Ok, so I'm so excitied and couldn't wait to finish my workout so I could come home and tell you all my exciting news. I went to the gym changed into my workout clothes, so heres the exciting news.....The shorts that I bought at the first of January are getting too big! YEA I was so excited to have to tighten up string so that during my workout they would fall down.
Done with the Personal trainer for this week, just cardio left tomorrow and Saturday. Then we start over again Monday. Actually looking forward to weigh in day on Saturday. Happy weighing everyone.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Last Chance Workout
I worked out hard tonite! Wohoo, I am tired but I feel awesome, and sore! LOL! I walked for 20 minutes outside in the WIND! I wish it would stop blowing! Then I did my 30 minute run/walk on the treadmill, then and here is where the sore part comes in, I did 45 minutes of Biggest Loser Power Sculpting. Oh My Godness! Feel the burn!! If I don't loose weight this week I am going to be really upset, I have done everything right and I want to see some results!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Oh My Gosh
OK, so I really like working out with my trainer, but I think I'm going to die of soreness by morning. Today was lower body workout, which doesn't take as long so he had me do some work on the mat. At fist just leg lifts, pelvic lifts, really no big deal, my abs say it was a big deal, but I can live with that. Then we did some differant stretching things and up on toes and elbows, that is what killed me. I am not strong enough to do that yet, I did it, but boy is my body yelling at me now. Well, it's off to bed now, should sleep well, just hope that I don't have to move too much.
The Good and the Bad
What a crazy day. So normally I come straight home from work and workout before anything else other wise I talk myself out of it. Today I met a friend at Subway for dinner then we went to WalMart to do some grocery shopping. I got home just after 6pm. So I decided ok its not that late I can still work out, so I put groceries away, feed the dogs and change my clothes. Then the doorbell rings. My neighbor comes over to tell me that the fence between our yards has been blown over by the HURRICANE winds we had yesterday and are still blowing today! He can't fix (apparently he has NO SKILLS!) and he is scared of the dogs! Of course Bruce is in Kansas until Saturday so I have to get this fence fixed tonight. So I go over 2 house to another neighbor who we are actually friends with. God Bless Stoney. He came over and did a temporary fix on the fence until Bruce can fix it right. According to Stoney yeah the other neighbor is scared of dogs, and also scared of his own shadow. LOL! Anyway the GOOD----It was after 8pm when we finished the fence, but instead of just blowing it off, guess what I worked out! 30 minutes on that elliptical!! Yeah for me. The BAD--I have a rule of no eating after 7pm. But since I ate dinner earlier than usual and worked out later the usual I was hungry so I ate a Fiber One bar at 8:40pm. UGH! I still had 2 points to use and it was 2 pts so it could have been worse I just hate eating that late and so close to bed time! Oh well , hopefully all will be back to normal tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Back with the Trainer
Well, my gym days were few and far between since last Wednesday and boy have I missed it. LOL, I never thought that I would ever say that I missed exercising. I didn't go last Thursday, had to do an activity with Steven at school, then Friday had a migrane so no going anywhere that day. I did go on Saturday and did a workout. Sunday, my day off, and then I was planning to go yesterday but when I got home from work we had about 5-6 inches of snow in the driveway and on the sidewalk so I thought that shoveling snow would be a good workout and boy was it. However it was no match for the gym. Felt so good to get back to the gym. Did upper body and cardio today. Feeling a little sore, but not near like when I started last week. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Thought for the week:
The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.
Thought for the week:
The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.
Ran, but not as planned
Well I got my run in today, but not the way I had planned. I had wanted to take Candy to the park and run with her outside, its for sure warm enough here today, but it didn't work out that way. Its warm, but WINDY!!!! Power lines and trees are down, traffic lights are out and grass fires all over the place, the air is brown from all the dirt flying. So I decided that being outside wasn't a good idea so I ran on the treadmill. I hope the next scheduled day to run, Thursday, will be better, for now its saying rain but we will just have to wait and see what happens, hope to get to the park!

