Wednesday, December 31, 2008
To The Gym Twice
Thats right I went to the gym two different times today! Once this morning for a 30 minute run and 40 minutes of weights. Then again this afternoon for another 30 minute run! I should sleep good tonight! Stayed right on track with points today as well, may have a small snack later and use some of those earned activity points today. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
That is my new personal best time on a 5k run! 41 minutes 45 seconds, almost a full 2 minutes faster than I have done before! Did that this morning! Good way to start the day! I have eaten on point all day today as well and I plan to keep it that way! I thought if I journaled earlier tonight than that would help me from the late evening binges I have had the last two nights. Already journaled cant eat anymore because then I would have to come back and edit the post and I dont want to do that! LOL Hope that theory works!

Happy Anniversary!
One year ago today I started this website for all of us! Almost 40 pounds in that year! This year I will reach goal! We all will!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Another Good Day Ruined
Did it again! Had a great day! Right on track with points and eating healthy and lots of exercise. Got in a 45 minute run and 30 minutes of yoga. Then the binge started around 8pm, three pieces of chocolate and 3 bags of 100 calorie pack cookies! The good thing is all the "junk" is now out of the house! Not sure whats going on! I was so good last week and I was expecting it to be hard with all the holiday emotions and getting the truck! But it seems the emotional eating has hit after the fact! I have got to get it together! I have to loose weight this week!

I gained 2.2. I figured I would with all the eating out while Dad was in the hospital and having Christmas in the same week. It got me. But, this is a new week and I am getting back up and will get it off plus another lb by next Monday. My total loss now is 9.4 pounds.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Not The Best Start To The Week
Started the morning with breakfast at Cracker Barrel because our mom's wanted to go there before headign back to Kansas. I did OK there had egg substitute, turkey sausage and potato skillet. The potatos were the only really "bad" thing. That kept me full a long time so I didnt eat again until supper which was WW chili only 2points and 1 point of light chips! Got in 35 minute of Biggest Loser Boot Camp and 20 minutes of Biggest Loser Yoga work out today too! BootCamp is an A$$ Kicker! LOL! So not bad really, then I messed up! Went to meet a friend in Denton that was bringing me my daddys truck. I thought I was dealing with the emotions but now I know I was not, because I had a Krispy Creme chocolate donut, one chocolate covered cherry and a package of swiss rolls! UGH!!! Now I am just mad at myself for being stupid!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
OK Week
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Well I did ok for breakfast and lunch, then leftovers came for dinner and I ate more than I should including 3 bite size pieces of fudge! Did get in a 30 minute walk with my mom this afternoon! Was not a "good" day but it was not really all that bad, not as bad as it could have been! Will be on track tomorrow and back to the gym!

KWCH news
I saw Aunt Pat and Lynda on the KWCH news. They are also on the internet. I'm not doing too great on eating, for some reason I am putting everything in my mouth.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Keeping On Track
Twas The Night Before Christmas(Weight Watchers Style)
Twas the night before Christmas and what thoughts did It bring?
My mind said to me, “Why not have a big fling?”
There were pies in the oven, sugared nuts in the jar
There were snacks for the party and booze in the bar
No! I’ll resist the temptation! I’ll keep a strong head!
I’ll not eat a bite! And I climbed into bed
When out of my stomach there came such a roar
I sprang from my bed, landing flat on the floor
Away to the kitchen I flew like a flash
Tore open the fridge to do something RASH!
The light from within gave a heavenly glow
To the objects of food laid on trays there below
And about to indulge in a goodie or two,
I heard a bell jingle and stopped right on cue
Before I’d give in to a snack food to eat
I’d put on my coat and get out on my feet
Was it hunger I felt? Or was I just bored?
This year I’d think first, before my points soared I put on my coat, my warm gloves and shoes
Determined to contemplate goodies I’d choose
The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow
And on houses and trees gave a sparkle and glow
As I walked down the street, my mind did recall
All the things that we’d said at the Weight Watchers hall
At my meetings that served me to motivate
With words of encouragement to help shed this weight
I spoke not a word when my walk was done
I felt so renewed -- I knew I had won!
I walked into the kitchen, my Momentum books read
Had an orange, with a smile, and headed for bed
And I said to myself as I turned out the light
I will jingle, not jiggle -- I have fought the good fight.
My mind said to me, “Why not have a big fling?”
There were pies in the oven, sugared nuts in the jar
There were snacks for the party and booze in the bar
No! I’ll resist the temptation! I’ll keep a strong head!
I’ll not eat a bite! And I climbed into bed
When out of my stomach there came such a roar
I sprang from my bed, landing flat on the floor
Away to the kitchen I flew like a flash
Tore open the fridge to do something RASH!
The light from within gave a heavenly glow
To the objects of food laid on trays there below
And about to indulge in a goodie or two,
I heard a bell jingle and stopped right on cue
Before I’d give in to a snack food to eat
I’d put on my coat and get out on my feet
Was it hunger I felt? Or was I just bored?
This year I’d think first, before my points soared I put on my coat, my warm gloves and shoes
Determined to contemplate goodies I’d choose
The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow
And on houses and trees gave a sparkle and glow
As I walked down the street, my mind did recall
All the things that we’d said at the Weight Watchers hall
At my meetings that served me to motivate
With words of encouragement to help shed this weight
I spoke not a word when my walk was done
I felt so renewed -- I knew I had won!
I walked into the kitchen, my Momentum books read
Had an orange, with a smile, and headed for bed
And I said to myself as I turned out the light
I will jingle, not jiggle -- I have fought the good fight.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Spinning Rings
Another good day on points, still have one point left over for the day in fact and thats after most of the afternoon of baking! I did not nibble on anythig! Went to the gym first thing this morning too and got in 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes on sprints! So far so good this week and last week my rings were so tight but this week they are back to being loose and spinning around my fingers! Good sign there! I would LOVE to loose this week, the week of Christmas! That would be great!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Out Running The Man..
Was a good day on points! So far being home all day and off work I have done really well keeping on track, I think it helps that I planned out a menu for the whole week on Saturday so I was prepared for the week. Exercise today was 2 hours of cleaning house(and more to do tomorrow LOL) and at the gym I ran for 45 minutes. I did an interval running program today with running 1 minute sprints, 2 minutes fast run and 3 minutes easy run, with one minute walk times in betwen the pace was quick enough to still complete a 5K. Bruce went to the gym today with me and tried to run with me...poor guy couldnt keep up with me! LOL! Used to be just going on walks with him I would be exhausted and could not keep up with his pace(long legs) and on bike rides I would always be at least 1/4 mile behind him. A few weeks ago on a walk not only did I keep up but I was not even winded and wanted to do more but her was "too tired" Today running I smoked him! LOL OK maybe I shouldnt laugh but it sure makes me feel good to see how far I have come....

I was down 4.2 lbs today. I was really excited about it. I am now going to come up with a plan for this week also, so that I don't put anymore on. Today is my free day, so I have been doing my baking today so I don't "taste test" all week on stuff.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Work Out On Sunday
I dont normally work out on Sundays but I did today because of it being Christmas week I will not be able to get to the gym on Thursday so I am made it up by going today! Ate on points all day too, good start to the week that is going to be a long hard week! Controlling my emotional eating is going to be the goal this week!

