Friday, February 29, 2008
I am home today. It was so great this morning being able to fix Shawn and the kids breakfast before they left for the day. I have already done a load of laundry and cleaned the living room. I think I am going to convince my hubby that I need to stay home full time and not work. There really is no reason that we couldn't live off his income alone. Besides once I got the house like I want it, I would be able to spend more time on my book and work on getting it published. I still have two others to write.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
OMG! 25!
Well, I DID IT! 35 minutes on the treadmill today, 5 minute warm up, 25 minutes RUNNING no walk breaks, and 5 minute cool down. I did stop 2 times in the first 10 minutes but both times it was just for 10 seconds to stretch my calfs because they were feeling very tight, other than that all running. I got 2 miles in that time, still short of the mileage I want of 3.1 but I will get there. Going to spend the next few weeks increasing time to 30 minutes then start working on speed for distance. Right on the 23 points today. Still feeling very anxious about weigh in this week, I just don't feel like I am loosing anything this week...we shall see!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Today I felt back on track! Stayed on points again and had a good workout. Took a 3 minute walk, 30 minutes of weights, 5 minutes on the rowing machine(uh..shoulders..ouch!) and 30 minutes on the elliptical. Legs still feeling kinda slugish today but not as bad as yesterday so I think I will be ready for my 25 minute straight run tomorrow! Hope I can do it!

Change of Attitude
I have had a change of attitude for the better. I am feeling good and happier then I have been in a long time. I have read half of the book "The Secret". Ladies get the book or the DVD, it is great. I have a much more positive attitude and the whole thing makes sense. I did exercise the other night and felt better. I got to water walk and I always enjoy that. Tonight I go to dinner with my boss, we are both in KC. I get to go home tomorrow and I have taken Friday off, so this weekend will be good.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Not Feeling It!
Man today was a running day and I was totally not feeling it. My legs were stiff and felt like they were running in mud. I completed all my intervals but it wasn't easy. Not sure why I am feeling this way just hope I get over it by Thursday, because that is a full 25 minute run with no intervals and if I feel the same way then as I did today I will never make it! Eating wise I was right on my 23!
Side note--Kathy hasn't joined us yet because her mother in law fell and hit her head and is now in the hospital facing a possible surgery for a bleeder in her head. Kathy like all of us here is a strong woman of faith so I know she would appreciate all of your prayers now. God Bless!!
Side note--Kathy hasn't joined us yet because her mother in law fell and hit her head and is now in the hospital facing a possible surgery for a bleeder in her head. Kathy like all of us here is a strong woman of faith so I know she would appreciate all of your prayers now. God Bless!!

Monday, February 25, 2008
Well I did a little better today, little off track just because it was an inservice day. But I did stay with in the points! Got in 30 minutes of weights at the gym and 30 minutes on the elliptical! Feeling like I have gained 5 pounds over the weekend binge I am retaining a TON of fluid! Hopefully it will be all out of system before Saturday and I don't show a gain!

