Thursday, December 4, 2008

Working Out The Soreness

I wasn't too sore today just more stiff than anything so when I got to the gym I decided to go ahead and do my weight training, just decreased the amount of weights so I would work out the stiffness and not create more soreness! Then I got in 20 minutes on the ellipitcal for cardio! Ate on points all day! Actaully I still have 2 points left. Even though I have had a good week I dont feel like I have lost all that much! I sneak peaked at the scale yesterday and it hadnt budged at all since Saturday! I had thought most of the gain from Thanksgiving would have been water retention because I really wasnt all that bad but apparently its not water just more fat because no change in the scale! Just going to have another good day tomorrow and see what the scale shows on Saturday!

1 comment:

Carla said...

Keep positive, you know that the scales can change in a CAN do this and it WILL come off..Glad you didn't hurt yourself exercising.