Friday, February 15, 2008

Big Day Today

My leg is better. I am still on some really strong antibiotics and will continue them for another week. The good side of this is that the same antibiotics have killed whatever was in my lungs and now I can cough all of that up too. YUUUKKKK!! Today I have two job interviews, one for my boss's job and one for Underground Vaults and Storage. I also train for an hour this morning, so it is going to be a long day. I really do need to get off the road though, Dustin is flunking 2 of his classes and has D's in four others, Kimberlee is having problems with algebra and my house gets really trashed when I'm gone. I don't think I can take much more stress, which in itself makes a body hang on to the belly fat. Be praying for me today.


Carla said...

Forgot, 1 interview at 11 am and 1 at 2 pm.

WWGrlLuvs2Run said...

glad you are feeling better! how did the interviews go!?!?