Hello from TN
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted before now. It sounds as if things are going good for you. I am glad to hear that surgery went well. It takes awhile to feel back to normal after the anthestia. I have no clue how to spell that. Shelly congrats on resisting the pizza-that is so hard. I know as we had a pizza party at work on Friday and I was so stressed out. I found myself eating four of the cookies -they were little butter cookies but I still didn't count them and the tops off three pieces of pizza. I went to weight watchers on Thursday and lost 1.4 so I am .2 away from getting my 5 pound goal. My meetings are on thursdays so we don't have another meeting until Jan 3. I am going to try to get to Murfreesboro to attend another meeting before that. We have been so busy this weekend and I just put Tyler down for a nap so that I could relax a little bit. It sounds like reading all these posts that we are all so much alike, the binging, the not excercising as much as we should all of it-the good the bad the ugly. I so appreciate all of your honesty and it is really helping me to be honest as well.
Love you guys..
Love you guys..
Bad all week
I have been bad all week. I keep thinking, I'll exercise tomorrow and here it is Sunday and haven't done anything. I will find out tomorrow just how bad it is.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I Was Right This Week
Friday, December 19, 2008
I Know I Say It Every Friday
But once again I am saying it, I really do not think I lost any weight this week! Reason is last week my rings were falling off my fingers and this week they are tight. I just feel like I am retaining fluid for some reason. I think these last 13 pounds are going to be really hard! Today was a good day on points and then I ran for 45 minutes and yoga for 30 minutes. Just hope the scale in the morning shows some progress I would like to get that 40 pounds in the next two weeks!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
What To Do!?
Had a good day again! Stayed on track all day with points, even with temptations at work I did not give in. Got in a really good 45 minute run too. Tomorrow is supposed to be a weight training day but not sure if I will do that. Lifting weights the day before a weigh in is not a good idea. Lifting weights=sore muscles=water retention which = weight gain! At this time I havent decided what I will do I may just make it another cardio day and add in some yoga...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Feeling Fat
Ever have those moments when all is good and you actually feel skinny! Then have a moment that no matter what you do you feel fat! Well today was one of those days, feeling fat! UGH! No reason just feeling it! Stayed right on points today and got in plenty of exercise so I have no explaination for the feeling, just hope it goes away! Did 30 minutes of weight training, 20 minutes of sprints and 30 minutes of yoga tonight! Feeling good and stretched out now and ready for bed..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
No Pizza
I had totally forgot that today we were having a pizza party for some the kid at work! Man that was tough. I was really wanting to dive into that pizza it smelled so good! BUT, I did not! Instead I ate a bowl of mixed carrots, celery and radishes. LOL I am sure the pizza would have tasted better but I was proud that I did not give in. I stayed on points all day and got in 45 minutes of running tonight too. My legs are hurting tonight! Taking some ibprofen and going to bed...night!

I did it!!!
I lost 3.4 which put me under 200 lbs!!! I would have posted yesterday but didn't feel like it with the surgery. Surgery went well and I am getting my hearing back slowly. I am in some pain still with the ears and have a headache from the anesthesia, but should get back to normal by tomorrow. I am hoping to exercise again tomorrow and get back on track. Monday is my free day to eat whatever and not count calories (after weigh in of course), so today will be counting again.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Change In Routine
So I decided as I was falling asleep last night that it was time for a change in workout routine. Instead of weights 2 days a week and running 3 days a week, I am changing it up to weights 3 days and running 2 days. But I also decreased the amount of time doing weights from 45 minutes to 30 minutes so I am following it up with 20 minutes of sprints to kinda help replace that extra day of running I cut out. Day one was today, did 30 minutes of weights 20 minutes of sprints and then at home got in 30 minutes of yoga! Also changes up the weight lifting routine so I am again sore! LOL! No pain no gain right!? Right on track all day with points too, no candy in day one of secret santa, I got a glass angel that is very pretty! Wohoo! No candy! Lets hope the trend continues for the week...

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Why Do I Do This
I had a really good day, eating on points until 5pm! Then for some unknown reason, well OK not unknown, I have been thinking about my Dad alot today, I went on a junk food binge, anything and everything I could get my hands on! I am so disgusted with myself! I hate it when I do this! I know its part of the whole thing but I still hate it! I wish I had more control over myself! This may be a really difficult week, I am hoping not! Last week at school before the break and we are having secret santa week. I just PRAY my secret santa does not give me a bunch of junk food! We filled out questionaires about what we like, I put for snacks the 100 calorie packs and for drinks I put Tangerine Diet Rite. So hopefully my secret santa will pay attention to that and not get what ever they think is better! If I do get junk I may just give it to some of my kids! I obvisouly can not be trusted to have it in my house because one little week moment like tonight and I will eat it! GGGGRRRRR~!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
2.5 miles
I went 2.5 miles on my elliptical today. That is the most I have ever done. My goal is to get rid of at least 3 lbs this week. Hopefully I will.
Broke My Goal For The Week
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Little Something Different
The workout that is...still got on the treadmill, I am a junkie! Ran for 30 minutes then decided to spend 15 minutes on the bike doing some hill intervals. Ate on points all day as well. Good day, good week, but will it show tomorrow when its time to get on the scale!? As normal I dont even feel like I have lost anything, I hate that! I wanna feel it! I would love to get on the scale tomorrow and see 2 pounds down that would get back to my lowest that I was the week before Thanksgiving but that is probably not going to happen.........

Did 2 miles
I used my elliptical today and went 2 miles. It felt great. I am glad to be back exercising again. I have surgery Monday so I am hoping to weigh in before I go.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Working Out The Soreness
Man my inner thighs and hamstrings were so super tight and sore all day! But I went to the gym anyway and worked it out! Now there is no pain! Just what I neede. Spent 30 minutes on strength training and 15 minutes on the treadmill running sprints. Was going to try to get something else in tonight but it didnt happen. Went to WW meeting for the new plan and of course the meeting ran late then when I got home I had groceries to put away(Bruce went while I was at meeting) and a few more Christmas cards to get addresse and rady to mail. Now I am just too tired and ready for bed.
Lisa--Keep the snow there! Although I bet the boys are loving it!

Lisa--Keep the snow there! Although I bet the boys are loving it!

