Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Working It Out
I hope! I was still sore today but I worked out hoping to work out the soreness! I lifted weights for 30 minutes, did the elliptical for 20 minutes and rode my bike for 45 minutes! Ate all 21 points today even tried something new! Weight watchers has a new pasta out that you can only get at meeting, its only 3 points so I tried it with some chicken and it was really good! May have to get some more at the next meeting!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I was feeling pretty good this morning bu the longer the day goes the more sore I get! I ate all 21 points today and turned away a piece of cake that was very tempting! Went to the gym after work and ran sprints for 30 minutes. While watching Biggest Loser tonight I got a little more motivated so I jumped on the ellipitcal for 30 minutes and then did 30 minutes of yoga! The stretching was painful but I think it helped!

Monday, September 22, 2008
New Routine
Ouch! LOL I moved on to a new weight lifting routine today and tonight my legs and abs are FEELING it! Good pain, right!? Yeah well we will see in the morning how good it is! So besides the 30 minutes of weight lifting and did 20 minutes of steep inclines on the treadmill and a 30 minute bike ride! Yes I am ready for bed! LOL! I ate good too, got in all 21 points plus one activity point! Working extra hard this week to loose this week and not repeat the 5 pound curse of following week gain!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well my day started off on the right track but because of circumstances of the day it didn't end that way! Got busy helping Bruce on a job and ate lunch way to late in the day and was starving so I had no self control at all and it just went down hill from there! Bad but not horrible by any means but I am still dissapointed in myself for not sticking to the plan! I do not want to repeat the last 2 times I hit a 5 pound milestone, the following week I gained! This week I WILL NOT do that! The rest of the week I will be on plan and I am going to workout like I did this summer! Today I got in a 45 minute walk with the dogs so its off to a good start there!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Can I Get ONE!?
One pound, thats all I want to see down tomorrow! That will be put me at 35! Although really I would like to see more than that because on the last 2 5 pound marks. 30 and 25 I lost enough to get there but each time the following week I gained a little to put me under that total again! Very annoying and I do not want to do that again at 35! So I am really hoping for more than one but I will take what I can get! Today exercise wise I got in 30 minutes of running, 30 minutes of bike ride and 30 minutes of yoga! Ate all 21 points. So now its just wait and see what the scale says in the morning!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Back Into Work Out Mode
So yeah for me I have been slacking off a bit on the workouts, not so much as slacking off but take a rest without stopping completely. But I am back at it now and ready to go! I was getting really worn down with all the work outs over the summer but not I feel refreshed! Today I lifted weights for 20 minute, did the ellipitcal for 30 minutes and rode my bike for 35 minutes. On the eating side of things I ate all 21 points AND one activity point! For me that is a big deal I hate eating activity points! Makes me feel guilty and like I am eating more than I should even though I know its ok to eat them! Still not feeling too confident about weighing in on Saturday with the way things have been going! I just hope the extra work outs will make it worth it and show on the scale!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On The Bike Again
I have not rode my bike in over 2 weeks, so tonight I decided it was time to get back on it! And I did! It felt awesome to be back out there riding! I didn't know how much I really missed it until I was out there riding! I have been thinking that my lack of weight loss lately has been for 2 reasons, 1 I eat almost the same stuff every day no variety! So today I sat down and wrote out a new menu of sorts for all 2 meals yes including breakfast no more cereal, and I am going to start it next week after I get a chance to go to the store this weekend. And 2 since school has started yes I have worked out but not as much as I was during the summer. So thats why I decided it was time to get back on the bike! Increase work outs! Hopefully with more work outs and change in eating that will shake up things a bit and I will get back to some good losses! I want to be at goal by Thanksgiving and Lifetime before Christmas! So my complete workout today was 30 minutes of HIIT sprints on the treadmill, 30 minutes of yoga and 45 minutes bike ride! On the eating side all I am going to say is I get 21 points and I ate all 21 points. I figure why bother with writing it all out when during the week its always the same with few differences for lunch, it varies from chicken strip wrap to baked potato to leftovers from night before! So until I start the new menu next week I will let the point by point journal go for now....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Biggest Loser
Wohooo Biggest Loser starts again tonight! Its become my favorite show! LOL
So for today I started the morning fighting the scale obsession! I go through stages of weighing once a week and stages of weighing every day which is NOT a good thing! Today I had that urge to weigh but I fought it and won! I did not weigh! Had a good day today! Breakfast was 4 pts(normally the same thing every day for breakfast because I dont have time to make anything else before work) 2pts cereal, 1pt apple, 1pt yogurt. snacks were 2pt 1/2 fiberone poptart, 2pts fiberone bar, 2pts crackers and cheese. Lunch was 7pts, 6pts chicken strip wrap, 0pt salad and 1pt yogurt and dinner was 4pts a bean and cheese burrito(homemade). Exercise was 30 minutes of weight lifting and 20 minutes on the elliptical! Not its time to go watch BIGGEST LOSER!