Up 3
Well Ladies, I had a gain of 3 lbs. It doesn't really supprise me though since I have not been working out. Right now I am fighting depression and just don't feel like doing anything. I really hate winter and this one seems to be going on forever. I did not get my boss's job, but supprisingly I am actually relieved! I would really like to get a job as a cook at the school and there is a good chance that 6 positions will be open before next school year, so now I can try for that and not feel guilty. I go for a second interview at the other place this week, but I don't think I will take it. I would not have any vacation for a year, and then only 2 weeks. Now I have 4. I would also be working set hours and right now I can adjust my hours to suit me. I just do not want to do another winter in this position. I have missed too much with my kids. Please keep praying for me and hopefully soon I will have a job that I really like.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
40 hours done
I survived the 40 hour famine, yea me. I did miss the weigh in although I'm not sure I would have liked the results anyway. I weighed Friday before going to the famine and I gained a pound, then I weighed this morning and I lost .8. I don't put too much stock in these weigh in's as the first was in the evening and the second was in jeans and after not eating for 40 hours. We will just have to wait for the next official weigh-in date next Saturday to determine the outcome of the past week. Although I'm feeling the frustration. I'm only down 5 pounds, I go to the gym 3-6 days a week, I'm eating better then I ever have and I not losing as much as I think I should after 2 months (almost). I know these things take time and that patience is key, but wow, frustration is setting in fast. I would have given up by now, except for this blog and you guys.
The new icons on the blog home page look great.
Welcome Kathy, I look forward to getting to know you!
The new icons on the blog home page look great.
Welcome Kathy, I look forward to getting to know you!
Over Eating and Running!
Wouldn't recommend it! Yesterday was a really bad day with eating. I was stressed and angry most of the day and I let that control everything. I went 5 points over what I should have on the Wendie Plan, those 5 points wouldn't have been a big issue, however everything I ate that day was NOT a good healthy choice. Did I stop there? NO! This morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast! So you can just imagine how bad that was. Did I stop there? Still NO! What was I thinking!??? I went over points again today by 10~! I did drink all my water both days and did my running today! Which was horrible! I felt like throwing up the whole time. It was an interval day thank goodness and not a straight run or I never would have made it. Only satisfaction from it was since it was intervals I increased my running speed and it did make me feel better in the since it relieved a lot of stress! Just wish I could have controlled the eating part of it all. So I am thinking since the last 2 days have been so bad, that I need to eat ON POINTS strictly the next 5 days before I weigh in on Saturday. Which means 23 points a day and no more all week! No Wendie plan this week, I will try it again next week after I get back on track!

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Little Disappointed
I lost .8 this week! Its a loss not a maintain or gain, I thought it would be more so I am a little disappointed! I am going to try Wendie Plan again this week, because it did help in the since I didn't feel hungry all the time like I was before, maybe next week will be better! Overall I have had a bad week emotionally so I guess its just that more than anything.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Easy WorkOut Day
Man my legs were sure feeling that run from yesterday this morning!! It took half the day to work out the stiffness! But it felt great! Today I took it kinds easy, I walked for 30 minutes and did 30 minutes of pilates. If anyone is interested I recommend THE FIRM PILATES, dvd. It actually works the entire body and uses a resistance band for extra strength training, its great~! Well tomorrow is the big day, weigh in day, I am always nervous about it but especially this week since I tried the Wendie Plan! Most of the week I felt like I was gaining, but yesterday and today I felt like maybe I lost. I do know it helped in the fact I didn't feel hungry all the time! So lets just hope it worked!

40 hours / No eating :(
Ok, so I'm checking in this morning to say I won't be reporting in tomorrow. Every year the youth group at our church does a 40 hour famine and we started last night at 10 pm. This means that I will eat nothing until 2 pm on Saturday. I will not be weighing in, in the morning because we will be having a sleep over at the church. It is so much easier when you stay busy to not eat. I can drink what ever I want and it really is easier then I thought it would be the first year that I did it. Anyway, I'll check in on Sunday with everyone.
Have a good weekend!
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I DID IT!! I DID IT!! I ran today for a straight 20 minutes!!! WOW it felt amazing!! At the beginning of the week I really felt like repeating week 4 but I didn't I went ahead with week 5! First 2 days was run/walk, I was realy not looking forward to day 3 with the 20 minutes, I almost didn't even try it but then I thought you won't know if you don't try! So I tried! and....I DID IT!!!!! I am really pumped up about starting week 6 next week!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mid Week and Stress
OK to start off with to day I walked for 30 minutes and also did the elliptical for 30 minutes. As good as it felt to workout it really didn't help relieve any of the stress I am feeling right now. This is the 3rd time Bruce has been gone and I am not handling it very well this time at all! Every time I turn around I am breaking out in tears! I am also stressed (silly I know) about this Wendie Plan I am trying ! I feel like I am gaining not losing! Maybe its the stress!? Working out normally helps relieve all the stress and tension but its hasnt seem to work today. Tomorrow is a running day so maybe that will help some........