It's Snowing in TN
Hey Carla and Shelly. Hope all is well with you. Carla it sounds as if you have had a rough week not feeling good remember medicine can make you retain water and show on the scale. You will probably have a large weight loss next week. It's just a phase and you have to push thru it. Great job on the excercises Shelly. It sounds as if you are well on your way again also. I can't wait to hear how you did tonight. I skipped my Christmas party at work to go to the weight watchers meeting tonight. It started snowing just as it was time to leave which it never does here. I was halfway to the town where the meetings are held when I thought I better call to see if meeting was cancelled. I called and they didn't know of any cancellations. I finally got all the way to the meeting just to find out that they had cancelled the meeting but were still taking peoples money and letting them weigh. So even though I didn't get to learn about the new plan I did get to weigh and it showed 3.4 lbs gone. (I refuse to say lost because when you loose something you usually want to find it-I don't want to find my fat again) I have really let go of 6 lbs since I started doing program last monday but because I didn't go to a meeting until Thurs only 3.4 can truly be recorded.
I can't tell you how much your support has meant to me Shelly and this blog is a fantastic idea. I am glad you thought of it and I love the Christmas Theme. GREAT JOB
I can't tell you how much your support has meant to me Shelly and this blog is a fantastic idea. I am glad you thought of it and I love the Christmas Theme. GREAT JOB
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Running Mood
Weird how Monday I went to the gym wanting to run but when I started to run I just wasnt in the mood to do so! Today I went to the gym not really feeling in the mood to run, my legs are kinda sore but once I got there and started I was all about it! I even reduced my recovery time which increased my running time. Almost didnt finish though after the first two run/recover I was like what the heck why is this so hard, then I remembered I reduced the recovery time but was still going at the faster pace for the longer recovery time, so once I slowed the pace to match the shorter recovery time I was all good! 5K~!! Did not get any yoga in tonight like I wanted to because we decided we needed to get our Christmas cards done so they could get mailed and then I had laundry to put away! I sure could have used the stretching tonight too! Oh well. Right on track with points today too! 2 more days until weigh in...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Staying Focused!
I was a rough day but I managed to get there it and on track! The morning started out hectic and very busy which always makes me want to grab the first diet dr pepper I can fine! Not today! Had the chance to but did not give in! One leads to two which leads to three....did not want to go there! Stayed on points all day. Got in 45 minutes at the gym lifting weights and 30 minutes at home on the ellipitcal for cardio. Fighting the urge to check the scale in the morning, I hate it when I get in those moods I would just rather weight until Saturday but sometimes I just cant help myself. I am going to try to NOT get on the scale in the morning....

Monday, December 8, 2008
Return To Yoga
Day 2 this week and again a good day! Ate all my daily points and nothing over that. I think I am starting to really get back into the groove! I just want to do everything I can to get to my goal! I got in lots of exercise today as well. At the gym I had intended on running a 5K, but when I got there I was just not in the mood to run today and just wasnt "feeling it" So instead of running I spent 45 minutes on the treadmill doing increase and decrease inclines! Whoa! Could have ran and it may have been easier! LOL! Tonight at home I got in an easy pace of 20 minutes on the elliptical and followed that up with a very over do session of yoga! I love doing yoga so I dont know why I keep getting away from it and not making the time to do it. Its so relaxing and a great stress reliever! I have got to keep it in my normal routine.

Well, I gained the 1.4 back!! I am really depressed about this. I have been sick for over a week and know I didn't eat a lot!!
I like the new colors and pics.
I like the new colors and pics.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
On The Right Track For The Week
Sunday was a good day! Great start to my week! Stayed on points all day even despite the challenge to do so. Spent the day Christmas shopping so we are out and about most of the day so eating out occured but I was good! Ate breakfast and dinner at home. For lunch we stopped at Wendys where I got a side salad and a chicken sandwich but ate only the chicken not the bread or anything else. We also stopped at Baskin Robbins where I had a junior size cup of frozon non fat yogurt! No exercise today, unless you count all the walking from the shopping. Ate all 20 points. This is going to be a good week, I am excited about going to WW because they are rolling out a new program and I cant wait to see how it works!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Some But Not Enough
Friday, December 5, 2008
Time Again
Well here it is Friday night again! Tomorrow is weigh in day! Today was good! Ate all my daily points and got in 45 minutes of cardio. Did a mixure of inclines and some jogging today. 2 minutes of 15% incline 2 minutes of 1% at a jogging pace and 1 minute at 1% recover time and repeat that for 45 minutes! Tomorrow we will see if it was worth it or not! I would love to see the scale back down as much as my gain was last week! But I know that wont happen, I dont even think I lost at all......
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Working Out The Soreness
I wasn't too sore today just more stiff than anything so when I got to the gym I decided to go ahead and do my weight training, just decreased the amount of weights so I would work out the stiffness and not create more soreness! Then I got in 20 minutes on the ellipitcal for cardio! Ate on points all day! Actaully I still have 2 points left. Even though I have had a good week I dont feel like I have lost all that much! I sneak peaked at the scale yesterday and it hadnt budged at all since Saturday! I had thought most of the gain from Thanksgiving would have been water retention because I really wasnt all that bad but apparently its not water just more fat because no change in the scale! Just going to have another good day tomorrow and see what the scale shows on Saturday!
The First Step
How does that Christmas song go? Put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking down the road? That is how I felt tonight. I was having a normal hectic afternoon-got off work fed Tyler his bottle, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, put clothes from the dryer into the laundry basket and unloaded the washer into the dryer, cooked dinner for the boys and it was just about time to go when Tyler started having a melt down because he was ready to eat again. Mike had just walked in the door and so I almost used that as an excuse to not go but...because I knew you two would be checking I went. Then I couldn't find the building so I almost turned around. When I finally found it the leader told me he really didn't want me to join tonight because they would have all new material next week also so he offered to just let me sit in on the meeting. I told him that I HAD to weigh in tonight that it was do or die for me and I didn't care if the material would be outdated in a week I needed to do this. So....I did. I loved the meeting leader. His name is John and he got me so pumped up and excited and I was so thankful that I went. I so appreciate all of your support and you taking this time to make this blog and Carla you are so right TOGETHER we can do it. I am actually really excited. Let the journey begin..
On the wagon
I am feeling better...I will be glad when the surgery is over and the sinus stuff will clear up...I am working today with a friend who is also on my weight loss team and she is going to help me stay on the wagon today. My goal for the week is to weigh in under 200 lbs. I won't be exercising today as I am doing a 24 hour shift, but will be walking around the office and in the garage, so I won't be just sitting down. I am going back to the gym tomorrow and that will help get me motivated again. I have also thought of a plan for home. I have lost a little over 5 lbs so I am going to get a poster board and start clipping out pictures of things I have "lost" to put on it. For example with the 5 lbs I am going to get a picture of a bag of sugar and glue it on the poster board. I have lost a bag of sugar. My goal is to lose a combination of 50 lb bag of dog food and 10 lb bag of cat food which happens to be the amounts that I buy my animals.
Good to see you on the board Lisa.
Good to see you on the board Lisa.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Oh man am I sore today! Upper body and lower body! Today was a good points day, even with the holiday open house at the admin building, I ate lunch before I went so I was not hungry and then while there I just "sampled" a fwe things and was completely satisfied! At they gym I ran a 5K again today, it was "painfully" obvious when I started that I was not going to compete it under 42 minutes today. My legs were to sore to move to fast so I had to slow down my running pace, heck even my arms hurt when running today! Anyway I did complete the 5K in 46 minutes! Tomorrow is supposed to be a weight training day but right not I am not sure that is what I will do, may just do some cardio if I am still this sore tomorrow!
Suprised to see me post on here Shelly? I really didn't want to because if I fail this time you all will know about it but I decided to step out on faith and just do it. I know WW works as I lost 75 pounds before and 64 pounds before doing Weight Watchers so I know the program works if you just do it. I found a meeting that is on Thursdays in a nearby town. I am going to try to get brave enough to go tomorrow-I just haven't had much sucess with the group here in my home town and am looking forward to trying a new one. My only dilema is that I won't be able to go next Thursday due to a work christmas party and I hate to miss my official first weigh in so I will have to go somewhere else to weigh but I will figure it out. I thought about waiting until two weeks to start so I won't have to miss any meetings but I wanted to get started right away. I know this is only Wednesday but I have faithfully stuck to my eating program for the last three days. Even with Mike setting here snacking next to me and I haven't eaten past 8. I have found it very easy so far and I have copied Shellys lunch for the last three days (the wrap, chicken and cheese) I don't think I could do it without the three month journal so thank you very much for that Shelly. Anyhow, enough rambling but thanks Shelly for doing such a great job and helping me to get motivated. I haven't excercised at all this week as I start coughing like crazy when I am up moving around but feeling much better soon so I am going to add excercise next week. Just taking it one day at a time.
Have a great rest of the week.
Have a great rest of the week.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Back To Weights
Today was a good day! Stayed with in my points and worked out! I went back to the weight lifting after a week break from it. Spent 50 minutes doing total body and I am already sore from it! Also got in 30 minutes on the elliptical tonight while watching Biggest Loser. Tomorrow may be a challenge there is a holiday luncheon at the admin buildign tomorrow that normally I would not go to but a friend/coworker asked me to go with her to it! Hope there is lots of veggies to snack on and I have to will power to stay from the bad stuff that will be there...
Down Again
I weighed in yesterday and lost 1.4. I was really suprised. I am sick again this week so it should be a loss too. Found out yesterday that I have to have surgery which should keep me from getting these sinus infections so much. I tried a new machine at the gym yesterday called a ROM. You work the upper body for 4 minutes and the lower for 4 minutes and it is the equivalent of 30 minutes of cardio. Great for a busy day.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Back To It Again
OK Sunday for the most part was good! Stayed on points all day, until later that evening and I had a minor slip, but it was a slip with low point food so not too bad, was busy all day Sunday as well and got in a non traditional workout. Decorated the house and Christmas tree. Also put up the lights outside, which took 3 hours just by itself. LOL The bushes in front of our house were in desperate need of trimming, so we trimming the bushes and then had to pick up the mess, 11 large trashbags later we got to hang up the lights! My upper body was sore from it.
Today was a really good day! On points all day and good choices. Exercise-back to the gym! YES! I missed the gym last week. Got in a 5K run under 43 minutes! You were right Carla, running is what I needed!
Today was a really good day! On points all day and good choices. Exercise-back to the gym! YES! I missed the gym last week. Got in a 5K run under 43 minutes! You were right Carla, running is what I needed!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Are You Kidding Me?
I was expecting a gain! But this is unreal! In one lousy week, and only 2 really bad days all that week I gained 3.6! I am so sick and disgusted right now! I just so damn frustrated all I can do is cry!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Bad Thursday
I stayed within my calorie intake Wednesday as I had 960 calories total, but Thursday I had1586. I now need to go for a walk or do the DVD but can't be motivated to get that done. Maybe before the night is out. I did exercise yesterday which makes me feel a little bit better.
Not As Planned
Well I was on track just as I wanted to be until Tuesday night. THen Wednesday and Thursday I did not keep control at all! It al fell apart after the first first to the cemetary and snow balled when my dads truck that I really wanted to bring back to Texas broke down and has to stay in Kansas to get fixed. I have been a wreck for 2 days and my eating showed it! I am SOOOO mad for slipping up! I had a plan and I was going to see it through but I did not do it! Today I am on track and will stay that way but too little to late I am sure that the scale tomorrow will show a weigh in!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Broke 160
Friday, November 21, 2008
End Of The Week
Well here it is the end of the week again! Today was a good day! Stayed with in my points even have a few left, and fought off all the temptations of the work luncheon! I had nothing there! I was heppy with myself. Really did not want to go to the gym but talked myself into going anyway. Even when at the gym I kept trying to talk mself out of workingout as long or as hard as I have all week, LOL, but it didnt work. I still got in the full 45 minutes and intense running and incline in that 45 minutes! Hope it was all worth it tomorrow morning when its time to get on the scale.......