Monday, January 28, 2008
30 minutes
I actually made it 30 minutes at one time on the elliptical! It was hard but I did it, then I followed it up with 30 minutes of power sculpting with Jillian and Bob Biggest Loser DVD! I increased the amount of weights tonite and my arms are really feeling it! Tomorrow is another run day, I am actually looking forward to running outside again! Now I need to go soak in a hot bath!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well I did it! I ran outside! I wish my treadmill worked better! LOL No really it is easier on the treadmill, but outside wasn't too bad! I couldn't run as fast outside as I do on the treadmill, but that will come with time. I took Gunner and he had a blast! He LOVES to run! I kept talking to him when we were running, "good boy Gunner" "keep going Gunner" "just a few more seconds Gunner" Mostly to keep my mind on running and not the time and wanting to stop. Poor Gunner kept looking at me like he was wanting to say back "what the heck are you talking about Mom, I am kicking your A$$." Next time I think I will take Candy and see how she does. The thirty minutes really seem to go back alot quicker outside too so thats a bonus. I think in time I will enjoy it as much as I do on the treadmill.
On another note..Bruce just left again for Kansas. A emergency property issue, but while he is there he is going to do some work for Hugo as well, to make some money. He is supposed to be back Friday but who knows if that plan will actually happen. A friend from Weight Watchers wants me to work out with her this week while he is gone at her gym. I have a free 10 day pass so it wont cost me anything and I think it will be fun to do some things I don't get to do normally.
Hope everyone has a good week!!!
On another note..Bruce just left again for Kansas. A emergency property issue, but while he is there he is going to do some work for Hugo as well, to make some money. He is supposed to be back Friday but who knows if that plan will actually happen. A friend from Weight Watchers wants me to work out with her this week while he is gone at her gym. I have a free 10 day pass so it wont cost me anything and I think it will be fun to do some things I don't get to do normally.
Hope everyone has a good week!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Not Bad
Good job girls!!! I am down 1 lb which is good considering the week that I had. I hope to do better this week. My jeans are also feeling a little better.
I'll Take it!
Well no loss this week, BUT NO gain either!! Stayed exactly the same! Since its that time of the month I will take it! I normally gain big time so I am happy. I am just feeling so much better and so energized with the healthy eating and exercising. And even though I lost no weight this week, I feel like I have lost some inches and have done some toning up so I feel good with this week!

A good week
Well, the soreness was worth it....down two pounds this week, bringing my total weight loss down 4 pounds. :) Yea, celebration time. Hope all of you do just as good!
Friday, January 25, 2008
I put on a pair of jeans last week that were tight but doable, kind uncomfortable when sitting down but I lived with it. Today I put on those same jeans and the were much more comfortable and even sitting down was not painful! Wohoo! I am still anxious about the weigh in tomorrow just because its that time of the month and you never know what the scale will show then. No exercies today, just eating good and relaxing. Hope everyone does well on the weigh ins tomorrow!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Work out
I am a little proud of myself as I have worked out three times this week. Tuesday I did a 45 minute work out, yesterday I only did 30 minutes and I really didn't want to work out tonight. I was alittle overwhelmed thinking about this baby and the way it will change my family plus all the day care centers I have called are either full or want $235.00 per week. I had a little bit of an emotional breakdown today but I did come home and work out for 15 minutes doing the one mile power walk w/ weights. I know it was not alot but I think it curbed my hunger more than if I hadn't done anything and it did relive some stress. So...all in all I know it wasn't great but at least I did something.
It sounds as if you all are still going great. TGIF Tommorrow
It sounds as if you all are still going great. TGIF Tommorrow
Not wanting to work out
I SOOOOOO did not want to work out today! BUT! I did! I walked one mile IN THE DANG COLD! yes its cold in Texas!!! In fact we are in a Winter storm warning for tonight!! Of course their idea of a winter storm warning is NOTHING to what I am used to but if it means no school tomorrow I am all for it! Anyway...I walked with Jacob (one of my students that I do adaptive PE with) one mile around the school track, did I mention it was cold.! Then when I got home I did 30 minutes of TransFirmer Super Sculpt. I was really hungry when I got home but I have to work out first or I wont do it! We had a Weight Watchers homemade pizza for dinner, I normally eat one but I was so hungry I wanted 2. Well I was full after one and didnt eat the second. Wohoo! The dogs sure were happy about it to! LOL! I made a decision today too that I am going to give running outside a try on my next running day! Running around the park on grass can not be any harder on the joints than the treadmill, so I am going to give it a shot! Wish me luck....

