Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another OK day
OK day! I ate just my daily points and as far as exercise goes I got in 30minute of weights at the gym and 45 minute bike ride. Tomorrow is a running day and at this time I am not sure if I will be running! The exhaustion yesterday was only part of why I didnt run, the other part is a minor foot injury. Last weekend when helping Bruce I stepped down off a ladder and missed the bottom rung and landed wrong on my foot causing a painful twinge across the top of it. It hasnt hurt in 2 days but I am afraid to run too soon and really hurt it to the point I cant run for weeks or months. So I am thinking of riding bike or elliptical tomorrow and not do any running until next week!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
After weeks and weeks of some long intense working out! I think my body is telling me to slow up! Today I am just exhausted and have no energy to do anything! I did not go to the gym today and it was a running day! I NEVER miss a running day! But I just didnt feel like I could get through it without hurting myself so I didnt go! After dinner I did go for a bike ride but that is all I did today! Stayed on points so thats good! I think I am just going to get in some light work outs this week rest on the weekend and start fresh with the running and everything next week!

Not good today
I can tell I am still under alot of stress. I ate lunch today at Taco Bell and had a steak gordito and a cheese roll. Not good. We are having meat loaf for supper.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Not A Good Report
Horrible weekend! I totally gave in to temptations and took the easy way out! Friday I did good! got in a 30m run before leaving town! Even ate within points that day while traveling! Saturday! Well lets just say it was the worst day I have ever had since restarting Weight Watchers in January. And it lead into Sunday and Monday! Way too much food and no exercise! I did work on helping Bruce build a deck all day Saturday and Sunday but that is nothing for the exercise I am used too especially with all the junk I inhaled along with it. Today however I am back on track! Eating within points and 30m of weights and 1hr15m bike ride! The rest of the week I plan to stay with in daily points no extras and work out work out work out! I just hope the gain on next Saturday will not be too big!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Back Again
Well, things have been really bad here. I have been gone awhile because a couple of weeks ago my father-in-law committed suicide. We are still having a hard time. I have lost some though this week. I am down 2 pounds. I now am staying with eating the Kashi bar at lunch and then having a small dinner. I am trying to walk more, so I think that is helping. We have about 2.5 acres of land and that is keeping me busy too now that it is warming up.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Test
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A New Day
Today was a much better day than yesterday! Ate only my daily points nothing more today! Got in plenty of exercise today as well. 30m walk, 30m run and 30m yoga! So I am feeling much better today still uneasy about missing the weigh in this week and how hard it is for me to stay on track but I am going to just hang in there and do my best! This weekend will be tough since we will be in Kansas but I just have to DO IT!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Good Intentions Fail
The day started off good! Good intentions and followed through! Was on track with eating all day until this evening. Was on track with exercise too until this evening! Exercise- I went to the gym for my 30m weight training came home all ready for pilates and a bike ride! Well that didnt happen, Bruce decided we needed to do some yard work instead so I didnt get any pilates or bike in! Eating-right on track all day until after I finished the yard work! I was so upset about missing pilates and bike that I ate ice cream and cake! OK its not as bad as it sounds, the cake was a weight watchers 3 point muffin, and the ice cream was weight watchers 2 point ice cream cup so it was 5 points but that was 4 points over my daily points! I am having a really hard time this week trying to stay focused! I am feeling very frustrated right now!