Doing Good
I did the Walk Away the lbs DVD again today. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, a banana and 2 pieces of cheddar cheese for lunch, but now and fighting off the munchies. I need a calorie counter at the house. Right now I am looking up everything on the internet to find the calories and fiber content. I have had 6 of the eight glasses of water so far.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Another 5K
I had another good day and knocked another 5K today in just under 45 minutes! Ate most of my daily points still have 1 left that will not get eaten. You would think with all the runner I have done this week I would be feeling confident and feel like I have lost 3 or 5 pounds! Nope! I dont feel like I have lost anything at all and I am far from confident about the weigh in on Saturday! Tomorrow will a challenging day, its pot luck luncheon at school there will be tons of stuff I will want to eat but cant afford to eat on a Friday. I will be strong and not give in~!

Back again
I am back and hopefully for good. I am back to the 206 lbs and need to lose 60. I am trying to eat better and today I did the Walk Away the Pounds DVD and feel pretty good. I am no longer working, so will have more time to do this and no excuses. Several things have happened and now I need to get back in order. Today I ate a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and am going for cottage cheese, a boiled egg and apple for lunch. Hopefully I will stay strong.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Running
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Trying Something New This Week
I am thinking of trying something new this week with the workouts. Normally I do Cardio Monday, Wednesday and Friday and weights Tuesday and Thursday with added cardio and yoga at home in the evenings. This week I think I am going to cut out the weights and just do all cardio and increase the cardio from 30 to 45 minutes. I have 14 pound to goal and I am thinking maybe about just blasting out the cardio to get it off then go back to the weights to tone up. I will still probably get in some yoga here at home in the evening as well. Not sure if this is a good plan or not but I am going to give it a try.
Today was a good day, rebounding from the weekend that was not so good! Ate my daily points and got in 45 minutes of running! I am only 1 pound away from loosing a daily point so I am also going to start cutting out that one point starting tomorrow!