Going Home
Well, I pigged out last night at a Mexican place. I have to learn to stay away from those. I haven't had much time to work out this week with all the time I am in the truck. I do stay on my feet and move around while training and that is 8 hours each day. Today I am in Pittsburg and when I a done I get to go home. I am so glad, it has been a really long week. I will have Friday and Saturday back in the office area and then am back on the road to KC for a week starting Sunday. I anticipate that that week will be better because I am staying in the same hotel for the whole week. It's much easier to train for the day and go back to the same hotel and get into a routine. I will be able to exercise more. Have a good day.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Personal Trainer ...... Day Two
OK I survived the day, sore and got sorer as the day went on, then came time for the gym. I survived my second workout, but if I thought yesterday was going to make me sore, today even more sore. I feel sore in muscles that I didn't even know that I have. Can't wait till tomorrow morning when I have to roll out of bed because I can't move. LOL Must keep going, they say it takes two weeks for the soreness to wear off, so 2 days down 12 to go.
Mid Week
Here we are again! Half way through another week! UGH! I am really doing good this week with eating and exercise. I ran again tonite, although my treadmill is about to bite the dust so I may have to just force myself to start running outside if I want to keep up the running, which I do, I really enjoy it. There is a park with in about 10 minutes walking distance from here, I have been thinking about walking there as a warm up, then do my running around the park so I dont have run on pavement, then walk back for a cool down! The downside would be of course bad weather, the upside would be I could start taking one of the dogs with me as a running partner, well Gunner or Candy that is. Blaze and Max are too old and wouldnt last! LOL! poor boys! Anyway back to this week, like I said its been good but I fell yucky, its that time and I feel like I have gained 5 pounds! I just hope the scale doesnt show that come Saturday! Well, I am tired so its off to bed for me!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Personal Trainer.............
Oh yeah, getting fit and losing weight....boy I'm having seconds thought right now. JK LOL I am super sore after 1 workout. Really don't want to go back tomorrow, but I know that the more I do the less sore (and smaller) I'll be. Must keep it up so the fat will melt off, in fact I think there was a small, very small puddle, after the work out today. LOL
Oh yeah, getting fit and losing weight....boy I'm having seconds thought right now. JK LOL I am super sore after 1 workout. Really don't want to go back tomorrow, but I know that the more I do the less sore (and smaller) I'll be. Must keep it up so the fat will melt off, in fact I think there was a small, very small puddle, after the work out today. LOL
After reading all of your posts over the last few weeks it looks like you all are off to a good start. I love how honest you are with each other when you do have a slip up. I have learned the hard way that if you aren't honest about the times you back slide you will never get to going forward again. You all are doing awesome. I am in my 5th month of pregnancy now and feeling huge. I always gain alot of weight with my babies and this is no exception. While I haven't been doing great on my eating I started working out two weeks ago at home. My goal is to do at least 30 minutes of excercise at least 4x a week. Today I worked out for 45 mintues by doing a 2 mile walk away the pound with weight training and then added another 1 mile brisk walk away the pounds. I figure that is something easy to do while I am carrying this baby.
Anyhow...thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work.
Anyhow...thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work.
Show Night
I spent a good part of my day on the road. I went in to the office at 5:30, started teaching a class at 7:30, left hutch in the ice at 4:30 and drove to KC. It was a long trip in the ice. I didn't eat breakfast but the company I trained took us to Sirloin Stockade for lunch. The good news, I had grilled chicken, green beans, and crab salad. Did not go back for seconds! Yeah. For supper I ate while I was driving and did bad. I had FF because they are so easy to eat on the road, and a chicken sandwich from Burger King. Not so good. I will do better today. After I teach today, I drive home, so will eat on the road again, but I hope to make better choices.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Here we go again!
Well yesterday was a waste..could have been worse but was not good at all. Bruce took me to breakfast at Cracker Barrel, although I only ate about half of what I would have eaten there in the past, it still was not good. We had no lunch but ate dinner early. Again we went out for dinner at Frescos out favorite Mexican restaurant. I had a taco salad but WAY too many chips and salsa and for dessert a Dairy Queen peanut buster parfait. Today I am off to a much better start and I am determined to stick it out. I have already worked out for the day as well, 30 minutes run/walk on and 30 minutes Biggest Loser power sculpting! My butt hurts!! LOL! The one thing I did do right yesterday was I got my 64oz of water in! Yeah!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
New Week, New Start
OK, I'm feeling pretty positive despite my previous week. Went to the gym today, met with the personal trainer, but didn't start a workout yet, need a note from the doctor. (I sort of knew that I would, went on Friday get note after results of cholesterol test come back Monday). I did do my normal workout, and even did a little more then normal. I walked the track 5 laps, met the trainer, then treadmill for a mile, stretching, and then 3 more laps around the track so almost 2 miles today. Yea Me! :)
Here's to a good week for all of us. I have Monday and Tuesday off and since all my school work is done (so far) until February, I get to be a Mom and wife, yea cleaning....lol
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!Marvin Phillips
Don't know who this guy is but like the quote....so.....heres to a little umph for this week.
Here's to a good week for all of us. I have Monday and Tuesday off and since all my school work is done (so far) until February, I get to be a Mom and wife, yea cleaning....lol
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!Marvin Phillips
Don't know who this guy is but like the quote....so.....heres to a little umph for this week.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
My Accomplishments
Despite being depressed, stressed and lonely I had a good week! Stayed on points every day and worked out every day! The results are a 1.6 pound LOSS~ I am happy with that! I would love to see bigger numbers but thats good! My leader told me at the first of the year if I just lost 1 pound a week until the end of the year that would be a total of 52 pounds! So I guess put it that way I am ahead .6 LOL! My proud moment for the day!! After my meeting I went to WalMart for groceries! I was hungry and wanted to buy all kinds of junk but I didnt I bought only things on my list, then I had to go to PetSmart for dog food! I SOOOOO wanted to hit a drive through at that point! But I DID NOT! I am so proud of myself! I came home and I am now going to go fix me a healthy point smart lunch then work out! WoHoo! 30 minutes run/walk and 30 strength training!