Well, just checking in with a workout update. Am super sore from yesterday so the workout was hard today. Did the treadmill for 20 minutes, did a run / walk mostly walk but did get 3 min of running, got to start somewhere don't I.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ouch is all i got to say
Back with the trainer today, what do they say, no pain no gain, well oh my word...the pain is setting in. Today was upper body. I did free weights, bench press and sit ups, yes I said sit ups, I think I am going to die! LOL Ok so it really isn't that bad but I know that tomorrow I'm going to be feeling it all. But when the scale says down then it will all be worth it.
Feeling GREAT!
I am soooo loving this running program I am doing. Today's run was warm up, run 8 minutes, walk 5 and the run another 8! I DID IT! I wanted to do more! It is such a rush! I am a little nervous about Thursday run, scheduled for 20 minutes of non stop running, don't know if I can do a straight 20 yet but I am going to give it try and see how I do. After running I did do some weights, arms were not as sore as last night, but I lowered the weight amount because I am still sore, after wards they felt better. Also took a 30 minute walk today! Now its time to chill out and watch The Biggest Loser!

Monday, February 18, 2008
Sore Arms
I worked my arms out really hard yesterday,this morning and most of the day they were sore but not too bad so I thought I was doing OK! Until this evening, they went from being sore to being PAIN! OUCH! Tomorrow is a running day, which I will do, my legs are not sore at all, I was going to do some weights again after running, but now I am not so sure! I am going to wait until I get to the gym tomorrow and see how the arms are feeling then before I make that decision!

It's been a pretty good day. No work today, President's day, so it was clean and relax at home. Made it to the gym for a quick workout, didn't realize they were closing early, but I made my 20 min on the treadmill and a little stretching. I should be back with the trainer tomorrow.
No loss for me
I didn't have a loss last week, but I didn't expect one. I now have to redo my scale. I had a HELPFUL person come in and rezero it for me....wrong! Now I am going to have to get it changed again. Don't know yet about the interviews, they both said sometime this week.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Here we go again
Another week, another chance to begin over again. The scale wasn't nice to me this week, up 2 pounds, but I really didn't expect to lose anything this week. Steve and I had 3 valentines dinners out and since I lost the week before and I was sick all week, I figured that this past week would not look good on the scale. Looking forward to getting back to the gym and back on track for eating right. My neighbor and I may even go back to weightwatchers in the near future.
Quote of the week:
type this into your browser and watch the small video clip. It will make you laugh. (hopefully it will work)
Have a great week!
Quote of the week:
type this into your browser and watch the small video clip. It will make you laugh. (hopefully it will work)
Have a great week!
New Week New Program
I am trying a new program this week. Its still Weight Watchers, in the sense I am counting points. Its called the Wendie Plan. I currently am just eating my daily points, no extra weekly or activity points, so I think I am not eating enough with all the working out I am doing. So this program will "make" me eat extra points! Its basic concept is some days you want more food than other, some days you aren't that hungry. Which is exactly how I have been feeling. So this program give you a point range (OLD Weight Watchers Program) BUT it also automatically includes the weekly points. One day a week you eat super high over regular points (like a cheat day) other days you eat daily points, slightly higher than daily, and medium range. It keeps your body guessing as too how much fuel you will give it that day, so your metabolism stays reved up! I am a little nervous about trying it, afraid I am going to gain weight, but I am going to try anyway. Hope it works!
Went to the gym today, 30 minutes running and 30 minutes of weights! Now its time for a long HOT shower!
If anyone is interested in the Wendie Plan here is a link to it for info!
Went to the gym today, 30 minutes running and 30 minutes of weights! Now its time for a long HOT shower!
If anyone is interested in the Wendie Plan here is a link to it for info!