Today was a good day, rebounding from the weekend that was not so good! Ate my daily points and got in 45 minutes of running! I am only 1 pound away from loosing a daily point so I am also going to start cutting out that one point starting tomorrow!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
That is what I would love to see on the scale tomorrow! A loss of 2.4 to put me under the new decade of weight. Really I just would like to see 1 to get me back to where I was before I had to go home. Any loss would be good since right now I am not feeling all that confident. Today was good though, I was actually under my daily points and got in 30 minutes of running. So I guess it just wait and see what the scale shows in the morning..!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Up and Down
One minute I am so Up and postive that come Saturday the scale will show a good loss. Then the next I am Down and feel like I havent lost anything! I hate this!
Anyway today was a decent day! Good on points could have been better. Breakfast and Dinner wer both on track and low points! Lunch-was OK! At training we decided to go to Olive Garden. I had a salad with grilled chiken on it~ No problem, but it also had soem cheese and croutons and I caved in and ate one breadstick. So not bad by any means but could have been better. Got in 45 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of intervals on the ellipitcal as well. Not feeling good about the weigh in mainly because I am really sore this week, sore muscles = water retention = weight gain! UGH!!! Hopefully the soreness will go away before Saturday.
Anyway today was a decent day! Good on points could have been better. Breakfast and Dinner wer both on track and low points! Lunch-was OK! At training we decided to go to Olive Garden. I had a salad with grilled chiken on it~ No problem, but it also had soem cheese and croutons and I caved in and ate one breadstick. So not bad by any means but could have been better. Got in 45 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of intervals on the ellipitcal as well. Not feeling good about the weigh in mainly because I am really sore this week, sore muscles = water retention = weight gain! UGH!!! Hopefully the soreness will go away before Saturday.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I Did Good!
Had a really good day! Even with eating out I stayed with in my daily points! I am was very hungry by the time we got to the restaraunt! So I was very pleased with myself for keeping on track! Got in 30 minutes of running today too. Tomorrow is another challenge, I found out today that I have to go to a training tomorrow, which means sitting around all day, which will make me want to munch and then there is the lunch issue, will be eating out with some co workers at the same training and who knows where we will end up at! I am determined to be good no matter what though! I can do it!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Feeling Good
I am really feeling feeling good about my efforts this week! Just hope they pay off come Saturday! Tomorrow will be a challenge, will be going out for dinner! Today was on track all day with point no problems! A the gym I got in 45 minutes of weight training, a new routine that will more than likely have me sore tomorrow! At home I got in 20 minutes of intensive intervals on the elllipitcal and 30 minutes of yoga! Bring on tomorrow! LOL!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Think I Am Fully Back
It feels so good to be back in control! Just hope I can hold on to that in the next few weeks! Today was a good points day at all daily points and NO soda even though I did think about it and had the chance I passed it up and it was easy to do! I got in 30 minutes of sprints tonight and thats it. I did not get a chance to do anything at home, one my legs are sore and two Bruce and I were talking about some things and it took up most of the evening. Tomorrow will be a good day too, Biggest Loser returns! Yes! LOL!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday Was Good!
Normally I struggle on Sundays! Today I did not! I stayed on track and it was not hard at all, no urges or cravings for more! Yes! Also I do not normally work out on Sundays but I did today! Took a 45 minute bike ride, have not riden in 2 months! My rear is feeling it! LOL Also did a 20 minutes weight segment on a weight watchers workout DVD! I do have some obstacles ahead of me this week. A friend of Bruce's from Wichita will be here, so that will probably involve eating out, but then again I have extra motivation to not over do becaues I REALLY want to loose that last one pound this week to get me back to where I was before I went to Kansas!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Almost There
SO I wanted to loose 3 pounds to get back to where I was. Didnt quit make it but almost! Lost 2 pounds! Just one to go to get back to 35 and another 15 after that until goal!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Better But Still Not So Sure
OK so all in all this was a way better week than the last 2 weeks. But I am still not all that confident that the scale will show it tomorrow! I guess I have struggled so much in the last few weeks that I have no confidence at all. I am hoping that I am wrong though. Especially since I have been struggling so much but made much better choices this week. Ate all my daily points today and took it kinda easy on the workout! It was such an awesome day that I wanted to be outside so instead of going to the gym I came home and took the dogs for a walk! A very brisk paced walk at that for 45 minutes! It would be awesome for the scale to be down 3 pounds so I would at least be back to where I was before my gain, but I am not holding my breathe on that one!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Still Struggling But Doing It
Today was another good day! In fact I still have 2 points left for the day that are not getting used! I got in weight training and 15 minutes of sprints today. I wanting to do some running today because I was feeling some overwhelming grieve and stress and needed to release it. I only got in 15 minutes because my sprints were 8.0mph or higher! I was really pushing it. Not sure what for because it really didn't help all that much. I am still struggling with wanting to indulge in everything and just give in to the emotional eating. But at even though I am fighting it I am winning! I am not giving in! Just hope the scale shows that on Saturday!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kickboxing Before Sprints=Not Again
LOL I found out today that doing kickboxing at home the night before a sprint day is not a good idea! My legs would not move! I didn't really want to slow down enough to just do inclines so I did half and half, inclines at a 5.0mph jog. That for my heart rate up just as good! Great workout! Tonight at home I got in 30 minutes of pilates. Food wise-good day! Again right on track ate only my daily points. No candy No soda!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two Days
Well I have had 2 really good days in a row now. Maybe I am back on track! That would be good! Ate just myu 21 points today! No extra candy or soda! Wohoo! Got in LOTS of exercise as well, Biggest Loser wasn't on tonight because of the elections so I worked out instead! LOL At the gym I got in my weight training, and 20 minutes on the bike. At home I got in 40 minutes of kickboxing and 20 minutes of pilates. I sure hope this all pays off this week at weigh in time!
Monday, November 3, 2008
GOD and the Treadmill
Had a GOOD day! Finally! No soda even thought it was close and I was so tempted! No "real" candy. I did have 2 pieces of WW candy but had the points for it! Stayed on track with points all day! Got in 30 minute of sprints , 20 minutes of intervals on the elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga! So while I am working out at the gym I always have my Ipod playing. Normally when running I listen to some upbeat dance music something motivating for the sprints. Today I decided I needed some spiritual time so that is whay I was listening to. Well God music and the treadmill do not mix. I was really getting into the spirit of the song and feeling it, I closed my eyes for just a few seconds and almost flew right off the treadmill! LOL Guess I wont do that again!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A New Week
I am determined this week to have a good week, no candy , no soda! Of course I said that last week too and that didnt happen! Today started off with breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Potentionlly dangerours. In the past I would have just said to myself why bother with points the rest of the day after starting off that way! But not today. Actually at Cracker Barrel I did OK! Had a skillet mix of potatos, scrambled eggs, and sausage. The eggs were egg beaters and the sausage was turkey! So not too bad. I was satisfied but not stuffed sick! I was not even hungry the rest of the day so did not eat again until dinner(of course breakfast was actually close to noon) For dinner I had a homemade 3pt bean and cheese burrito, so that was 18 points to use for that breakfast I dont think it was that many but I am considering it that anyway! No workout today just relaxed to prepare for the week ahead. I so want to get back to my 35.2 to start using the ticker again! I do not want to change it to go backwards only forward so thats why I have been leaving it off until I get back to were I was....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Just Don't Know
Was an OK day! I think I was in my points, counting everything I knew the points for I still had 4 points left for the day, that goes to a piece of pumpkin roll I ate that a coworker made. It had to be at least 4 points. So I was probably right on with points. Did not work out today! Just felt like I needed a day off, not good a day before a weigh in. I am kinda sore from Wednesday and Thursdays workouts though so I just sat around and relaxed all night. The scale this morning was showing I was up! Go figure! I dont feel like I gained this week but I sure dont feel like I lost either...guess we will know in the morning!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
WW Candy
So today was an OK day! Fought the chocolate cravings again today, but I was prepared I had my weight watchers candy with me and ate it! And because I had I managed to have my chocolate AND stay with in points! Yes! Work outs were good, 30 minutes of weights(I am sore from the Tae Bo last night) 15 minutes of sprints on the treadmill, 20 minutes of intervals on ellipitcal and yoga! One more day left...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Change Up
Today was another good day points wise! Had one minor slip with a mini kit kat! Going to take my weight watchers candy to work with me tomorrow and hope that when the "cravings" hit that the WW candy will do the trick. Exercises I changed things up a little tonight. At the gym instead of running sprints I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill walking inclines, then tonight at home instead of elliptical and yoga I put in a Tae Bo DVD! I was getting bored with the elliptical, although it would have been easier than Tae Bo! That is a work out!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
No Pizza, No Cake
Very good day! Two days in a row with no extra crap. Ate only my daily points. I did NOT give into the pizza or the cake at work today! The satisfaction of staying away is much better than the guilt of giving in! Lots of exercise today too, 30 minutes of weight lifting, 15 minute intervals on bike, 20 minute intervals on ellipitical, and 30 minutes of yoga! I think I may be back on the right track....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Today was a good day just like I knew I could do! Ate only tmy 21 points, even wehn tempted by the chocolate I did not give in today! Yes! Got in 30 minutes of sprints today for exercise. Didnt get anything in extra at home because its my anniversary so instead of working out I did stuff with Bruce~
Tomorrow will be a challenge at work, a birthday cake for a co worker and its pizza party day for the behavior kids! I can do it!
Tomorrow will be a challenge at work, a birthday cake for a co worker and its pizza party day for the behavior kids! I can do it!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Decent Day
For a Sunday when I generally have a hard time staying on plan I did fairly good today! I had a 6 point breakfast and because I was busy all day I did not have lunch. We were planing on going to Outback for dinner anyway so the skipping lunch was kinda intentional. At Outback I ate one piece of bread, had a salad with chicken on it for dinner and about or 6 bites of the the dessert that we got to share. Not bad considering I had 15 points for it. May have gone over a little but not all that much! I am determined to have a better week than last week.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Scale did not move this week! No loss no gain! I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks and its going to take me 6 weeks to lose it!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Finally a day that was on track all day! I ate just my 21 points no more no less, no extras in cnady or soda. Although almost on the soda. I went to subway today for lunch, by the time I got there I was frustrated and hungry, got my sandwich and baked chips and drink. The tea machine was empty they only had Dr Pepper that I would drink so I got that. Not even Diet Dr Pepper so it was loaded with points. Well I took about 3 swallows of it and was disgusted so I threw it away and bought a bottle of water when I got back to work to eat with the sandwicch! Exercise was only 30 minutes of sprints, don't like to do too much on Fridays because I dont want to be retaining fluid from sore muscles on Saturday! One good day this week thats it! I have no confidence at all about the weigh in tomorrow! I wouldnt be surprised if I gained!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Why Can I Not Do This!
I can work this program! I know it but I just do not have any control right now and I feel like I am spinning out of control. Today I had no soda, but I resorted back to the chocolate! It doesnt even help it just makes me feel worse but I cant seem to stop. Again points would have been good and on target if not for the candy! Workout again good, 30 minutes weight, 15 minute intervals on bike, and 20 minute intervals on ellipitcal. Didn't work in the yoga tonight though. I just wish I could get back on track with the eating like I have the exercise!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
One Junk for Another
OK Good stay mostly! Stayed with in my points today! No going over with bite size candy bars, just replaced it with a better but still bad choice. I never drink soda during the week, only on Saturdays. Today I had not one but two large Diet Dr Peppers from Sonic. So at least it didnt cost my any points just the caffeine and bloating from the carbination. Got in plenty of water today too so I guess its not all that bad. Todays work out was 30 minutes of sprints, 20 minutes of intervals on the elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga...maybe back on track!??...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Work Outs Great~Eating, Not So Much
I can not seem to get the cravings and urges to eat under control. Again it was a good points day for meals if I had stuck to it! I again snacked on a couple of bite size candy bars! I am so irritated with myself! On the good side of things I am kicking a$$ at the workouts! At the gym I got in 30 minutes of weights, 20 minutes of intervals on the bike that had my booty burning! LOL At home during biggest loser I got in 20 minutes of intervals on the ellipitcal and 30 minutes of yoga! I have just got to get the eating under control!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Back in the Groove...Maybe??
Well yesterday went OK! I stayed on points all day and was really good until late that evening. Bruce wanted to go get ice cream. I thought OK I have no points but a small cup of frozen yogurt would be ok and not put me over too much. Well, we went to Baskin Robbins and only frozen yogurt they had was vanilla. So instead I got a small cup of regular ice cream. Not a good choice but still not over too bad. I did not get the bike ride in on Sunday either, we were busy all day running errands and giving all the dogs baths!
So for today, I was again on points all day, slipped up a little with 2 bite size snickers. Not bad but over the points. But I do have activity points today to cover those two bite size bars. 30 minutes of HIIT sprints on treadmill, where I was able to get back up to 7.5 and 8mph today. 20 minutes of HIIT on elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga
So I am almost there, back into the groove of things, just having minor slips that I can get under control soon......I hope.....
So for today, I was again on points all day, slipped up a little with 2 bite size snickers. Not bad but over the points. But I do have activity points today to cover those two bite size bars. 30 minutes of HIIT sprints on treadmill, where I was able to get back up to 7.5 and 8mph today. 20 minutes of HIIT on elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga
So I am almost there, back into the groove of things, just having minor slips that I can get under control soon......I hope.....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Well of the 5 pounds I gained I have lost 1.8 of them! 3.2 to go to get back to where I was and get movign down again! Today is Sunday and normally I have a hard time sticking to the plan on Sundays but I am going to make a BIG effort to stick to it and maybe even work out which I don't normally do on weekends! Its going to be a really nice day so I am thinking of going for a bike ride later!~ Today is also "Doggie Bath Day" That alone can be a work out! LOL
Friday, October 17, 2008
Too Little Too Late!?
Today was a perfect day on plan! Ate all the right stuff and was within points! Got in just 30 minutes of sprint intervals today! Was going to do elliptical and yoga tonight but ended up going to the grocery store instead! So tomorrow is weigh in day! Was it too little too late today to show a loss on the scale tomorrow!? I am not over confident at all! I actually feel like I gained again! UGH!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Slipped Again
The day started off good! Got through a very point friendly breakfast and lunch! Mid afternoon trouble hit, in the form of 3 brownies! Sort of redeemed myself though! Dinner was 3 points so I still had 7 points left for the day((not counting the brownies)) I got in 30m of weights 15m of intense intervals on the bike, 20m of intense intervals on the elliptical and 30m of yoga. SO the activity points and the remaining 7 points should cover those blasted brownies!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Back in the Groove
Ok today I fianlly felt like I was totolly back on track! Ate good all day and stayed with in my points! For exercise I got in 30 minute of sprints, although they were even slower than Monday's! Most of them were at 6pmh some at 6.5 and one at 7mph. I just couldnt make my legs go any faster! They are sore and stiff from yesterdays weights and still tryign to work out the stiffness from no work outs for 2 weeks. At home tonight I did 20 very intense minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of yoga!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So today was a better day! Stayed on points just like I needed to! And got in several work outs! 30 minutes of weight lifting, and YES I am feeling it after 2 weeks of no weights! 15 minutes of incline work on the treadmill, 20 minutes of the ellipitcal and 30 minutes of yoga! Now nothing left but hot shower and sleep...
Monday, October 13, 2008
I have always enjoyed Yoga since I started it a few months ago. Especially after running for a good stretch or when I have sore muscles. Today I discoverd the true spiritual feeling and relieve of Yoga. After 2 long weeks of stress that I could never imagine tonight the yoga was truly healing for me!
Back up a few days, I did weigh in on Saturday and I was up 5 pounds! Dissapointing but considering the last 2 weeks I can not get too upset about it. You would think that being up 5 pounds would have kicked me into gear to get back on track, but no it didn't. Saturday was totally out of control and Sunday started off good but I lost the control and slipped up again. Sunday was just a emotional day and I feed it with food.
Today was an OK day, could have been better but way better than the last few days. I got in 30 minutes of sprints and the yoga. Its amazing how much you lose in just 2 weeks! My sprints are normally 8-9mph. Today I was hurting at 7mph. Got in a few 7.5 but it was hurting too much~! I know it won't take long to get back up to 8 and 9mph so I will just keep working at it.
Back up a few days, I did weigh in on Saturday and I was up 5 pounds! Dissapointing but considering the last 2 weeks I can not get too upset about it. You would think that being up 5 pounds would have kicked me into gear to get back on track, but no it didn't. Saturday was totally out of control and Sunday started off good but I lost the control and slipped up again. Sunday was just a emotional day and I feed it with food.
Today was an OK day, could have been better but way better than the last few days. I got in 30 minutes of sprints and the yoga. Its amazing how much you lose in just 2 weeks! My sprints are normally 8-9mph. Today I was hurting at 7mph. Got in a few 7.5 but it was hurting too much~! I know it won't take long to get back up to 8 and 9mph so I will just keep working at it.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Starting Over
I have been off plan for 2 weeks due the hospitalization and death of my father! I know I have gained and its going to be big! Part of me is like so what!!! In the grand scheme of things weight gain compared to what I have gone through in the last 2 weeks is so not important. But then the other part is angry and frustrated for not sticking to the plan and allowing the gain. Not only the eating but not even working out. Tomorrow is Weight Watchers day. I have not decided yet if I will weigh in, even if I dont and wait until next week its still going to show a gain just a smaller gain.....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Working It Out
I hope! I was still sore today but I worked out hoping to work out the soreness! I lifted weights for 30 minutes, did the elliptical for 20 minutes and rode my bike for 45 minutes! Ate all 21 points today even tried something new! Weight watchers has a new pasta out that you can only get at meeting, its only 3 points so I tried it with some chicken and it was really good! May have to get some more at the next meeting!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I was feeling pretty good this morning bu the longer the day goes the more sore I get! I ate all 21 points today and turned away a piece of cake that was very tempting! Went to the gym after work and ran sprints for 30 minutes. While watching Biggest Loser tonight I got a little more motivated so I jumped on the ellipitcal for 30 minutes and then did 30 minutes of yoga! The stretching was painful but I think it helped!