Not a good week
OK, so the week started off pretty good, Monday was Fabulous so I thought things would be good. Well, I don't know what happened, stress, stress and more stress and so the scale reflects that stress this morning. I did make it to the gym everyday except Thursday and I have a good excuse for that day. It was Steven's 17th birthday and we took him out to eat. So no loss for me only gain, but I'm not too discouraged, I sort of knew it was coming.
On a happier note I meet with a personal trainer on Sunday, (free at the base fitness center). This will help my workouts. All I've been doing is treadmill and I know I need more to balance things out.
On a happier note I meet with a personal trainer on Sunday, (free at the base fitness center). This will help my workouts. All I've been doing is treadmill and I know I need more to balance things out.
Where is everyone???
I weighed in this morning and am down 1 lb. I'm happy with that since I haven't been able to exercise very much with being sick. I now have bronchitis and with the asthma it will take me forever to get over it. I really hate January. It seems that every year I go through this. My day revolves around cough medicine, hot tea with honey, lots of water, steam cloths on my face, and niquil at night to sleep. Yeah!! Have a good day everyone.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Feel the Burn
Today has been a really good day! I have exactly my 20 points (last week on 20 go back to normal 24 on sunday) and i feel great, not hungry at all! Exercise! Kicked butt tonite! Did 30 minutes of run/walk on treadmill and then I just finished 20 minute bootcamp Biggest Loser DVD I LOVE BOB! LOL! I was going to do another 10 minutes of Jillian but I do believe I have had enough! I am ready to chill out! If that doesnt help me sleep tonite I dont know what will!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hunger Moment
So I dont normally have a morning snack because usually I dont get hunger after breakfast until its time for lunch! But this morning something was different...I was feeling hungry about and hour or so after I ate breakfast and I was like "what the heck" So I stopped and thought about why I was hungry and if I was really hungry or just stress eating...my conclusion was I was thirsty. I was REALLY tired this morning and needed caffeine so I got a Diet Dr Pepper on the way to work from Sonic so I drank that most of the morning, instead of the water I normally drink. Generally from breakfast to lunch I have 48 oz of water but this morning I had barely 12 oz because of the soda, so I started drinking my water and surprise the "hunger pains" went away! I was SO proud of myself for thinking it through and not just jumping into eating something! Wohooo! My exercise tonite was 30 minutes of intense upper body weight lifting my arms are so tired its hard to just type this! LOL!

Feeling better
I am finally feeling better. The flu symtoms have stopped and now I only have a head cold. I am still not exercising, but if I feel good this afternoon I might get in the hotel pool and walk some laps. I have to travel to Manhattan again today. Both of my classes this week were rescheduled and now I have a really packed rest of the month.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Is it Only Tuesday?
This week just seems to keep dragging and dragging! Will it ever be over? So far so good on the eating, I am right at my points so if I can just control the junk eating tonite it will all be good. I did my 30 minutes run/walk today so I do have 4 activity points in reserve but I am trying not to use them...maybe tonite will be easier because I will be watching Biggest Loser and that always seems to motivate me! I LOVE Bob! LOL!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Hanging On
Barely, but I am! Good day with eating. Ate my 20 pts and a couple of activity points that I earned. BUT today I ate them because I was hungry, not because I was feeding emotions. It was a evening snack not a binge like last night! so I feel ok about it. My exercise today was a 30 minute walk and 35 minutes of intense body sculpting(FIRM DVD) I will be feeling it tomorrow! Now if I can just figure out how to get some sleep tonite it would be all good!

It's been a super Monday
Sunday's are my day off from everything....but I think I really did good. No exercise, but I planned that, I figure 6 days and a day of rest. I did a little more snacking then I usually do, but mostly healthy, cheese and crackers, a couple of cookies, and then there were the cheetos, probably not the best choice, but I Ok with that.
Back on the band wagon today, ate well, and exercised my 20 minutes on the tredmill, then did stretching on the chair stretchy thing, then done, but I really felt like I needed to do more, just didn't know what to so got a protien shake and went home. Hot dogs for supper but no chips, overall I'm pleased with my day!
Back on the band wagon today, ate well, and exercised my 20 minutes on the tredmill, then did stretching on the chair stretchy thing, then done, but I really felt like I needed to do more, just didn't know what to so got a protien shake and went home. Hot dogs for supper but no chips, overall I'm pleased with my day!
Well, I have been sick all day with the flu. I had 2 people in my class last week that had the flu and I think they shared! The bright side is, I should loose some weight, but will probably gain it back.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
one good thing
Well, the only good thing I have found with getting sick right after Christmas. I really haven't been hungry. So it's allowed me to make, I think better choices. WELL, that is until yesterday. Lunch out w/ grandma for my birthday and then Jamie wanted to eat out last night. So at lunch I only ate half of what was on my plate (ate the rest today). Dinner was harder, Mexican. I really limited the chips and salsa I had. And luckily, there taco salad is really small. Jamie and Kelsey wanted desert. Which I'm proud of myself, I didn't have anything.
Now if I could only get the motivation to start working-out. I think I'm on the right track w/ the food. NOW I need the right track to work-out on!
Now if I could only get the motivation to start working-out. I think I'm on the right track w/ the food. NOW I need the right track to work-out on!
Well today so far so good! I have had a really good day with my eating, really good at least so far, evenings are my worst time anyway and right now with Bruce gone its doubled! Exercise today was my running day and did some upper body weights. I have also drank 3-32oz jugs of water, trying to flush out the crap from yesterday! Just trying to keep myself busy right now so I don't think about food!
And Later...Well I couldnt do it! I didnt have the willpower I just finished a late evening binge! In about 15 minutes I ate a hershey 100 calorie stick, a weight watchers 2pt bar and some chips and salsa. The chips were baked tostitos and I did at least measured them out to the serving size and the salsa was 5 calories,fat free. I washed it all down with another 32 oz of water! So over all it could have been worse but I am not happy with myself right now! I tried not to eat by calling Bruce, but he was too busy playing computer games with a friend of his to talk to me, so I ate!
And Later...Well I couldnt do it! I didnt have the willpower I just finished a late evening binge! In about 15 minutes I ate a hershey 100 calorie stick, a weight watchers 2pt bar and some chips and salsa. The chips were baked tostitos and I did at least measured them out to the serving size and the salsa was 5 calories,fat free. I washed it all down with another 32 oz of water! So over all it could have been worse but I am not happy with myself right now! I tried not to eat by calling Bruce, but he was too busy playing computer games with a friend of his to talk to me, so I ate!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
That is how my day has gone! I was disappointed in my weigh in and it just went down hill from there no matter how hard I tried to stay positive! Disaster struck in the way of EATING! and way too much of it! I went to IHOP with a friend totally pigged out!! It was stupid! Then while running errands I went through the drive thru for burgers for the dogs! Well it didnt stop there I had a burger and fries too even though I was still FULL from IHOP! I wasnt even hungry but I ate! Depressed in the lack of self control and being alone! I HATE BEING ALONE! Man Bruce just left today how am I ever going to get through this week! Everytime I turn around tonite I am either eating or crying!