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
12 and Yogurt
12--the size on the pair of jeans I tried to put on this morning. New jeans only worn a few times before I got to fat for them. Last time I tried to put them on I got them pulled up but they were at least 2 inches away from being able to button and zip them.. Today I got them pulled up, zipped and snapped...BUT they were still so freaking tight I couldn't breathe..but oh so close!! They will be fitting again soon!!
Yogurt--I HATE it! I can't stand the taste of it. I have tried every brand name and every flavor and I have never been able to swallow more than 3 bites of the nasty tasting stuff. But I didn't give up. Today I tried two new flavors. Weight Watchers Amaretto Cheesecake and Weight Watchers Cherry Cheesecake...LOVE IT! It was soooooo good~! I ate both of them and wanted more! (thank goodness they are only 1 point!) I just went to the store and bought some more of both flavors!
I got in my ruin today that I skipped out on yesterday, there is a mirror in front of the row of treadmills at the gym, today while running I was noticing some muscle development in my legs! My arms have a LONG way to go but it will come in time!
Everyone good luck on the big weigh in day tomorrow!
Yogurt--I HATE it! I can't stand the taste of it. I have tried every brand name and every flavor and I have never been able to swallow more than 3 bites of the nasty tasting stuff. But I didn't give up. Today I tried two new flavors. Weight Watchers Amaretto Cheesecake and Weight Watchers Cherry Cheesecake...LOVE IT! It was soooooo good~! I ate both of them and wanted more! (thank goodness they are only 1 point!) I just went to the store and bought some more of both flavors!
I got in my ruin today that I skipped out on yesterday, there is a mirror in front of the row of treadmills at the gym, today while running I was noticing some muscle development in my legs! My arms have a LONG way to go but it will come in time!
Everyone good luck on the big weigh in day tomorrow!

Big Day Today
My leg is better. I am still on some really strong antibiotics and will continue them for another week. The good side of this is that the same antibiotics have killed whatever was in my lungs and now I can cough all of that up too. YUUUKKKK!! Today I have two job interviews, one for my boss's job and one for Underground Vaults and Storage. I also train for an hour this morning, so it is going to be a long day. I really do need to get off the road though, Dustin is flunking 2 of his classes and has D's in four others, Kimberlee is having problems with algebra and my house gets really trashed when I'm gone. I don't think I can take much more stress, which in itself makes a body hang on to the belly fat. Be praying for me today.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day Wash Out
I started my day with full intentions of running this afternoon, didn't work out that way. Yesterday at the gym I did some leg machines I haven't done before and worked some muscles that don't normally get worked. The longer this day went the more and more sore I became. I took a 30 minute walk and wasn't sure I was going to be able to finish, my legs were WEAK! So I decided it probably wasn't a good thing to try to run. My plan is to do it tomorrow, no excuses!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Part of the Workout
Its been a super long day! I only got in part of what I wanted to for a workout today. I walked for 30 minutes and went to the gym and got in a really good 30 minutes of weights. I had wanted to do 30 minutes on the elliptical at home tonight but it just didn't happen..and for no other reason than I just didn't want to do it, I just didn't have the energy. Tomorrow is a running day so I decided to rest up and conserve energy for tomorrow.

No gym tonight
Excuses, excuses, I really hate them, but this time I think I have a good one, really two good ones. OK first and the most important today, me being the accident prone person I am, slipped and fell on a small patch of ice at work today. I'm basicly OK, I think, but scaped and sore, really sore. Not the good kind of sore, either. The gym sore I can handle, but this, no thankyou. Basicly I fell on my left knee and hand, so I have bruises and scrapes on both. That is the main reason for no gym tonight. Reason two: someone felt it necessary to turn on the snow machine again. We have gone nearly a week with no new snow and some of the snow was even melting :) But about 1:00pm today, on the snow machine went, and not a pretty snow at that. It was super windy and because it was above freezing at first, it melted, then froze, so ice on the roads, ice on the car windows, basiclly a teriable afternoon. Just wanted to get home and do homework. So I'm resting up, did two assignments, and getting ready for supper. Hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow. At least it is almost the weekend!! :) So ready for that.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tired But Did It
I was so tired today, didn't sleep well last night. All I wanted to do is crawl into bed! But I made the decision to go to the gym anyway. I did my 30 minute run, I completed it but I ran slower than normal, just took it easy and didn't push it. I am really glad I did go, I feel so much better for having done it, I should sleep like a rock tonight! LOL! Tomorrow its weights! I am looking forward to it, did some new things with weights on Sunday so I am excited about doing it again tomorrow!