Monday, September 22, 2008
New Routine
Ouch! LOL I moved on to a new weight lifting routine today and tonight my legs and abs are FEELING it! Good pain, right!? Yeah well we will see in the morning how good it is! So besides the 30 minutes of weight lifting and did 20 minutes of steep inclines on the treadmill and a 30 minute bike ride! Yes I am ready for bed! LOL! I ate good too, got in all 21 points plus one activity point! Working extra hard this week to loose this week and not repeat the 5 pound curse of following week gain!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well my day started off on the right track but because of circumstances of the day it didn't end that way! Got busy helping Bruce on a job and ate lunch way to late in the day and was starving so I had no self control at all and it just went down hill from there! Bad but not horrible by any means but I am still dissapointed in myself for not sticking to the plan! I do not want to repeat the last 2 times I hit a 5 pound milestone, the following week I gained! This week I WILL NOT do that! The rest of the week I will be on plan and I am going to workout like I did this summer! Today I got in a 45 minute walk with the dogs so its off to a good start there!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Can I Get ONE!?
One pound, thats all I want to see down tomorrow! That will be put me at 35! Although really I would like to see more than that because on the last 2 5 pound marks. 30 and 25 I lost enough to get there but each time the following week I gained a little to put me under that total again! Very annoying and I do not want to do that again at 35! So I am really hoping for more than one but I will take what I can get! Today exercise wise I got in 30 minutes of running, 30 minutes of bike ride and 30 minutes of yoga! Ate all 21 points. So now its just wait and see what the scale says in the morning!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Back Into Work Out Mode
So yeah for me I have been slacking off a bit on the workouts, not so much as slacking off but take a rest without stopping completely. But I am back at it now and ready to go! I was getting really worn down with all the work outs over the summer but not I feel refreshed! Today I lifted weights for 20 minute, did the ellipitcal for 30 minutes and rode my bike for 35 minutes. On the eating side of things I ate all 21 points AND one activity point! For me that is a big deal I hate eating activity points! Makes me feel guilty and like I am eating more than I should even though I know its ok to eat them! Still not feeling too confident about weighing in on Saturday with the way things have been going! I just hope the extra work outs will make it worth it and show on the scale!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On The Bike Again
I have not rode my bike in over 2 weeks, so tonight I decided it was time to get back on it! And I did! It felt awesome to be back out there riding! I didn't know how much I really missed it until I was out there riding! I have been thinking that my lack of weight loss lately has been for 2 reasons, 1 I eat almost the same stuff every day no variety! So today I sat down and wrote out a new menu of sorts for all 2 meals yes including breakfast no more cereal, and I am going to start it next week after I get a chance to go to the store this weekend. And 2 since school has started yes I have worked out but not as much as I was during the summer. So thats why I decided it was time to get back on the bike! Increase work outs! Hopefully with more work outs and change in eating that will shake up things a bit and I will get back to some good losses! I want to be at goal by Thanksgiving and Lifetime before Christmas! So my complete workout today was 30 minutes of HIIT sprints on the treadmill, 30 minutes of yoga and 45 minutes bike ride! On the eating side all I am going to say is I get 21 points and I ate all 21 points. I figure why bother with writing it all out when during the week its always the same with few differences for lunch, it varies from chicken strip wrap to baked potato to leftovers from night before! So until I start the new menu next week I will let the point by point journal go for now....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Biggest Loser
Wohooo Biggest Loser starts again tonight! Its become my favorite show! LOL
So for today I started the morning fighting the scale obsession! I go through stages of weighing once a week and stages of weighing every day which is NOT a good thing! Today I had that urge to weigh but I fought it and won! I did not weigh! Had a good day today! Breakfast was 4 pts(normally the same thing every day for breakfast because I dont have time to make anything else before work) 2pts cereal, 1pt apple, 1pt yogurt. snacks were 2pt 1/2 fiberone poptart, 2pts fiberone bar, 2pts crackers and cheese. Lunch was 7pts, 6pts chicken strip wrap, 0pt salad and 1pt yogurt and dinner was 4pts a bean and cheese burrito(homemade). Exercise was 30 minutes of weight lifting and 20 minutes on the elliptical! Not its time to go watch BIGGEST LOSER!