OK But not Good Enough
So I weighed in this morning. Down ONE pound! Part of me is thrilled, hey one pound is good! But then I am disappointed that it wasn't more! I worked so hard this week and really expected to loose at least 2 or more! Its so darn frustrating! My leader thinks it was the working out (retaining fluid to protect joints) and that next week it will start to really show on the scale! I hope so because it makes that much harder when you don't see bigger results

Up .... or .... down
And the winner is ......(imagine a drum role here) ....... down. And the crowd goes wild. So for this week I'm down 2 pounds. What a perfect amount. I was off last week on my figuring I am not good at remembering from week to week what my starting point was. Luckily for me I wrote it down in my journal. So My total loss so far is 3.6 pounds. Monday ends my 14 day trial and I like what I see.
Thanks guys for all the encouragement and help along the way, I will be extending for 14 more days. Soon it will just be a permanent thing. But baby steps are going to get me there.
Down some
I weighed this morning and am down 2 lbs for a total weight of 202 now. I was sure I would gain or at least stay the same. Exciting!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
What a week
Well, it's been a pretty good week. I have managed to exercise everyday except 1 so I'm feeling pretty good about that, on my way to the goal of running a mile. Eating was up and down but mostly up with good choices. The scale was also up and down, but tomorrow will be the real test. I think that I'm ok with which ever way the scale wants to swing. Except for the annoying chronic back pain, I'm feeling better then ever.
My back has bothered me for several month and over the past week it is getting worse. However, I really don't want to go to the doctor because I'm afraid he will tell me to lay off the exercise and I can't do that, if I do, I know I will have a hard time getting back to it.
What do you all think?
My back has bothered me for several month and over the past week it is getting worse. However, I really don't want to go to the doctor because I'm afraid he will tell me to lay off the exercise and I can't do that, if I do, I know I will have a hard time getting back to it.
What do you all think?
Well tomorrow is the day! Weigh in day!! I am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time! I did really well this week with food and exercise so I should loose but I am always afraid of a gain! That would be sooooo disappointing! To have worked so hard and not see any results! Well I guess time will tell, at 9:30 tomorrow morning I will know what the results are! Hope everyone has a great weekend and cant wait to see how we all did this week!