Good workout
Wow, I'm already feeling tired and sore and I just finished my workout for the day. 20 min on the treadmill, stretching, 2 laps around the track, then toneing machines did lower body, then 3 more laps around the track. Feeling good, but sure can tell I didn't do much last week.
Now it's time to cook supper, take care of my sick husband, clean up from supper, and then homework till bedtime.
Talk to you all later.
Now it's time to cook supper, take care of my sick husband, clean up from supper, and then homework till bedtime.
Talk to you all later.
Home on bedrest
I finally found out why I am so tired all the time. A couple of my toes started swelling and I had a lot of pain in my calf. I went to the Dr thinking it was a blood clot and after all of the tests, he said that I had a very severe infection. He also said had I ignored it, it could have been deadly. He put me on two antibiotics and told me I have to stay off my feet and put hot packs on my leg until Wed morning. So, I am home and can't even enjoy being off. By the way, prayer request...I have two interviews on Friday. I am really wanting a job off the road. Has anyone read the book "The Secret"? I saw about it on Oprah.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday Blues
Back at it
Was a pretty good day. I went to a reading training class today so work went well. Then it was off to the gym. I have increased my workouts to 30 minutes run / walk. Mostly walk, but I'm getting there. Feels good to be back at the gym and working out again. It's weights tomorrow, time to be sore again.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Starting over
OK, it's the beginning of the new week, so here's to a great week for everyone. We will all do good things this week. For me, I'm feeling a little better, still tired and still have a sick husband and child but, I think getting back to the gym tomorrow and eating right this week will do wonders for my health.
Quote of the week:
Success is not a race, be patient.
Have a great week.
Quote of the week:
Success is not a race, be patient.
Have a great week.
Awesome Workout
Wohooo! Because I have a meeting after work tomorrow and may not make it to the gym, I did todays and tomorrows workout at the same time! LOL I did my 30 minute run, which today I increased the amount of time I am running, I am running more than walking in that 30 minutes now! Then I did the 30 minutes of weights I would normally do Monday! I also increased the amount of weights I have been lifting. After that 1 hour I was exhausted but also felt very energized! I am so happy we decided to join the gym, it sure helps and I love going! Happy Sunday everyone!

Saturday, February 9, 2008
One Again
Lost ONE pound again! I know I know one a week is good! So why do I still feel so frustrated! I work out like crazy and stay on points for one pound a week, in the past I have lost 2 or 3 pounds a week, I know thats it probably the thyroid thing, but its hard to keep focused when the results aren't what you want. I dont mean to whine or complain, at least I am loosing I just wish I would feel a sense of accomplishment. OK just tell me to shutup now and stop complaining!

Not bad
I was worried about the weigh in, but, turns out being sick can come in handy when not eating right or exercising. (Although I really don't recommend this method of losing weight). I'm down 1.8 pounds. So not only am I starting to feel better, but I'm down and not up today. So all things good here. The best part, NO SNOW for the next 5 days and temps in the 40's so hope this is the case. 6 + inches of snow everyother day is way too much snow. Looking forward to Texas sun and tempatures.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Down 2
I weighed this morning and am down another 2 lbs. The only thing I can think of is that when I train a class I am up on my feet for 8 hrs and walk back and forth in front of the class. I guess that is working as exercise for me, since I have been too tired in the evenings and still have bronchitis so have not done anything else.
Friday, February 8, 2008
OK, so I know that I've been absent from the blog for this week. I've been sick most of the week. It all started with my husband and his cold, then my son, then my daughter. Taking care of all them, now I am not feeling well. Mostly for me, I am so tired and achey. Just been resting up and trying to not get the full sickness like the rest of my family.
Not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. No exercise for me this week and eating, well, that hasn't been so good either. I haven't been horrible but defanetly not good choices. Oh well, guess, I'll just work harder next week and get back on track.
Not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. No exercise for me this week and eating, well, that hasn't been so good either. I haven't been horrible but defanetly not good choices. Oh well, guess, I'll just work harder next week and get back on track.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy Thursday!
OK For the project I have been talking about! It is now final! Go to my other blog to see all about it!
Now as far as today goes! Right on track!! eating good, except I dont think I am eating enough I always feel hungry! Gotta work on that! Did my 30 minutes of running tonite as well! My back is kinda achy tonite so I may take it easy tomorrow on the work out!
Now as far as today goes! Right on track!! eating good, except I dont think I am eating enough I always feel hungry! Gotta work on that! Did my 30 minutes of running tonite as well! My back is kinda achy tonite so I may take it easy tomorrow on the work out!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Another Late Night Workout
Right on track all day with the eating! After work we went to the gym, I am so getting into that, we did 30 minutes of weight training, then it was off to work on that "project" again. After dinner we had some shopping to do for that project which should be finalized tomorrow! LOL! Anyway, I had talked myself out of doing the elliptical tonight and was juts chilling out in front of the TV, and before I knew it, it was 9pm and I was on the elliptical! Did 30 minutes, and of course I am now happy I did it. Next week things should be back on track and I will not be working out so late! Hope you all are having a good week!