So for today I started the morning fighting the scale obsession! I go through stages of weighing once a week and stages of weighing every day which is NOT a good thing! Today I had that urge to weigh but I fought it and won! I did not weigh! Had a good day today! Breakfast was 4 pts(normally the same thing every day for breakfast because I dont have time to make anything else before work) 2pts cereal, 1pt apple, 1pt yogurt. snacks were 2pt 1/2 fiberone poptart, 2pts fiberone bar, 2pts crackers and cheese. Lunch was 7pts, 6pts chicken strip wrap, 0pt salad and 1pt yogurt and dinner was 4pts a bean and cheese burrito(homemade). Exercise was 30 minutes of weight lifting and 20 minutes on the elliptical! Not its time to go watch BIGGEST LOSER!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Feeling Good
Staying on track on Sundays seems to make me more postive about the week! I felt totally in control today even when tempted by many obstacles, food at work, chocolate cake and chips and salsa! Said NO to both! At the gym, had an equipment issue that I easily could have just walked away from and not have worked out but didnt! My food journal for the day was 4pts breakfast, 2pts for cereal,1pt for apple and 1pt yogurt. Had a midmorning snack of 2pts which was 1/2 of fiberone poptart. Lunch was 7pts, 5pts for chicken strip wrap, 0pts for salad and 1pt for yogurt. Afternoon snack was2pts fiber one bar. Dinner was 4pts for egg/cheese/hashbrown wrap and a 2pt snack of cheese and crackers. That is something new this week too, looking back over the last few weeks I have noticed that at the end of the day I had 2 or 3 sometimes 4 points left. Not a good thing! And when journaling here I would just indicate I was on points..well not really if I am not eating all of them. So this week I am making a conscience effort to eat all 21 points! At the gym I got there all ready for my HIIT day! Well all the treadmills were full...I was irritated so I took a few laps around the gym and decided that I would change it up and do HIIT on the elliptical instead, so I go back into the cardio room, all the ellipitcals are full except for the 2 that are stationary the ramp does not go up or down and the arms dont move! I hate that machine so now I am just ready to give up and not work out! So I take another lap around the gym and check again and YES a treadmill is open! So I hop on and have an awesome 30 minute session of sprints! Normally dont have those issues at the gym with equipment not sure why it was like that today! Then I came home and did 30 minutes of yoga! So not a bad day at all.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008
2 Sundays In A Row!
Today was the second Sunday that I have worked at staying on program and did it! Today was a little harder just because I was home alone this afternoon and bored so I wanted to eat but didnt! Also been thinking about making this more of a journal/log and actually posting what I eat and opposed to just saying on points..going to give it a try anyway I amy get lazy about it and go back to jsut saying on points...I have 21 points a day..so here it is! Breakfast was 5 pts..1pt egg whites, 1pt english muffin, 2pts turkey bacon(2) and 1pt yogurt. Lunch wsa 4ts..2pts grilled cheese, 1pt fatfree pringles and 2pts fiber one bar. Dinner was 6pt chicken strip wrap. Snacks throught the day were 3 pts of one fiber one ppop tart and 1 yogurt. Total 21 points. Exercise included earning 3 points for just over an hour of mowing the yard, it was tall and wet! LOL~ and earned 1pt on my pedometer. I have a weight watchers pedometer that tracks steps, miles and earned points. Today was a slow day only 1 point~! LOL
See now that I have done that not sure I will stick with it! It was too much work! LOL!