Thursday, January 10, 2008
So far a good day, went to work, we had a fire drill today so some excitement. Oh yea, and I subbed this morning in Kindergarten, something I don't get to do too often this year. Everything is going pretty well. Except I did have mashed potatoes and gravy with my lunch, but I had one scoop not two like normal and I didn't finish all of them. I also had chicken and fresh veges. I had a protein bar for breakfast and for dinner tonight I'm going to have my protein shake. I'm really OK with my choice for lunch, I've been doing really good and I love the school mashed potatoes. I also did the treadmill for my 20 minutes and again went over the mile. I even jogged for a quarter of a lap, then my heart rate was too high so I slowed back down. I'm so proud of me! Only 4 days left of my 14 day trial on this new lifestyle and I'm lovin it!
Love to Run
I can't believe it but I actually like running! Its so exhilarating and I feel awesome afterwards. I just finished day 3 of week 1 on the C25K plan. As much as I like it I am not sure I am ready for week 2 yet so I may repeat week 1, I have until Sunday to decided! Also took a 25 minute walk today. I am right at the 20 points for the day too, so I hope I can get through the evening with no urges. But if I do I have some 2 point bars that will get me through since I did earn 5 activity points today! Next week will be hard! Bruce is going to Kansas and will be gone for a week, I am going to be so bored and lonely at home, danger zone, for stress eating!! Help me guys keep on track and to stay focused!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Productive Day
I took today off, called in with a back ache, not lying my back always hurts first thing in the morning. My reason for staying home was to get some assignments done. One down and one to go then done for this semester. Of corse the next semester starts February 1, so no time to slack off. I ate well and when I finished one paper, went to the gym before starting on the next paper. Felt so good. I walked the treadmill for 20 min and was able to do just over a mile instead of just under. Getting better everyday.
On another note......we have probably had 15 inches of snow over the past several days and there is more coming...joy joy. This is what my yard looks like now.
2 days on 20
Well I was able to do 20 points again today! Wohooo! I am pumped! I just finished dinner and I still have 3 points before I even reach that 20, so I will be using those later. Exercise today was a 30 minute walk and 30 minutes of strength training. I did the Biggest Loser #2 DVD for strength training....uh...OUCH! I will be feeling it for sure tomorrow...heck I already am! Now I am about to go veg out in front of the TV!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Back on track
First let me start off with a big pat on the back for myself, I don't often do that, I passed my test that I took yesterday!!!! I was so happy when I got the email saying I'd passed. I really couldn't believe it! Still waiting on the basic skills test from Sunday, but I know I passed the reading and the math, just waiting on the writing.
Went to the gym tonight, really didn't have time, but decided that I had to go and I wasn't letting anything or one stop me. Kate went with me and waited in the car because we had to go shopping afterwards for new dress shoes. YEA me! I can tell though I did 3 days on and then took three days off, it was hard to get through the 20 min. I made a mile and my 20 min on the treadmill. Then walked around Khols with Kate. (side note: shopping for dress shoes or any clothes with a true tom boy is never fun) I'm glad I did my exercise first.
Well it's off to bed, then two papers to write tomorrow and then if everything passes, I'm done till February 1 when my new semester starts.
So normally on weight watchers I have 26 points a day, plus any activity points I earn that day and my 35 flex points a week. Well for 2008 WW has started a new thing called Kick Start your program where for ONLY 2 weeks you do a 20 point day still with activity points and 35 flex point for that week. So I decided to give it a try. Sunday and Monday both I had more than my 20 points, I used 3 flex points Sunday and 2 on Monday (but now that I think about it was activity points I used since I earned them for those days not the flex points) either way I used a little more than the 20. No harm really since that is the way the program works I was just trying to use only 20 to see if I could do it. I finally did it today! I used exactly 20 points! Not to mention I earned 4 activity points for 30 minutes run/walk on the treadmill! I feel like I actually accomplished something today! Not that the last two days were bad by any means just a small personal satisfaction for me to use only 20 points!

Good Morning
Sorry, I've been off for a while. I have been busy at work with the new info that we need to train this year and I didn't take my laptop home last night. I am doing good on eating (making better choices when I eat out and eating less over all), but exercise is terrible. I can't seem to bring myself to do it. I know I would feel better, but I still don't do it. I am going to try the Walk Away the Pounds DVD tonight in my hotel and maybe that will be better.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Mentally Exhausted

Hello everyone and welcome to the work week :) Things here are going pretty well so far, other then the mental drain on the brain! So yesterday was good eating, no exercise, but I take Sunday off from exercise, so that's OK. Yesterday I also took a 4 hour exam, the basic skills test toward becoming a teacher. Today, also good eating, and again no exercise. Just don't know when I could have fit it in. I'm NOT a morning person so getting up before the kids is out of the question. I went to work after taking Katelyn to school at 7 and didn't return home till 645. I took another exam that lasted 2 hours. Tonight I still have to revise and submit two essays one on human development (not to hard) and the other a literature paper that I've been trying to pass for nearly a year now. I know that I'll be fine, at least I've got the eating under control. Thanks everyone!
What a BLESSED Day
Today has been good in more ways than one! On the healthy side its been right on track with eating and exercise!! Stayed with in my points and on the exercise end I walked for 30 minute and did 3 10 minute segments on the elliptical. The best part of the day was also on the heath issue just of a different kind, my oncologist informed me that I was free of thyroid cells and of cancer! I feel like I am now truly get a fresh start on this health thing and nothing is going to stop me!

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Back on the Wagon
Great day! Still have about 4 points left, no splurging like I did yesterday! As far as exercise goes today I did 30 minutes run/walk on the treadmill, 15 minutes of upper body weights and then walked a 1/2 mile! I was tired couldn't go any further! I am so dedicating myself this week I sooo want some good results come Saturday!! I need it to keep me motivated! Hope you all have a great week!