Long week
It has been a long week. I have still been sick from the time that I had the flu. I haven't done any exercise exept moving while I am training all day. Still doing OK on the eating issues.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Where is Everyone?
Another good day on the eating side, I really think I have that under control. I got in a 30 minute run on the treadmill at the gym, was going to do more, but we had something else to do. Had to check in on that project I mentioned in yesterdays post. We are hoping to have a final answer on that tomorrow! LOL! I cant wait to tell you all, after it works out. I am sure it will!

Monday, February 4, 2008
Kinda of a strange night. Did good on eating all day as usual, after work we went to the gym and did some free weights, I am sure I will be feeling that tomorrow! The plan then was to come home and after dinner I was going to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. Well, we got kinda side track with a project we are working on....more on that later in the week, going to keep you all in suspense until I know for sure its going to work out! LOL! Anyway by the time we had dinner, ran some errands, and worked on that secret project it was 8:30pm I was tired and had a headache(trying to DECAF myself) all I wanted to do was sit in front of the TV and watch my soaps...that I have gotten re-hooked on in the last few months because we no have DVR! So I am sitting there watching Young and the Restless and I started feeling guilty for not doing the elliptical. So when I started in on As the World Turns I couldn't take it any more! at 9:45pm I started my 30 minutes of elliptical work out! I now its time to go to bed and I am energized from the workout. I am crazy? Obsessed? or Overly dedicated? Just know I feel much better for doing it than I would if I had just sat there!

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Joined a Gym
OK its not so much a Gym as it is a Rec/Fitness Center. Bruce and I joined the North Richland Hills Fitness Center this afternoon. Its a small scale Gym, it has free weights, machine weights, and cardio equipment. The reason we decided on it was $$$. It cost us $150 for both of us to join for a year. A typical gym would cost that $150 per person PLUS 30-40 bucks a month fee. So you really cant beat the price. Like I said its small scale but it will work and its close to home less than 10 minutes down the street. So today I ran on the treadmill, it was really weird to be on a treadmill where the belt didnt serve and buckle every so often LOL! Had a great run, then did 3 minutes on the rowing machine, after 2 minutes my shoulders were burning!! Had to really work that last minute! Tomorrow will be a weights day. I am excited to have more options for working out with!

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Under 200!!
I couldn't believe it. I was down 2 lbs this morning. It's a slow process but am so happy to be under 200 lbs for a change.
Down ONE!
I was really hoping for more! I feel like I have lost 3 or 4 pounds this week. Maybe its just all the working out is toning up more than I think so thats why I feel so much better. Not complaining just feel a little frustrated that its coming off so slowly, last time I did weight watchers it came off so much easier, of course I was 5 years younger and wasn't fighting cancer. But at least its going down, slow but down. Just need to stay positive and not give in to the frustrations.

And the total is....
1.2 pounds down, yea for me! Of course I wish it was more, but I am supper happy with the loss. No disappointment here. After all I'm getting smaller as well as thinner, so all is well. Hope you all do as well too.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Increased Tension
I am so excited and nervous about tomorrows weigh in..I think I did well, but you never know what the scale will show! Tonite I pushed out 30 minutes on the elliptical, I increased the tension one step up on it and man were my legs screaming! Then I finished off with 20 minutes of pilates~ There are 2 things I thought I could never do or would enjoy doing. Running and pilates. Now not only can I do them I enjoy doing them and get great satisfaction from them. Cant wait to hear how you all do tomorrow! Good Luck!

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