other wise was ok on points, my meals and snacks were on points so the chocolate would have been using activty points. Did 20 minutes of sprints, 30 minutes of weight lifting and 45 minutes of yoga tonight so I guess that should cover it. Two more days to get my act together to get weight off before weigh in day! No way will I get the 2.2 I wanted!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Had a few struggles along the way today that I won the battle over. I was so wanting to eat chocolate by the bucket today, instead I managed to get by with only one piece of weight watchers chocolate candy and stayed on points all day as well. Got in a 45 minute run for my exercise as well, nothing extra because I was watching the new season premeire of the Biggest Loser! Wow that show is going to be intense this season!

Monday, January 5, 2009
Back On My Own Again
So the last 2 weeks I have been working out with Bruce. Its been nice having a "partner" and being able to do it together! But today it was back to work which meant back to normal so I was at the gym by myself. I like working out alone I just get lost in the music of my IPod and focus on me not what the other person is doing! I have missed my "me time" and I am glad to have it back. Right on track all day with points nothing extra. Got in 20 minutes of sprints, 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of yoga today! I would love to see 2.2 down this week at the weigh in that would give me a total of 40. I have done it before can I do it again???

Stayed the same!!
Well, the good news, I stayed the same....the bad news, I stayed the same.....I am back at it and hoping to have a loss this week....I have 2 part-time jobs now and maybe I will stay so busy that I won't eat...Ha Ha Ha Ha
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Rocky Start
Its been an OK day! On points all day until 8pm, then snacked a little more than I should it wasnt all that much and it was on weight watchers products but it did put me over points a little. Got in 30 minutes of running so that will help with the extra points as well. My goal, is to loose the last 12.6 pounds before spring break which is in 10 weeks! Going to be rough but I am going to try to do it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Down one pound this week! With all the working out I did this week I was really hoping to see more but I will take it! 12.6 to goal!
So Weight Watchers leader has told us many times that between Halloween and NewYears that the average american gains 12 pounds in that time. I looked at all my weigh ins for that time period and I lost 5.8 during that time. That is something to be proud of!
So Weight Watchers leader has told us many times that between Halloween and NewYears that the average american gains 12 pounds in that time. I looked at all my weigh ins for that time period and I lost 5.8 during that time. That is something to be proud of!

Friday, January 2, 2009
Two Trips Again
Right on track all day with points! And again I made two trips to the gym, this morning I ran for 45 minutes then again this afternoon I ran fro 30 minutes. I am exhausted! Just hope there is a payoff for it all tomorrow when its time to step on the scale! I would love to see 3.2 to give me a total of 40 but I know that is not going to happen! I would be happy with one or two!

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Day of Rest
Today was a good day! Right on track with points. The gym was closed today for New Years so I could not go! Bummer. So I kinda took the day off especially since I am sore from yesterday! I did 45 minutes of yoga today and thats it, sat around watching TV rest of the day! LOL Back to the gym tomorrow. Yesterday I was felt like I lost 5 pounds but today I felt like I gained 5 pounds! One more day to get anything off before weigh in, right now planning on 2 trips to the gym again tomorrow...

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