I was doing so good yesterday, went to my WW meeting, had a good breakfast and good low point lunch, went for a walk, then it happened! McDonalds Big Mac and Fries and Braums Ice Cream. At least I had all of my weeks flex points and it was the last day of the week so it could have been so worse! The good thing was an hour after I ate it all I was so sick!! Makes it that much easier to get back on track today~! It tasted good but I felt guilty and sick! Today will be a much better day!

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Changing the weigh day
That's funny. I was thinking this morning about changing my weigh day to Saturday also. I am usually home on Saturday's in the morning and so I weighed today. I am down 3 lbs, which supprised me because I showed no loss last night. I now weigh 204!!
Starting Over
Well I went to my weight watchers meeting today and they did allow me to start over, just as if I had first joined today! That was so great of them, the receptionist said she wasn't sure if they were really allowed to do that but she was going to do it for me anyway! She knows all about my recent struggles and has even cried with me a time or two so she was happy to give a fresh start. So I am starting with my the weight I weighed in today which was 196.4, so my goal is still 50 pounds. My doctor wants me as 146. So officially I have no weight loss to report this week, but I feel great with what I have done this week especially with the exercise!

Hmmm ........ Something to think about
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
Yea for Saturday
OK, so I missed logging in yesterday, but it was overall a pretty good day, and boy did I need a good day. 3 days down 11 to go and I'm doing fairly well. Yesterday eating was not great but not that bad either. I went to the store and bought some protein bars and salad dressing so I can keep on top of my eating. Things are better with my son, however, not over. Hopefully it will not be a long drawn out process, I really want to put it behind us.
I am making Saturday's my official weigh in date, this way we can be on the same page. Although I usually weigh every morning it will be my Saturday that will go in the books so to speak. So here it is, This morning I weighed in at ....... 257.2 .... :) super happy about that I'm down 2.3 pounds from when I weighed on Wednesday. This seems a bit much for just 3 days, but I've been eating better and I've exercised everyday.
My suggestion for the biggest loser this week, all of us deserve our name up at the top of the page. We all jumped in and started the adventure to a better us, so we all are winners!
Say a prayer for me, tomorrow I take my Praxis I test, the first step to student teaching in the fall and to getting my teaching license. Talk to you all tomorrow!
I am making Saturday's my official weigh in date, this way we can be on the same page. Although I usually weigh every morning it will be my Saturday that will go in the books so to speak. So here it is, This morning I weighed in at ....... 257.2 .... :) super happy about that I'm down 2.3 pounds from when I weighed on Wednesday. This seems a bit much for just 3 days, but I've been eating better and I've exercised everyday.
My suggestion for the biggest loser this week, all of us deserve our name up at the top of the page. We all jumped in and started the adventure to a better us, so we all are winners!
Say a prayer for me, tomorrow I take my Praxis I test, the first step to student teaching in the fall and to getting my teaching license. Talk to you all tomorrow!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Tomorrow is my weight watchers day! I am sure when I weigh in there it will show a gain only because I haven't weighed in since the first of December. However, I do have a weight watchers scale at home so I am going to weigh here in the morning before I go to the meeting to see if there is any loss from when I weighed myself at home at the first of the week~ I think due to all the health issues and everything that I am going to ask them tomorrow if I can start over, I think they may let me just because they all know what I have gone through with the cancer and all. Hopefully they will just give me a fresh start!

Feeling Good!
Wohooo ! I am on a role! I got on the treadmill this morning and did a run/walk for 30 minutes! I have not ran in nearly 8 months(since I got diagnosed with cancer) I am doing the couch to 5k program that trains you to ease into a 5K run. Look at the links to the left for Cool Running if you are interested. I had gotten half way through it before my surgeries and LOVING it. I never knew how exhilarating running could be!! Then just now I finished 30 minutes of pilates! this is hard stuff!! It really works your muscles good! Its great strength training! Still on course with my eating although I am feeling more urges to "munch" today but thank goodness there is no junk in the house to munch on, just some air popped popcorn!

Does everyone drink their water? Its soooo important to get that water in everyday! My trick to get in all in is this. I have a 32 oz mug with a straw! I drink two a day for 64 oz. The key is the straw..I just start drinking away and before you know it is gone, it goes much faster when sucking it up in the straw then just drinking it...just thought I would share that!

Happy Friday
Good morning girls. I get to go home tonight woohooo. I should be there around 6:30 if all goes well. I didn't exercise last night, I was afraid I would have an asthma attack and my inhailer in at home. I did however really watch what I ate and that was good. Have a good day and I will check back tonight.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Detox on Chocolate
I havent had chocolate for 3 days!! I am sooooo feeling the need right now. I have a box of the hershey 100 calorie sticks that are only one point but I am afraid to open it! I dont think I would stop at just one! Today was good! I did awesome on my points and exercised! Went on another 1 hour walk with the dogs and Bruce and we also did some upper body weight training! Ouch! I thought this week would be hard because I am not in school so I have alot of free time on my hands, but it hasnt been and I think its because of all of you! Thanks! I am so glad we are doing this!

