Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Week, New Start

OK, I'm feeling pretty positive despite my previous week. Went to the gym today, met with the personal trainer, but didn't start a workout yet, need a note from the doctor. (I sort of knew that I would, went on Friday get note after results of cholesterol test come back Monday). I did do my normal workout, and even did a little more then normal. I walked the track 5 laps, met the trainer, then treadmill for a mile, stretching, and then 3 more laps around the track so almost 2 miles today. Yea Me! :)

Here's to a good week for all of us. I have Monday and Tuesday off and since all my school work is done (so far) until February, I get to be a Mom and wife, yea

The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!Marvin Phillips

Don't know who this guy is but like the to a little umph for this week.


Carla said...

Great going on the exercise. keep up the good work.

WWGrlLuvs2Run said...

way to go girl! you will be running that 5K before you know it!