Sunday, January 13, 2008


Well today so far so good! I have had a really good day with my eating, really good at least so far, evenings are my worst time anyway and right now with Bruce gone its doubled! Exercise today was my running day and did some upper body weights. I have also drank 3-32oz jugs of water, trying to flush out the crap from yesterday! Just trying to keep myself busy right now so I don't think about food!

And Later...Well I couldnt do it! I didnt have the willpower I just finished a late evening binge! In about 15 minutes I ate a hershey 100 calorie stick, a weight watchers 2pt bar and some chips and salsa. The chips were baked tostitos and I did at least measured them out to the serving size and the salsa was 5 calories,fat free. I washed it all down with another 32 oz of water! So over all it could have been worse but I am not happy with myself right now! I tried not to eat by calling Bruce, but he was too busy playing computer games with a friend of his to talk to me, so I ate!

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