Had a good day!
Yesterday I did good on the food and exercised at the hotel for 30 minutes. Today, I had a small breakfast, 1 slice of pizza (the company I trained brought in pizza for lunch), and now I am going to have a low-sodium V8 with some Kashi Go Lean dry cereal for snack before having supper. I plan to exercise after I eat tonight. (Kashi is giving me gas. I thinks it's all the fiber! LOL)
Stressed out....but OK I think
So yesterday was ok, did good on eating for the most part, not too good on water, but will build up over time. My biggest problem.....stress......if I ever doubted I'm a stress eater, I will never doubt it again! My son got in BIG trouble at school yesterday and I so wanted to pig out!!!!! Was pretty good though, got cheese sticks from Arbys, I figured protien right? After my Arby's I did go and exercise, not sure if I did my 20 min goal (forgot to look at the clock when I started) but did walk 1 mile while waiting for Katelyn to finish basketball practice. So I felt pretty good about that. Still the need for chocolate did not go away, so after supper, (Taco Salad, with doritos) I had a leftove chocolate Santa from Christmas. Really need to go thought the house and get rid of all that tempatation.
Today I weight again and lost a few tenths of a pound, I'm pleased that there was a change, after my day any thing is better then nothing. Same goals for today exercise 20 min, Eat right, hopefully contol my stresss eating.
Today I weight again and lost a few tenths of a pound, I'm pleased that there was a change, after my day any thing is better then nothing. Same goals for today exercise 20 min, Eat right, hopefully contol my stresss eating.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Pleased with my day..but not the scale!
Today has been a good day!! Its 7pm and I still have points to use! Wohoo! And as far as exercise goes. I got on the elliptical 3 different times today each time for 10 minutes, and Bruce and I walked the dogs for an hour this afternoon. I have a feeling I will be feeling it tomorrow in my legs! Ouch! LOL but its worth the pain. I got on the scale yesterday and was very discouraged. I have gained more weight than I thought. I am still under the heaviest weight I have been but I have still gained way to much. Saturday is my day that I go to weight watchers so I will be doing an "official" weigh in then so I won't be putting up any weight loss totals on here until next week. Depending how how that weigh in goes I may be changing me weight loss goal to 55 or 60! Thank God I have all of you here to help me through it!

My Confession
I got on the scales on Monday and I am going to post my weight because I know that will help get me motivated. I weighed 207 lbs. That is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. (Including when I was pregnant) I did not do very well yesterday at our last family holiday dinner, but I woke up this morning with a fresh start and so far so good. I'll let you know later if I succeed, I will be traveling for the next 2 days. My goals for the next 14 days, exercise 30 min each day, and never clean my plate.
I Did It
Ok, I did the dreaded stepping on the scale thing this morning. I wasn't pretty, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Still I have a long way to go. For now I'm just going to focus on the small goals, exercise, and eating better. So here's my plan for the next 14 days:
Exersice 20 min everyday (since I've been super inactive I figure this is a good start.
Eat a high protien low carb diet. (My Aunt gave me a protien powder drink mix that she used to lose weight on)
At the end of 14 days I will re-evaluate and deside where to go from there.
Have a great day everyone
Exersice 20 min everyday (since I've been super inactive I figure this is a good start.
Eat a high protien low carb diet. (My Aunt gave me a protien powder drink mix that she used to lose weight on)
At the end of 14 days I will re-evaluate and deside where to go from there.
Have a great day everyone
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Start
Brief update for yesterday! I ate good, stayed with in my points but I did not do any exercise. I got involved in watching the Biggest Loser, Australia marathon. I couldn't help it I love that show and it was kinda cool to watch the entire first season on Australia's version. Today again I have totally stayed within points and drank all my water. The marathon continued today but I had Bruce move my elliptical machine into the living room, I am more motivated to use it when its in there anyway, just jump on while watching TV. My goal was to go 30 minutes, but I only made it for 20 minutes,which considering I haven't been on it in MONTHS! 20 is good, after 10 minutes I was hurtin!! But I pushed through to 20 minutes. Then this afternoon Bruce and I took a walk with the dogs for about 35 minutes! So I did good with exercise today! Now I am just waiting for the new season of Biggest Loser, the American version, that starts tonite! Its couples this time so it should be interesting! Have I mentioned I love this show...LOL! Hope everyone had a good start to the new year!

Here's to a Great Year
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! This is the year to finally get healthy. I know with your support I can do it. So thanks in advance.
Have a fun day!
Have a fun day!
Tuesday January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Well, we didn't spend New Year's Eve like would wanted. My MIL ended up in the ER last night and we got home at 10 minutes to 12. She is OK though, thankfully. I didn't exercise yesterday, but want to today. We have another Christmas dinner to go to today, but I feel like I have will power.
Well, we didn't spend New Year's Eve like would wanted. My MIL ended up in the ER last night and we got home at 10 minutes to 12. She is OK though, thankfully. I didn't exercise yesterday, but want to today. We have another Christmas dinner to go to today, but I feel like I have will power.
Happy New Year
Good Morning everyone.
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
This WILL be the year we all get health!
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