Monday, May 19, 2008
Yesterday and Today
Yesterday-spent the whole day working outside at a friends house painting the house! UGH! I ate good all day stayed with in my points until the very end! I had a peanut buster parfait from Dairy Queen and used 16 flex points for it!
Today-right on with points today! Did not go over or use any extras. Got in 30m walk, 30m run and 30m yoga! My run today was HORRIBLE! I was not feeling it at all! My sprints have been at 8 to 8.5mph but today I could not even get higher than 7mph! My legs just did not want to move at all, I think it was from going up and down the ladder all day yesterday painting! So anyway I guess 7mph is better than nothing!
Today-right on with points today! Did not go over or use any extras. Got in 30m walk, 30m run and 30m yoga! My run today was HORRIBLE! I was not feeling it at all! My sprints have been at 8 to 8.5mph but today I could not even get higher than 7mph! My legs just did not want to move at all, I think it was from going up and down the ladder all day yesterday painting! So anyway I guess 7mph is better than nothing!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
10 Percent~!
I got my 10% today! I lost 1.4 ! Needed 1 to get 10% needed 2 to get 20 pounds! I got 10% but missed 20 by .6! UGH! LOL Oh well it will come! This is going to be a rough week, because I wont be weighing in next Saturday we will be in Kansas! When I dont have that weekly accountability I get off track so its my goal this week to stay on track even though I wont be weighing in!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Moment of Truth
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Still Sore
This is bad! LOL I am still so sore from 2 days ago! Hope thats not a bad sign come weigh in time on Saturday! I pushed through it and worked out anyway, actually working out made it feel better until about 30 minutes later then the hurt started again! LOL! Got in a 30m walk, 30m of weights, 50m bike ride and 20m of pilates. Did OK eating! Was on track all day until Bruce decided he wanted to go to Double Daves for dinner(Pizza place) So I had 10 daily points left for the day. I had a salad(no points-just lettuce and 0 point veggies-no dressing) then I had ONE piece of pizza, One cinnamon stick, and ONE slice of chocolate chip dessert pizza! For me that soooooooo good! I can eat and eat and eat the cinnamon and chocolate chip stuff! So I figured with the 10 daily points and the 6 earned activity points I did OK!? Hope so anyway!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My arms this morning were sore from all the dang gum pushups in that Biggest Loser DVD, but nothing too bad! Later in the afternoon my legs started to feel it! Then I remembered! That DVD always KILLS my legs...sore for days! But I pushed that thought aside and went on my run! OUCH! Now that hurt and I dont want to move! Got in 2 30 minute walks today(one with the dogs) 30m running and 30 minutes yoga! Legs needed a good stretching! Ate all my daily points today and are you all ready for this, I even ate 3 of the 7 activity points that I earned today! Shocker huh!?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Day 2 Back on Track
OK second day back on track from my horrible weekend! Right with points and exercised! Changed it up a little bit due to weather, couldnt make it to the gym or do anything outside so I came home and did 40 minutes of Biggest Loser Power Sculpt(kicked my a$$), 20 minutes of pilates and 30 minutes on the elliptical! Back to the gym tomorrow!

Monday, May 12, 2008
The last 2 days have not been good! At all! I was so bummed about Saturdays weigh in and added to that some other issues, I went on a 2 day eating binge frenzy! Totally out of control. Only exercise I got in was a walk with the dogs for an hour and 20 minutes, not even close enough to make up for all the food I consumed!
But that is behind me...
Today was back on track, ate only my daily points and got in 30m walk, 30m run and 30m yoga! Was going to do something this evening but didnt walk the dogs because I have a blister on my toe and was totally irritated after the running and no bike, a storm is brewing so the wind was blowing way to hard.
But that is behind me...
Today was back on track, ate only my daily points and got in 30m walk, 30m run and 30m yoga! Was going to do something this evening but didnt walk the dogs because I have a blister on my toe and was totally irritated after the running and no bike, a storm is brewing so the wind was blowing way to hard.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Just a Little ANNOYED
I have worked so hard this week with one goal in mind! I wanted to loose 2 pounds at this weeks weigh in to make two goals, one my WW 10%(19pounds) and a total of 20 pounds! Thought it would be cool to meet both goals at the same time! I thought I was on track and had a really good shot at it! Until this morning! My TOM came as a surprise! Since going off the pills things in that department have been out of whack! To be expected I guess just why now!!!?? why not next week! I kept on track all day even though I was so bummed! Got in plenty of activity with a 30m walk, 30m run, 30m yoga and 70m walk with the dogs. The one good thing is I am not feeling all bloated and funky so I am hoping that I am not retaining too much fluid and I can still have a good weigh in. I am not feeling like a gain, I feel like I did loose, but not sure if I will make that 2 pounds or not! Guess we will know in the morning...........