So for today I started the morning fighting the scale obsession! I go through stages of weighing once a week and stages of weighing every day which is NOT a good thing! Today I had that urge to weigh but I fought it and won! I did not weigh! Had a good day today! Breakfast was 4 pts(normally the same thing every day for breakfast because I dont have time to make anything else before work) 2pts cereal, 1pt apple, 1pt yogurt. snacks were 2pt 1/2 fiberone poptart, 2pts fiberone bar, 2pts crackers and cheese. Lunch was 7pts, 6pts chicken strip wrap, 0pt salad and 1pt yogurt and dinner was 4pts a bean and cheese burrito(homemade). Exercise was 30 minutes of weight lifting and 20 minutes on the elliptical! Not its time to go watch BIGGEST LOSER!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Feeling Good
Staying on track on Sundays seems to make me more postive about the week! I felt totally in control today even when tempted by many obstacles, food at work, chocolate cake and chips and salsa! Said NO to both! At the gym, had an equipment issue that I easily could have just walked away from and not have worked out but didnt! My food journal for the day was 4pts breakfast, 2pts for cereal,1pt for apple and 1pt yogurt. Had a midmorning snack of 2pts which was 1/2 of fiberone poptart. Lunch was 7pts, 5pts for chicken strip wrap, 0pts for salad and 1pt for yogurt. Afternoon snack was2pts fiber one bar. Dinner was 4pts for egg/cheese/hashbrown wrap and a 2pt snack of cheese and crackers. That is something new this week too, looking back over the last few weeks I have noticed that at the end of the day I had 2 or 3 sometimes 4 points left. Not a good thing! And when journaling here I would just indicate I was on points..well not really if I am not eating all of them. So this week I am making a conscience effort to eat all 21 points! At the gym I got there all ready for my HIIT day! Well all the treadmills were full...I was irritated so I took a few laps around the gym and decided that I would change it up and do HIIT on the elliptical instead, so I go back into the cardio room, all the ellipitcals are full except for the 2 that are stationary the ramp does not go up or down and the arms dont move! I hate that machine so now I am just ready to give up and not work out! So I take another lap around the gym and check again and YES a treadmill is open! So I hop on and have an awesome 30 minute session of sprints! Normally dont have those issues at the gym with equipment not sure why it was like that today! Then I came home and did 30 minutes of yoga! So not a bad day at all.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008
2 Sundays In A Row!
Today was the second Sunday that I have worked at staying on program and did it! Today was a little harder just because I was home alone this afternoon and bored so I wanted to eat but didnt! Also been thinking about making this more of a journal/log and actually posting what I eat and opposed to just saying on points..going to give it a try anyway I amy get lazy about it and go back to jsut saying on points...I have 21 points a day..so here it is! Breakfast was 5 pts..1pt egg whites, 1pt english muffin, 2pts turkey bacon(2) and 1pt yogurt. Lunch wsa 4ts..2pts grilled cheese, 1pt fatfree pringles and 2pts fiber one bar. Dinner was 6pt chicken strip wrap. Snacks throught the day were 3 pts of one fiber one ppop tart and 1 yogurt. Total 21 points. Exercise included earning 3 points for just over an hour of mowing the yard, it was tall and wet! LOL~ and earned 1pt on my pedometer. I have a weight watchers pedometer that tracks steps, miles and earned points. Today was a slow day only 1 point~! LOL
See now that I have done that not sure I will stick with it! It was too much work! LOL!