See now that I have done that not sure I will stick with it! It was too much work! LOL!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here we are AGAIN
The eve of a weigh in and I have no confidence what so ever that I have lost weight. Yesterday I was up 1.8 today I was still up just not as bad at .6 What is going on???????? I am really dreading the weigh in tomorrow! But for today, good day ate on points and ran. Got in 30 minutes of HIIT! Also when I got home I did about an hour of outside work, picking up yard furniture and stuff like that and loading a stack of 2x4 lumber on the trailor and moving about 7 windows from outside on the side of the house to the garage. All in prepartion for Hurrincane Ike. Supposed to hit tomorrow and they are prediciting some really strong wind and storms so I picked up and moved all that stuff so it would not blow away! Exercise is exercise I guess! Just hope its enough to make the scale go down tomorrow!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
So Irritated and Discouraged
I cant believe this ! This morning the scale was up 1.8! Unreal! I dont have that much time to get it off before Saturday I dont even know why or how I gained it! Its been a good week! I thought for sure it would be down! Ate on points today and got in 30 minutes of weights and 20- minutes on elliptical! I just feel so discouraged right now!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Back To It
Back on track mostly today! Was on with food ate my daily points still have 2 left. Exercise- did not get in what I planned! It was supposed to be a HIIT day! Did not make it to the gym! Came home after work and took the dogs for a walk instead, which ended in a 1/2 mile run....in the rain! LOL Got rained on so I jogged the last 1/2 mile home. Did not make it on bike ride as planned either because of the rain, maybe tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Big Step Back
Messed up the points plan today! Did good up too dinner! We have a friend from Kansas visiting so we went out for Mexican. Which was planned and I planned for it, if we had eaten at a normal time all would have been ok, but we didnt make out for dinner until 7:30 so we didnt get food until 8:00pm by then I was starving and did not have much self control and now I am disgusted with myself! Got in 30 minute weights and 20 minutes on elliptical today! No bike ride,because of visiting friend and besides that it was raining again! 4 days to undo the damage I did tonight!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Still Doing It
Today was another good day! Ate all but one daily point. For exercise I started HIIT again I havent done it in several weeks. I was getting to the point that all out sprints were killing me and I had no energy to finish them. I read an article on HIIT that mentioned after a while you sometimes need to take 2 or 3 weeks off from doing them because you do work so hard on the intervals that it wears your body down. Take a rest then start again. So that is what I did, but since its been several weeks I did not start back up at 60 second sprints, I restarted at 30 second sprints, for 30 minutes and it felt awesome! 30 seconds is a good time for me I think it was when I started the 60 seconds that I started hurting. 30 seconds is good compared to when the first time I ever tried HIIT I did 15 seconds for only 20 minutes. I am ready for the next HIIT day! LOL Well ok not really but I will be when its time for it on Wednesday! Was going to start back on the bike rides tonight as well but the rain got in the way!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First Sunday
This was the first Sunday in a VERY long time that I have stayed on points! It feels great! I actually still have one point left for the day! I normallu start off good but half way through the say I loose it and binge eat! But not today! Off to a good start for the week!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Down but not Enough
The scale this morning was down from yesterday but still up from last Saturday! I do NOT have much confidence at all that tomorrows weigh in will be a good one! Today I ate on points. For exercise I mowed the lawn and cleaned up the back yard! Should have been running for hours to work off what ever it is I gained but just not very very motivated! Felling very down and frustrated!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
What is Going On?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I just dont get it! The scale this morning said I was up 1.4~ I know I made some bad choices earlier this week but I did not expect to see that! I am so bummed! Just hope its down by Saturday! Today I ate on points, still have 2 points left! Got in 35 minutes of incline work on the treadmill with the scale up I should have ran but just didnt feel like I had the energy for it! Have not been riding my bike this week! Hurricane Gustav has hit this part of Texas, you can barely stand up outside without being blown over there is no way to ride the bike!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Last 2 Days~Not So Good
Yesterday I was having emotional issues, and at the time I thought I was doing OK! I did not emotional eat everything in sight! I did the opposit. I ate all of 8 points all day! However the emotional crap caught up with me today! Good breakfast just 4 points and good dinner just 6 points! It was lunch that killed me! A BIG GREASY hamburger and fries! WHAT was I thinking!? Just hoping the lack of food yesterday and the over food today balance each other out! I did drink TONS of water, 32oz mug refilled 6 times! LOL Going to be up all night in the bathroom! Earned unconventional activity points! Worked with Bruce today on a bathroom remodel. Up and down the ladder(stair climber LOL) And holding sheet rock in place above my head for several minutes at a time (Yoga) Was on my feet and moving all day only sat down to eat lunch!

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