Thursday, May 8, 2008
No Binges
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Slipped a Little
SOOOO mad at myself! This week is teacher appreciation week so the lounge has been loaded with food all week, until today I managed to avoid it. Well, today they had Mississippi Mud! UGH!! So I took just one small bite, but that lead to 3 other bites!!! I should not have taken a bite at all! I wish I hadnt because not only did I give in, but because I have given up sweets, it really kinda made me sick which just made me feel worse! So I over compensated, I didnt eat my afternoon snack before going to the gym, of course it was a running day so I felt sluggish the whole time! It was hard to finish. I walked 30minutes, ran 30minutes and did yoga for 30minutes. No walk with the dogs or bike ride tonight when I really needed it to work off the junk but I just didnt have the energy! Not counting the mud I have 2 points from my daily points and all the activity points I earned today to cover the mus so it should be ok weigh in wise, but I am just disgusted with myself for giving in!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
New Toy
Another good day! Right on with points! I was craving a Diet Dr Pepper this afternoon but I got through it and its all good now! I got in 30minutes of weight lifting, 30minutes of pilates and an one hour bike ride. Bruce bought me a new computer for my bike today. It measures speed and mileage while I am riding! I got up to 20.4mph at one point, but I averaged about 12 or 13mph. I rode 10.72 miles! Love it!

Monday, May 5, 2008
For all of 10 seconds
Yep for all for 10 seconds I pushed it up to 9mph! Not doing it again this week it was rough! Really thought I was going to fall off the treadmill! Got in a 30m walk, 30m run, 30m of yoga and then walked the dogs tonight for 70minutes! Ate all my daily points and a few activity points! I was hungry after all that! Just glad I dont have to run tomorrow! LOL I am tired but its a real feel good kind of tired!

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Good Start
Good start to another week! I ate all my daily points today plus 2 activity points. My exercise include an hour and 11 minute walk with the puppies, an hour and 4 minute bike ride and 20 minutes of pilates! I had a great time walking the dogs and they all had a great time too! I cant walk all 6 of them at the same time so I started with Jake and Molly for one mile, the Max and Gunner for a mile and ended with Blaze and Candy for my last mile! I may start switching that and the bike riding every other day during the week when I dont have time for both. Walk the dogs on the days I run and bike on the days I dont run!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
New Ticker!!
Stayed the same
Well, I weighed today and it is the same. I can live with that. I eat a Kashi bar for breakfast and have a salad with Feta cheese (I love that) and a small dinner. I think I have the eating under control. Now I need to make exercise a habit. I am thinking about selling my spyder bike and getting me something else. No one wants to ride on the spyder but the dog and he just doesn't pedal that much.....I won't be signing on much during the day, as my job is different and we aren't supposed to use the internet except for business, so I will try in the evenings. I am starting school again this summer to finish out my degree in Human Resources Management. I hope it will only take a year to get this. I will be doing it online since I can't just quit and go back to school.
Friday, May 2, 2008
OK NO I did not get up to 11mph today! I did however get to 8.5 and for now that is fast enough! I checked the treadmill that I always use and it only goes up to 11mph, so that is my goal. I want to be able to run at 11mph by the end of the summer!
Right on points today, got in a 30m walk, 30m run, 30m yoga, and a 1hour and 4minute bike ride, strange time I know but thats what it took to get the 10 miles tonight.
I am hoping for a loss tomorrow at the weigh in so I can change this ticker this week!
Right on points today, got in a 30m walk, 30m run, 30m yoga, and a 1hour and 4minute bike ride, strange time I know but thats what it took to get the 10 miles tonight.
I am hoping for a loss tomorrow at the weigh in so I can change this ticker this week!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Heck With The Wind!
LOL So today was just as windy as yesterday so I said the heck with it and went for a ride anyway! Didn't make the full 10 miles just 7 miles tonight! But it was a god workout in the wind! Also got in a 30minute walk, 30minutes of weights and 30minutes of pilates! Totally on points today! Today was the first day in over a week that I have not felt swollen and bloated! So I hope thats a good sign of things to come on Saturday!

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