See now that I have done that not sure I will stick with it! It was too much work! LOL!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here we are AGAIN
The eve of a weigh in and I have no confidence what so ever that I have lost weight. Yesterday I was up 1.8 today I was still up just not as bad at .6 What is going on???????? I am really dreading the weigh in tomorrow! But for today, good day ate on points and ran. Got in 30 minutes of HIIT! Also when I got home I did about an hour of outside work, picking up yard furniture and stuff like that and loading a stack of 2x4 lumber on the trailor and moving about 7 windows from outside on the side of the house to the garage. All in prepartion for Hurrincane Ike. Supposed to hit tomorrow and they are prediciting some really strong wind and storms so I picked up and moved all that stuff so it would not blow away! Exercise is exercise I guess! Just hope its enough to make the scale go down tomorrow!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
So Irritated and Discouraged
I cant believe this ! This morning the scale was up 1.8! Unreal! I dont have that much time to get it off before Saturday I dont even know why or how I gained it! Its been a good week! I thought for sure it would be down! Ate on points today and got in 30 minutes of weights and 20- minutes on elliptical! I just feel so discouraged right now!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Back To It
Back on track mostly today! Was on with food ate my daily points still have 2 left. Exercise- did not get in what I planned! It was supposed to be a HIIT day! Did not make it to the gym! Came home after work and took the dogs for a walk instead, which ended in a 1/2 mile run....in the rain! LOL Got rained on so I jogged the last 1/2 mile home. Did not make it on bike ride as planned either because of the rain, maybe tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Big Step Back
Messed up the points plan today! Did good up too dinner! We have a friend from Kansas visiting so we went out for Mexican. Which was planned and I planned for it, if we had eaten at a normal time all would have been ok, but we didnt make out for dinner until 7:30 so we didnt get food until 8:00pm by then I was starving and did not have much self control and now I am disgusted with myself! Got in 30 minute weights and 20 minutes on elliptical today! No bike ride,because of visiting friend and besides that it was raining again! 4 days to undo the damage I did tonight!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Still Doing It
Today was another good day! Ate all but one daily point. For exercise I started HIIT again I havent done it in several weeks. I was getting to the point that all out sprints were killing me and I had no energy to finish them. I read an article on HIIT that mentioned after a while you sometimes need to take 2 or 3 weeks off from doing them because you do work so hard on the intervals that it wears your body down. Take a rest then start again. So that is what I did, but since its been several weeks I did not start back up at 60 second sprints, I restarted at 30 second sprints, for 30 minutes and it felt awesome! 30 seconds is a good time for me I think it was when I started the 60 seconds that I started hurting. 30 seconds is good compared to when the first time I ever tried HIIT I did 15 seconds for only 20 minutes. I am ready for the next HIIT day! LOL Well ok not really but I will be when its time for it on Wednesday! Was going to start back on the bike rides tonight as well but the rain got in the way!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First Sunday
This was the first Sunday in a VERY long time that I have stayed on points! It feels great! I actually still have one point left for the day! I normallu start off good but half way through the say I loose it and binge eat! But not today! Off to a good start for the week!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Down but not Enough
The scale this morning was down from yesterday but still up from last Saturday! I do NOT have much confidence at all that tomorrows weigh in will be a good one! Today I ate on points. For exercise I mowed the lawn and cleaned up the back yard! Should have been running for hours to work off what ever it is I gained but just not very very motivated! Felling very down and frustrated!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
What is Going On?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I just dont get it! The scale this morning said I was up 1.4~ I know I made some bad choices earlier this week but I did not expect to see that! I am so bummed! Just hope its down by Saturday! Today I ate on points, still have 2 points left! Got in 35 minutes of incline work on the treadmill with the scale up I should have ran but just didnt feel like I had the energy for it! Have not been riding my bike this week! Hurricane Gustav has hit this part of Texas, you can barely stand up outside without being blown over there is no way to ride the bike!

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