Monday, January 28, 2008

30 minutes

I actually made it 30 minutes at one time on the elliptical! It was hard but I did it, then I followed it up with 30 minutes of power sculpting with Jillian and Bob Biggest Loser DVD! I increased the amount of weights tonite and my arms are really feeling it! Tomorrow is another run day, I am actually looking forward to running outside again! Now I need to go soak in a hot bath!


Anonymous said...

Wow, 30 minutes on the eliptical, I struggle to make 3 minutes. OK I know it will come but the trainer wants me to use the eliptical intead of the treadmill all the time. I'm starting slow and working my way up. The week will be great and you will do good!

WWGrlLuvs2Run said...

the ellipitical is easier in the sense there is no impact on the body like the treadmill, BUT its also alot harder!! you got the right idea start slow and move up! you can do it~!